Does your stomach growl / rumble less on Keto?

(VLC.MD) #1

You know that little growl.
I wonder what triggers it !
Have to investigate.

What about a growl diet ? IF and you can only eat when your stomach growls ! Wonder if it never growls for some people ? Or they never feel it ? If you fed the growls would you get more of them ?

Do all animals with stomachs get stomach growls ?

Should you ignore growls to teach your body you are in control and it isn’t ?

Random Food for thought.

(VLC.MD) #2

Growling stomach and no relationship to hunger ? Really ? Hmmmmm.

(VLC.MD) #3

(Sjur Gjøstein Karevoll) #4

I don’t pay much attention to my stomach rumbling so I couldn’t say if it’s more or less than it used to before keto. I have noticed the grumbles becoming more noticeable when I eat less, both during extended fasts and when my IF eating window is pretty short (I have one planned meal a day but I have no qualms about unplanned meals if I feel like it). I don’t know why, but it’s probably just because there’s more room in my gut for stuff to slosh around and when I’ve been fasting for days the frequency of gut peristalsis goes down so there’s more time to build up larger pockets of gas and fluid between each movement. A few times while fasting the grumbling has gone on for over a minute, which was a bit uncomfortable only because other people noticed.

I would never take it as a sign that I should eat. If anything it’s a sign that I probably ate not long ago since that’s usually the case, and it’s often followed by the knowledge that pooping is now possible should it be desired. When fasted I swear I can sometimes feel the final poop do the victory lap around my large intestine. If I’ve just had a large meal (I can sometimes eat 2000kcal in an hour, as I did just now) as the feeling of an overfull stomach disappears and I’m left just feeling fed, refreshed and relaxed.

(VLC.MD) #5


  • incomplete digestion of carbs.
  • 2 hrs of empty stomach -> triggers rumbles.
  • swallowing air when eating, talking, drinking.

Two types of bowel sounds:

  • gurgling … need a stethoscope.
  • growl … also called borborygmi … audible with your ear and other people !

This might be the worst wikipedia article/page I have ever read !

(VLC.MD) #6

Makes sense.

Really ?
That’s cool. Never noticed. I’ll pay more attention to my stomach growls.

Is it possible I can “Feel one coming on” ? I get the feeling my stomach is going to growl soon … but it hasn’t yet (must be a general increase in peristalsis).

I wonder which hormones are at play in regulating peristalsis activity.

(VLC.MD) #7

Must be these.

(VLC.MD) #8

Gastric inhibitory polypeptide (GIP), also known as the glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, is an inhibiting hormone of the secretin family of hormones.[1]

It is now believed that the function of GIP is to induce insulin secretion, which is stimulated primarily by hyperosmolarity of glucose in the duodenum.[5] After this discovery, some researchers prefer the new name of glucose-dependent insulinotropic peptide, while retaining the acronym “GIP.” The amount of insulin secreted is greater when glucose is administered orally than intravenously.[6]

GIP is also thought to have significant effects on fatty acid metabolism through stimulation of lipoprotein lipase activity in adipocytes.

It has been found that Type 2 diabetics are not responsive to GIP and have lower levels of GIP secretion after a meal when compared to non-diabetics.[9] In research involving knockout mice, it was found that absence of the GIP receptors correlates with resistance to obesity.

(Sjur Gjøstein Karevoll) #9

It depends, but especially if my gut is mostly empty and the poop has good cohesion I can feel it parking in my colon ready to be dropped off (and it usually turns out to be the perfect poop too, no straining, wiping optional and it practically flushes itself). Sometimes there’s gurgling before the poop is ready so it’s not like gurgling always indicates completed digestion, and if my gut is full I can’t really tell what’s going on there.

It’s possible it has something to do with the pressure as well. If there’s pressure building in a gas pocket that’s both something that you would feel as well as something that could trigger peristalsis. Or maybe peristalsis is underway already and the pressure is caused by some blockage that requires a bit harder pushing and some growling to get going.

(VLC.MD) #10

Do people feel hungry when they get stomach growls ?

(Sjur Gjøstein Karevoll) #11

I just read a blog post or saw a video or something about GIP and gastic bypass a couple days ago but now I can’t find it. The gist of it was that gastric bypass would bypass the part of the small intestine largely responsible for GIP secretion (the early part) and get right to the part mostly responsible for GLP-1 (further downstream). This works because GLP-1 induces satiety while GIP stimulates insulin, and high insulin can override satiety. You can get a similar effect by eating carbs that take a while to be digested so that it passes by the GIP-part of the intestine without releasing a lot of GIP, which in practice means unprocessed foods where the carbs are stuck inside cells sitting in a cellulose matrix that needs to be broken down before the nutrients can be absorbed.

(Doodler for @KetoKailey) #12

Now that you mentioned it…My stomach hasn’t growled and I’ve only had coffee and HWC at 7AM, and still finishing up another cup from 1PM.

(Duncan Kerridge) #13

My stomach only rumbles after I’ve eaten, much less on keto. The association with hunger has always confused me, rumbles = digestion for me, not put more food in.

(VLC.MD) #14

So you’ve never had your stomach rumble when you missed a meal ?

(Duncan Kerridge) #15

Nope, never. And when I fast not a squeak, not saying I don’t get hunger pangs but no noises.


Since going ZC my stomach no longer growls. I know I’m hungry when I start having difficulty concentrating.


I don’t get gas, or heartburn anymore, and I very rarely belch.
Hubby’s tummy no longer growls, and oddly, he is no longer lactose intolerant! My cheese is no longer safe!

(Erin Macfarland ) #18

This is a really fascinating thread!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #19

I have a lot less gas in my digestive system now that I am ketotic. I sometimes used to get stomach rumbles in association with hunger pangs, but as most people in this thread have posted, for me most gas is associated with digestion, not hunger.

When I was burning sugar, I got a lot of gas, and it was usually associated with either constipation or diarrhea, whereas now in ketosis I almost never get either condition, and very little gas.

(VLC.MD) #20

I get less too. Well except Cabbage Happens.