December 31 day stay at the Charcuterie Chalet

(Alex) #21

All this talk of salt got me curious so I checked my cronometer logs and I get approximately 1100mg sodium, 1600mg potassium, and 280mg magnesium from butter/cheese/cured ham, goats milk/meat, and meat/supplement respectively.

@FrankoBear I’ll have to check out the salt talk. Does he mention a healthy sodium/potassium/magnesium range?

I do have higher salt days when I have pork scratchings or lots of cheese, but I tend to go by taste. Does anyone else use taste as an indicator for salt needs? Like, if it tastes good salty I figure I need salt and if it tastes overly salty I feel nauseous and have to force myself to eat more. If I ignore the body signals I will get nausea and the runs.

(Alex) #22

Also I have taken the next step on my carnivore journey and ditched the dandelion coffee and cucumber with my breakfast eggs. So brunch is just eggs, butter and goats milk now. I still have a little leek and garlic with dinner as I’m working my way through a batch of stew already cooked.

I’ve noticed oxalate crystals from my eyes already and a spike in morning anxiety, but the anxiety may be from life stressors as i’m in the middle of a prolonged breakup from my ex partner, so stress is high too. I had crazy oxalate crystals coming from pretty much everywhere (damn my past dark chocolate and almond butter obsession) last time I went carnivore, so i’m hoping i haven’t reabsorbed too many oxalates this time!

This is my method for fasting too. I did my first OMAD yesterday and it went well :slight_smile: i got to the 17hour mark and got warmer rather than cold and shaky, so I think my adaptation is going well. Slow and steady.

I throw in random OMAD days to lose weight and help my autoimmune healing and otherwise eat to satiety.
I prefer that to constant calorie restriction. Fast and feast seems to work best for my body!

Going to a christmas gathering tonight where there’ll be dirty carnivore foods. Apparently fish with lemon, turkey kebabs and lots of cheese. My long term goal is to do stable carnivore where I eat clean when I do my own food but have the option to do dirty carnivore for eating out and travel.


I got carried away again, I basically thought about my eating again… For some reason, it’s easier in comments than just in my own mind.

I never ever got cold, not even when I was starving in an unheated house in winter (there was big snow outside. it was just 11 days and I was very well-fed and fat so no wonder it went well but still, it was way better than expected). IDK why I am like this but I am glad. I had to be in some special mental state back then as I can be really cold at a much higher temperature, no matter how much I eat. But when the temperature is borderline low, food can help, I noticed that many times and it makes sense.
Sometimes my body doesn’t want fasting at all and I get weak and dizzy (oh it was ages ago last time, maybe I have changed) even on IF but I need a bit longer time for that. 16-20 hours is very normal for me since ages, I only needed lunch and dinner on high-carb too even if I happened to eat smaller meals for whatever reason (probably temptation, I loved food). I can’t think back to a time where I needed food before 2pm as long as I didn’t have breakfast. I call myself a natural intermittent faster with a very obvious afternoon/evening eating window.

It’s very important for me on OMAD days to eat to (and sometimes beyond) satiety… How else could I do it? One meal makes it easier as a big meal is quite satiating to me :slight_smile: And on fat fast days I have the magic of 90% fat, my only meal is small (especially in volume) but very satiating!
But I understand sometimes one can’t reach satiety (without harming their goals). I am very incompatible with that method but borderline hunger sometimes works (more like before my eating window than after though. nights are dangerous while my well-fasted state is very helpful. I am not so close to food then).
Calorie restriction isn’t easy for me on occasional OMAD either. I easily eat up my energy need in one sitting… Hence my fat fast days and because they have plenty of advantages: lowering my protein intake, being convenient, having as much and more fat than I want :smiley: At least in percentage, I obviously eat very little fat on fat fast days, only about 100g. But it’s enough when it’s almost only fat.
“Longer” term (well, more than 1-2 days…) OMAD is different, it quickly reduces my mealsize so it just falls apart as I can’t undereat unless I avoid protein. It’s so hard. If I eat little, I quit, if I eat much, I stay fat… Probably… Need to try some lean carni OMAD/2MAD times, will do it soon! The 25th of December is one of the best times to go back to carni for me and staying there for a longer while than usual.

