Dr. Eric Berg and Leafy Greens


WTF that man was withholding info! That’s awesome. Steak, not salad! :smiley:

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #22

Meat is king. Lol

(Siobhan) #23

I just get potassium from electrolyte supplement or meat. The only real time I eat veggies is on a burger, in a salad, or eating curry.
And those are rare.

You dont have to eat that much but if you want to I guess do it.
Nutritionally, organ meat is much better than pretty mich any veg you can find


The ’ leafy greens ’ protocol advocated by Dr. Berg makes perfect sense, to me. ( Especially from a fatty liver perspective ).
So much so, that I’ve employed it since becoming keto-adapted in early Dec. 2016.
I’ve now lost 90 lbs. and 5 pants sizes.
My A1C has dropped from 7.6 % to 4.8 and I’ve never felt better.
My Type 2 diabetes has been in remission since March.
I’ve also followed his suggestion of intermittent fasting and now do one meal a day…on a 20 hr. cycle. ( since late April ).
All that being said, there’s no way I can sit down and nosh 7-10 cups of kale per day…so, also as suggested, I simply blend it.
I start with 5 halved strawberries, add 1 scoop of Immuno-Build Greens ( 1.5 g carbs and 25 mg of Stevia) a few ice cubes, 1 cup of RO water and blend that first. I then add 7 cups of chopped kale ( or chard / beet greens, I switch up a couple of times a week ), and another 1.5 cups of water. If you chop it first, a large blender, easily, holds 7 cups of greens. This results in about three 12 oz. glasses of blend. I chug the first one right down, ( I’ve come to crave it ), then consume the rest over the next hr., as I’m preparing the rest of my meal.
As I was first researching keto, I came across Dr. Berg early on, he appealed to me, seemed straight up and wasn’t a body builder. ( no offense to those bros, it’s just not my thing. )
He’s been my primary guru since and it has paid off. Obviously.
I haven’t purchased any of his products, but remain eternally grateful.

(Dawn) #25

I love Dr. Berg and I plan to really follow more of his advice as I get closer to goal weight. I really like the idea of eating more vegetables but right now, I just can’t get 7 cups and I am not willing to introduce sweetners or fruit or anything else to make a kale smoothie more palatable. My focus right now is just eating as many veggies as I can while keeping my 20 carb macro in check. This is a new lifestyle, so I hope to be able to introduce more veggies over time. I will never be afraid to eat vegetables, but I want to be strictly keto for right now until I can get my weight under control and then I will be able to afford to experiment a little to see how higher veggies work for me. Right now eating that many veggies seems like it would mess of up 20 gram carb limit especially since I do not count net carbs.

His advice about water though doesn’t work for me. I love water and need quite a bit of it to feel good and keep my skin in good shape.

(Karen Parrott) #26

I do well with 3-5 cups of leafy greens per day. And some colorful veggies. I’m in weight maintenance so I end up doing 20-30 grams net (30-50 grams total) of carbs per day.

I do end up losing intestinal mucous if I don’t have some carbs from vegetables, so that is important for GI functioning, and all the immune stuff going on in there- for me.

(VLC.MD) #27

First off, I love chiropractors.
Very good at alot of things. I refer to them daily.

I’ve watched and learned alot about Ketosis and Health from Dr. Berg.
I am subscribed to 3 YouTube channels, one of them was his channel.
I did notice his overall medical knowledge was a tad quirky at times.
Forinstance he doesn’t seem to understand gallbladder symptoms.
But hey, no biggie. There are many things he knows, I’ll never know.

And then I clicked on this.

Dr. Eric Berg: Nutrition expert, knows nothing about Vaccination

I guess no one is perfect.
… but trite fear mongering ? with the worst data set ever presented ever.
Truly saddened.
Why oh Why would a nutritional expert weigh in on a such a divisive subject ? That he clearly knows nothing about. Nonsensical. If he was smart he’d remove it.

