If the latest update to the forums logged you out and you don’t know your password, the system can reset your password and send you an email.
- Click on the"Log In" button
- Click on “I forgot my password”
- Enter your username or email address, and we’ll send you a password reset email.
If you need more help you can contact any of the admins or email the dudes at dudes@2ketodudes.com.
Welcome to Ketogenic Forums - a place where ALL are welcome to explore the science and share personal experiments, recipes, successes, failures, goals, dreams, humor, and anything else related to the use of a well-formulated ketogenic diet; including fasting.
Newcomers here might want to start with the How To category to learn how to get around on the forums and not waste your time (unless, that is what you want to do, of course).
Carl Franklin (@carl), Richard Morris (@richard) and the entire admin team would like to welcome you here, whether you are a regular listener of our podcast or not.
IMPORTANT! until you create an account or log in, you won’t be able to see certain categories of posts, such as Health and Before/After Pictures. After you register, you will need to look around in the forum for 15 minutes before being allowed to fully participate, including using the Discourse app. In other words, sign up now!