Lucky :smiley: Christmas gatherings here are quite carby and sugary… I probably will bring some own treats for Christmas dinner to mitigate my temptation problems. I can’t stop baking every day now, today I made cheesy baked goods! Quark became a VITAL item for me, it’s my favorite carni “flour”. The fully carni version (I made some other kinds, still very low-carb but maybe more normal) is a modified quark quiche, with really little egg… I don’t like too much cheese mixed into my baked goods for some reason (sad as it’s a good carni flour, it’s drier than quark) and this is a kinda wet quark too and even the egg was normal, full with water so I have very soft, moist things. I hope they are good but egg, cheese and quark, why wouldn’t it be?

I guess I should be away until Christmas. And then I will be determined for long enough I hope. But if not, I still have the fruits of my training in the last years so I desire okay food most of the time. I just need to get used to not eating lunch, I knew it wouldn’t be easy, not even now when I just don’t get really hungry at that time on most days. I still have a chance if I eat near perfectly but who I am to do that. Sometimes it happens but it’s much safer never eat any calories (okay, maybe coffee with cream if I REALLY must) before sunset in the next months. Sunset is still early BUT if I wait until then, I typically wait until dinner (it’s a mental thing, only waiting until my SO had his lunch seems very much doable, only a little wait compared to normal… waiting until dinner may sound too strict and it weakens my resolve but if it often happens naturally. I have this with many things as it’s hard to bring myself to do something big but if I start small, I may get tempted to do more). If not, it means I am very hungry (still not particularly unpleasant as fat adaptation works like that for me but it’s insistent and I lose focus) so of course I should eat. Perfect. Lunch eating is just giving in to temptation without a real need for food yet and most probably eating too much in the process. I want to avoid THAT. I needed lunch for decades, now I don’t need it anymore. It’s just a strong habit that makes sense for my hedonist inner self if it doesn’t look at the big picture.


We go to the city tomorrow, watching the Christmas lights and shopping! There are so amazing sales now! There are great sales all the time but now, before Christmas? Even better. I try to get up early and hope the supermarkets won’t run out of seafood. We planned a fishy Christmas anyway but if we are lucky, we will have a nice variety!
I ate so very little fish this year (well it’s normal but even the hake got expensive and it’s not even tasty… so I ate even less). Maybe half a tin (65g herring) or the corresponding amount of frozen fish per month… It’s little even for me. I wouldn’t eat much fish without living near the sea (or a good Japanese restaurant) but I definitely would love to eat much more than that.

Alvaro bought a new lens, 18-75mm or something with stabilizer, for quite cheap, these things aren’t expensive. The 300mm one, that was expensive… I will try to make food photos in the future, still won’t be confident at all and why to bother when my food is the usual but if it will be something nicer and less usual (I will try a new fish species this Christmas if the supermarket won’t run out of it), I will shot it.

Not much sunshine here, this isn’t a great winter this far. November was 2 Celsius colder than usual too, Alvaro says. He likes to check these things. So we use much more electricity on heating than usual. But it wasn’t really cold yet, just very light frost. As it’s normal for our winters but once per a few years we get -20 Celsius for a week or maybe two, that’s tough as it’s a small A/C for the whole house though we do use a little extra upstairs. But thanks to the good insulation, we can handle 1-2 weeks with inadequate heating, the house loses warmth very slowly.

I still don’t have mood for Christmas…


Me again, sorry. Now that there was talking about the new US dietary guidelines on the forum, I have been reading articles about my own country. And Mangalica, I have learned things. Now there are more Mangalica farmers in the country than the number of actual Mangalica pigs in 1991 when it almost went extinct… Phew, we avoided that just like our Hungarian Gray cattle didn’t disappear but farmers started to have it in bigger numbers (I still didn’t taste it, maybe one day as the beef farm has it sometimes, it’s just quite hard to get any as it sells like hot cakes - well it’s better than hot cakes, whatever they are…).
So, while US guidelines apparently tries to make people to go vegan or close (isn’t it something extremely unrealistic?), we apparently (I live under a rock and didn’t notice) had a long campaign in order to raise the meat eating especially regarding fatty pork. It’s good for our farmers, you see and Mangalica too. There was a sad time when lean meats became more popular (many people obviously kept eating fatty pork but there were masses who started to prefer leaner meats - or no meats at all though that’s not very significant) and no one wanted poor Mangalica (surely some people would have loved it but Hungarians are often price sensitive and even now, we can’t just get some from a supermarket)… But it could be changed. Okay, a huge part of our Mangalica meats get exported but if it’s just normal meat, we eat more and more every day and the change is quite significant! Meanwhile Germany goes into the opposite direction.
Once upon the time, Hungarians ate 120kg meat per year, it’s impressive… Now it’s 82kg but it went up a lot in the last decade (pork went up almost 50% due to the pork eating campaign, I have read) so it can be expected to continue.

