Me again, sorry. Now that there was talking about the new US dietary guidelines on the forum, I have been reading articles about my own country. And Mangalica, I have learned things. Now there are more Mangalica farmers in the country than the number of actual Mangalica pigs in 1991 when it almost went extinct… Phew, we avoided that just like our Hungarian Gray cattle didn’t disappear but farmers started to have it in bigger numbers (I still didn’t taste it, maybe one day as the beef farm has it sometimes, it’s just quite hard to get any as it sells like hot cakes - well it’s better than hot cakes, whatever they are…).
So, while US guidelines apparently tries to make people to go vegan or close (isn’t it something extremely unrealistic?), we apparently (I live under a rock and didn’t notice) had a long campaign in order to raise the meat eating especially regarding fatty pork. It’s good for our farmers, you see and Mangalica too. There was a sad time when lean meats became more popular (many people obviously kept eating fatty pork but there were masses who started to prefer leaner meats - or no meats at all though that’s not very significant) and no one wanted poor Mangalica (surely some people would have loved it but Hungarians are often price sensitive and even now, we can’t just get some from a supermarket)… But it could be changed. Okay, a huge part of our Mangalica meats get exported but if it’s just normal meat, we eat more and more every day and the change is quite significant! Meanwhile Germany goes into the opposite direction.
Once upon the time, Hungarians ate 120kg meat per year, it’s impressive… Now it’s 82kg but it went up a lot in the last decade (pork went up almost 50% due to the pork eating campaign, I have read) so it can be expected to continue.
I am not surprised, plants are often expensive and meat is tasty and satiating
But of course, the average person eats both galore.
Our official dietary guidelines aren’t so great, of course they aren’t. But at least it encourages people to eat meat. And especially plants all the time… And low-fat dairy. And as little salt, sugar and fat in cooking as possible… (It sounds bad to me even if I do something close to that but I have reasons and salting to taste is exactly as little as possible for me. and I don’t need much added fat, I eat more than enough fat in my normal ingredients.) They cling to many meals too, how stupid is that…? No idea about personal differences…
We had a huge shopping and now we have basically everything. EXCEPT butter because I can’t be super careful all the time and some “butters” (well they HAVE a lot of butter in them…) don’t advertise their extra water content
But this way I will make sure I ALWAYS will check.
Watered down butter is so bad (okay, edible but it’s oozing water, ruins the texture and this thing is “mildly salted”, actually super salty, works for salty food though. if it’s mixed it well so its very prominent inferiority is masked), I don’t understand why there are everywhere! Why people like this? If someone don’t want much fat, they just… Use less from the lovely butter? Or eat something else? I hate low-fat dairy with a passion but understand some people need them but watered-down fat makes no sense to me. Butter has all the water it needs, it’s fatty, it’s creamy, it’s homogenous and perfect! No need to ruin it.
We have roasted pork loin now, very lovely. Forgot about making a photo but it was pretty after 2 hours in the oven.
And in the freezer, we have seafood: hake, gilt-head bream, salmon, African sharptooth catfish and some shrimp. They aren’t on a good sale any other time so we just bought them all
My freezer is full and I really want a new fridge at this point, this poor thing did its job, it still did the minimum but it’s time to say goodbye. The new one will be a bit bigger and much better.
I obviously have various pork items (I am fine without fowl now… but Alvaro bought a lot of chicken breast for his curry. I ate a few bites from the last one not long ago, not my fav, to put it lightly but edible and has protein so it’s some variety to me) and dairy. One of my fav cheeses went on a good sale so we have lots of it, I plan a bit cheesier period for the left of the year but it’s mostly up to Alvaro to eat it. I even have Mascarpone now.
And very few eggs but we will buy more on Saturday. 25 eggs for 5 days isn’t much (we ate twice as much for many years) but we can do it at this point, we both have lots of other food to eat. I just really need 1-2 every day or else it would feel weird.
Have a not too stressful time, everywhere! It’s never the most peaceful for me before Christmas and I didn’t even started on my painted rocks… That’s a nice part, it’s art, just a little stress to figure it out in time, we already bought gifts for Alvaro’s brother and sister-in-law, I need to cook for his Mom’s gifts as we haven’t any other idea and she expects them as they are good… So it’s in the future but I have time, the recipe is very much done at this point (even I can reach that level eventually… I am really bad at not tweaking every time but there are exceptions. and I know where to find the recipe, even…), it’s just a bunch of times working on it, the main dessert is multilayered and impossible to do in one go. But very low-carb, very tasty, okay for someone with diabetes who WILL eat even sugary desserts, at least this one isn’t like that.