On a positive note: his Keto vidoes are succinct and great !!

(Brian) #28

7-10 cups of veggies a day here is typically not happenin’. But I do try to eat a goodly amount of veggies. I don’t tend to want to eat a lot of raw veggies because it’s just too much chewing.

FWIW, I really do like greens, but not typically a high quantity of raw ones. Cooked down greens, yes, I like them very much, often with some onions or mushrooms. They’re especially good with some grease. :wink:

Can’t say I’m a “Berg head” but I do usually have a listen to what he has to say in his videos. He’s kinda the one that got me started down the keto road and for that, I’m grateful. Some of the stuff seems useful. Some I feel like might be good for someone else but maybe not me. And a few things I disagree with. I don’t throw out the good stuff because there’s something I may not agree with, though. Take the good, leave the rest behind.

There are enough variations of the keto diet out there that I have room in my realm for people with varying opinions. Some eat vegetables almost exclusively. Some eat meat almost exclusively. I’m somewhere in the middle and am finding what seems to work for me. I eat some meat, some dairy, some fish, some eggs and a pretty good variety of veggies. I feel good and the body seems to responding to what I’m doing in good ways. Just don’t wanna make it a whole lot more complicated for now. :slight_smile:

(Dawn) #29

YEP! You nailed it exactly

(Todd Allen) #30

Wow, I thought Eric Berg was better than most of the internet/celebrity doctors but his anti-vaccination opinion has me scratching my head. As I see it, even if all of his objections to vaccinations were 100% true it still is a fraction of the damage that has been done by any one of these diseases: smallpox, polio, anthrax, diphtheria, hepatitis, rabies, tetanus, tuberculosis, typhoid, yellow fever - there’s probably more, those are just the ones that immediately come to mind.

(Jeff Davis) #31

I’m with you, @brownfat. The anti-vax stuff makes me question a lot of the other things he has said.

(Doug) #32

Except when he talks about artichokes. :smile: He went full psycho there.

(Rosemary Easter) #33

I have just been reading a sample of his kale smoothie book on Kindle. My problem is that I thought you had to be careful about consuming too much uncooked greens because of their oxalate? ( maybe wrong word) content. I am so confused because there are so many different opinions that you do not know who to believe?

(Rosemary Easter) #34

I am the same! I recently watched his video saying about all those cups of veg and having once been veggie for over 30 years I thought that I had never eaten that much veg in one day. You would be grazing all day like a cow. Even now when I make a lot of veg smoothies I don’t get through all that.

(Brian) #35

Is he the one who went psycho on artichokes? I knew I’d heard that somewhere, couldn’t remember where.

I’m not sure what his beef is with them. They’re about 6g of carbs per one medium artichoke. I guess if you wolf down whole artichokes, it might be an issue. I tend to use artichoke more as a condiment. I like a little in a salad or on a pizza. It’s a non-issue.

I kinda look at ketchup the same way. It’s not perfect, and if I were to eat a lot of it, it might be something I’d worry about. I eat mostly my own homemade and it really doesn’t have much sugar in it. I calculated out the carbs one time and it was also a non-issue. I have a tiny squirt of it maybe a couple of times a month. Yeah, if I ate a pint of it every week, I might get a little more concerned that I might be adding a few too many carbs/sugars. As it is, I have other way more important things to think about, and I do.

(Ethan) #36

I am such a person who wolfs down whole artichokes in a sitting. I steam them and eat them with mayo as a dipping sauce.

(Jennifer) #37

All veggies have some oxalates, spinach is one of the highest and kale is one of the lowest. The cruciferous veggies are all on the low side. :slight_smile:

(Brian) #38

LOL!! They are tasty. I guess they are something you have to be mindful of, at least the quantity, aye?

(Ethan) #39

Not really. It looks like they are net 1g carb:

(Rosemary Easter) #40

Interesting, did not know that, thanks,