Easy snacks to pack for a weekend away!

(Becky Searls) #1

I’m heading to my in-laws this weekend so I want to be sure to have some high fat low carb options on hand. Here’s what I packed up: 2 electrolyte waters, a green juice (low carb), pepperoni, homemade cheese crisps, precooked bacon, precooked greenbeans roasted in lard, 2 single servings of guac (usually hate pre-made store-bought stuff but this kind from Trader Joe’s is pretty good!) + 1 whole avocado, 1/2 a pack of kerrygold butter, and some cheese! Other ideas: some macadamia nuts (might still add), a blender bottle of bone broth, or prepackaged meat sticks (my fave are nick’s sticks http://www.nicks-sticks.com/ ) :slight_smile: honestly this is more than I eat most 2-day periods so I think I will be all set! So excited!

(Mark) #2

Sardines in olive oil travel pretty well

(matt ) #3

That’s a fine travel kit!

(Derek I. Batting) #4

I may refer to this the next time I travel. :smiley:


What do you add to create your electrolyte?

One to consider is fish, when I travel for work I always take a pack of smoked salmon and cream cheese.

(Becky Searls) #6

Not sure I understand, sorry! Electrolytes are in the water, not in the food? Well I suppose also in the food, but…you know? hmmm I’m stumped at how to articulate this better. Someone help a girl out?? :slight_smile: lol

(Becky Searls) #7

Follow-up: leftovers! I snacked in the car on the way so that I would be full when I arrived; then I fasted til 4 PM the next day and ate some tasty high fat low carb snacks (spinach dip, pulled pork with kerrygold added, veggies with ranch, etc) with family. Didn’t even finish the rest of my travel pack - woohoo! Still was so happy I had this as a backup.

(jilliangordona) #8

Are you considering just plain smart water to be electrolyte water? Just a heads up, there isn’t nearly enough electrolytes to truly be effective in replenishment. They are added simply for taste.


I’m heading off for a weekend in a couple of weeks, travelling by motorcycle so space is at a premium. I’ve bought some Biltong, which is basically air-dried South African style jerky, which is really small, easy to pack and should travel well. The taste may not be for everyone, so I suggest you try it before buying heaps!

(Becky Searls) #10

Thanks for the heads up! I was assuming it was as good as a Gatorade (minus the sugar) for electrolytes. I have asked before on the forums for a tasteless electrolyte option like smart water that I can make at home…but the closest I’ve seen is homemade “keto aide” but t appears it will still have a flavor…so you know of a tasteless alternative?

(Guardian of the bacon) #11

I haven’t made this yet, but I did pick up some cherry flavored Magnesium Citrate for $1.29 for a 10 oz bottle.

The recipe only calls for 1/2 tablespoon / 24 oz of water. I have to believe the taste would be hardly perceptible.

(Becky Searls) #12

Thanks for this. I’ll give it a whirl and report back!