Disgusting Keto Habits


Definitely licking the fat off the plate.

Also, my methods of overcoming occasional constipation probably qualify. I’ll leave it to your imagination.


Call that a crime against keto! It’s the best bit!

(Marie) #43

My brother in law did that one year; when he was carving the turkey he
pulled off all the skin AND the wings (my favorite) and threw them away,
after all, “no one wants all that fat” - I was so sad, it ruined my
Thanksgiving - I’ve never forgotten it and still hold it against him, lol.

(Roxanne) #44

That’s criminal!


I might’ve pulled that skin right out of the trash (3 second rule) if no one was looking

(Tom) #46

“I was just trying to get the last dribble, but I had to drink all the cream on top so I could get to it.”

No shame!

(roxanna) #47

Ridiculous! The only good part about my in-laws was that because I threw such a fit, I pretty much got all the skin the following year.

(Tom) #48

Has anyone copped to boring out the center of a tub of sour cream when they first open it so the liquid will gather to be poured off, leaving thicker sour cream?


Pour it off, why? Is that where all the carbs hide? :wink:

I usually skim off the top the sour cream when I first open it, but I’m going to buy 2 tubs next time and try boring out the center on one of them, great idea!

(8 year Ketogenic Veteran) #50

I’m a barbarian, but don’t lick the plate at a restaurant. With your tongue. Use your finger. Lol

(Steak and iron) #51

I’ve sucked a shot of MCT oil straight out of the bottle on numerous occasions, or had a swig of olive oil


:slight_smile: I had a mug of organic Chicken Jello yesterday (from cooking whole chicken the previous day).


I read a comment by someone here on another thread saying that the butcher gives them the skin…from those skinless boneless chicken loving customers.


Eating the raw egg yolks whole so that they don’t break…don’t want to miss a drop. :slight_smile:

Eating butter by the slice or spoonful, spoonfuls of ghee out of the jar, spoonfuls of lard, tallow, duck fat, eating raw beef because it tastes sooo much better uncooked.


Cooking an entire pork roast…only for the purpose of eating the deliciously bubbly crackling!!!

(roxanna) #56

That would be a dream come true.


Ha hahaha That’s the only reason I cook whole chickens! And my non-keto hubby likes the lean chicken meat, so no problem there.


Oh god. So where I shop does this awesome-looking pork-crackling joint and it’s supposed to serve four but I so want to buy it just to eat it all myself.

(David) #59

That’s my snack for today at work. I ran out of eggs to boil , forgot to go shopping after work yesterday so this morning 42g of Kerrygold in a tub and top with some freshly ground pink Himalayan salt. It’s either that or a bacon and sausage barn from the butty van.

(I am a Dog (Dog's eat until they burst!)) #60

Decisions, decisions!