Dietdoctor website

(Marianne) #1

I just got onto the Dietdoctor website and am very disappointed in how much it has changed. I wrote to them to express my feelings. When I started in Feb. of 2019, their website - and this forum - were instrumental in my success. I loved the extensive library of scientific videos by Dr. Fung and Dr. Eenfeldt and others that explained keto/low carb in understandable terms. I also took inspiration from the hundreds of success stories because I knew these people had suffered like I was suffering and came out the other side - and they said compared to other diets, it was relatively painless. I believed them and they were right. Now, that same content seems to be gone. I think if I had found DD today and had just been starting, I wouldn’t have stayed with it. There’s not much on there now other than “customized meal plans” - yuck. (I don’t need or want a meal plan. It doesn’t have to be as hard as all that, plus these “meals” would be binge worthy to me and are high carb if you eat more than the recommended serving. My food/meals are simple and clean; no fussing or intensive cooking (which is fine if you want to do that - I don’t.)

Sorry for the rant. I don’t know why they changed it.

(Robin) #2

Hi @gingersmommy, where you been, girlie?

I have never visited any sites or groups or forums other than this one. I’m probably in the minority.
But I found everything I needed here, along with the well-researched guidance from my keto ex-husband/friend.

(Alec) #3

My impression is that Diet Doctor as a whole organisation has gone to the dogs. Website, videos, podcast, advice, the whole thing.

Change of ownership/management?


They started to change things almost a year ago and didn’t put any new content on. They’re moving to something called “Hava” :woman_shrugging:

Ditch the carbs website has gone too and is called something else so you can’t get any previous recipes off there

Presumably money in both instances

(Marianne) #5

My feeling exactly. They sold out. Such a bummer.


That’s because you started when Keto was climbing to fad status, and Diet Dr. although not a direct Keto place, definitely had that lean, would have been stupid not too.

You say “yuck” to meal plans, that’s what people want! There’s a reason there’s a never ending amount of companies getting onto both meal plans, ship n cook, assemble yourself etc. That’s what people want. No thinking, no work, either tell them exactly what to do, or do it for them.

Those sites will always change to what’s popular, if they didn’t, they’d all be out of business. I just went onto it, picked some weight loss options, told it I had craving problems etc, what most would probably say, it went straight to low carb and asked me how low I wanted to go with the first option being Keto. Seems pretty normal to me.