Early Eating Window Instead of Fasting, Anyone?


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #62

There! I fixed it for you. :grin::grin:

(Chuck) #63

I was fasting from 6pm until noon the next day. I did great with it for almost a year, then I started to get headaches and my blood pressure started to climb back to what it use to be. For about the last 3 weeks I have been eating as my body tells me to eat and even what I need, my blood pressure has gone back down to my normal range and my headaches are gone. Now my normal eating window is from the time I get up until about 5 or 6pm. This still means I am fasting about 14 hours instead of the 17 to 19 hours that I was fasting. My weight went up by 6 pounds for the first week but is back down again. And I have increased the amount of fruit I eat. I still stay completely away from highly processed carbs/food, and fast food. But I have also added back into my diet my wifeโ€™s homemade bread, which is made from stone ground grain and not fine ground grain. While my eating window is longer I am finding that I eat about the same or maybe less than I was because I am never feel over hungry anymore. By the last meal I am eating a small portion that is satisfying but not making me feel like I am stuffed. I am also once again not able to finish what is on my plate most times.


That is so interesting. Will have to check my blood pressure but that is usually not a concern for me. My mom is in her 80s and has normal blood pressure. She exercises a lot though because she likes it and always has. I do not exercise nearly as much but have started playing a racquet sport in the last year plus mostly because I like it and my friends play, but it is about three times a week. Headaches are never a problem for me unless I have forgotten to have coffee (I wait until noon to have coffee usually unless I am going on a trip or have something really important to do first thing where I have to be alert).

I am within a lb of my stall weight so we will see what happens next. I did go out to dinner with friends over the weekend. The interesting thing, I really could not eat as much as I wanted, and I ate bread, I had to take half my food home and then my husband ate it the next day, I forgot all about it. Also, my weight did not bounce up the next day the way it normally does when I indulge, very strange

(Chuck) #65

My weight fluctuate about 2 or 3 pounds from day to day, with my average being at about 192 at this time. My doctor says I should weigh I. At 180, my feeling is that as long as I am listening to my bodyโ€™s needs, and 90% of the time staying away from highly processed food, fast food, refined flour and sugar my body will settle at its best weight. My goal is simply to be free from prescription drugs. The only reason I weigh myself is because my doctor requires it along with 3 blood pressure monitoring readings a day.


I get very frustrated being told what I should and should not weigh. I once had a pediatrician tell me my 4 month was overweight (they have already graduated college!) The guy was nearing retirement then so I yessed him and did what I wanted. I donโ€™t think 192 and 180 are different enough that it matters. I think one person at 192 can look the same as someone weighing 180. It is very individual. My only concern would be if you are gaining rapidly or retaining water due to health reasons