Dr. Stephen Phinney - 'Troubleshooting the Ketogenic Diet for Optimal Weight and Health'

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #1

This was uploaded yesterday. I’m still listening to this but I thought others would want to see this video.

(Omar) #2

this is really amazing

he answered questions that I was suspicious about.

I even mentioned in this forum several times.

Dr Phiinney mentioned that inflammation kill ketones.

When I have diverticulitis flares my energy goes to the floor because I am on hi fat diet and not producing ketones due to the chronic inflammation of diverticulitis.


(Door Girl) #3

Fantastic resource, thank you so much!

I think my biggest takeaway was the idea that processing meat takes potassium out and replaces it with sodium. I love hearing experts who love their field answer questions, as they build a wealth of accessory information that they can share.

(Full Metal KETO AF) #4

Unless you’re carnivore meat is a fairly low source for potassium compared to vegetables and keto friendly fruits like avocados and tomatoes. Salmon is the most potassium rich meat.

(Bob M) #5

I don’t like avocados (and they are high in linoleic acid, a bad PUFA), and rarely eat tomatoes, and have no issues with potassium. I’m not carnivore, but close.

(Eric - The patient needs to be patient!) #6

I take a potassium supplement at the advise of my cardiologist. Maybe this is one thing he got right.

+1 avacados
+1 tomatoes (in limited qty)
+1,000 salmon

(Bunny) #7

I thought this video would be a great appendage on this thread for Dr. Phinney’s troubleshooting tips:

Keto & Fat Adaptation Beyond Macros w/ John Limansky, MD

Side Note: Dr. Limansky MD has been in ketosis for 15 years or more…

(Bunny) #8

4 Steps to Heal Diverticulitis Naturally