I am not surprised, plants are often expensive and meat is tasty and satiating :slight_smile: But of course, the average person eats both galore.

Our official dietary guidelines aren’t so great, of course they aren’t. But at least it encourages people to eat meat. And especially plants all the time… And low-fat dairy. And as little salt, sugar and fat in cooking as possible… (It sounds bad to me even if I do something close to that but I have reasons and salting to taste is exactly as little as possible for me. and I don’t need much added fat, I eat more than enough fat in my normal ingredients.) They cling to many meals too, how stupid is that…? No idea about personal differences…

We had a huge shopping and now we have basically everything. EXCEPT butter because I can’t be super careful all the time and some “butters” (well they HAVE a lot of butter in them…) don’t advertise their extra water content :sob: But this way I will make sure I ALWAYS will check.
Watered down butter is so bad (okay, edible but it’s oozing water, ruins the texture and this thing is “mildly salted”, actually super salty, works for salty food though. if it’s mixed it well so its very prominent inferiority is masked), I don’t understand why there are everywhere! Why people like this? If someone don’t want much fat, they just… Use less from the lovely butter? Or eat something else? I hate low-fat dairy with a passion but understand some people need them but watered-down fat makes no sense to me. Butter has all the water it needs, it’s fatty, it’s creamy, it’s homogenous and perfect! No need to ruin it.

We have roasted pork loin now, very lovely. Forgot about making a photo but it was pretty after 2 hours in the oven.
And in the freezer, we have seafood: hake, gilt-head bream, salmon, African sharptooth catfish and some shrimp. They aren’t on a good sale any other time so we just bought them all :smiley: My freezer is full and I really want a new fridge at this point, this poor thing did its job, it still did the minimum but it’s time to say goodbye. The new one will be a bit bigger and much better.
I obviously have various pork items (I am fine without fowl now… but Alvaro bought a lot of chicken breast for his curry. I ate a few bites from the last one not long ago, not my fav, to put it lightly but edible and has protein so it’s some variety to me) and dairy. One of my fav cheeses went on a good sale so we have lots of it, I plan a bit cheesier period for the left of the year but it’s mostly up to Alvaro to eat it. I even have Mascarpone now.
And very few eggs but we will buy more on Saturday. 25 eggs for 5 days isn’t much (we ate twice as much for many years) but we can do it at this point, we both have lots of other food to eat. I just really need 1-2 every day or else it would feel weird.

Have a not too stressful time, everywhere! It’s never the most peaceful for me before Christmas and I didn’t even started on my painted rocks… That’s a nice part, it’s art, just a little stress to figure it out in time, we already bought gifts for Alvaro’s brother and sister-in-law, I need to cook for his Mom’s gifts as we haven’t any other idea and she expects them as they are good… So it’s in the future but I have time, the recipe is very much done at this point (even I can reach that level eventually… I am really bad at not tweaking every time but there are exceptions. and I know where to find the recipe, even…), it’s just a bunch of times working on it, the main dessert is multilayered and impossible to do in one go. But very low-carb, very tasty, okay for someone with diabetes who WILL eat even sugary desserts, at least this one isn’t like that.


Hi Alex, I mainly go by taste for salt. The tool is bullion cubes, or as we say here, stock cubes. When I am low in salt I can eat a quarter of a cube straight from the wrapper. When salt and hydration are regulated, I find the crumbs stuck on a finger too salty. I think the sensitivity of the sense of taste is good for regulation.

I have been thinking on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone hormone system and it’s links to insulin in insulin’s effects in the kidneys in salt regulation as a primary differential cause diagnosis for the atrial fibrillation that I get sometimes. I think some of the metabolic mess I am untangling is in that area. It also involves the mineral corticoids - internal cortisone and is very susceptible to stress. It takes a lot of thinking and drawing to understand it, but I think that is where I have to go an revise this month.


A few days in a deeper forest. Spending time creating visual stories. Being outside. Noticing things. Watering plants and trees in a heating up summer. Time at the beach.

2MAD - eggs for breakfast and bacon. Coffee with cream. Checking blood glucose and ketones. Remembering that proper nutritional ketosis of 0.5mmol/L blood ketones takes a bit of dietary manipulation even when eating ZC carnivore. It’s about controlling insulin release. Dinner at sunset is usually ruminant red meat, maybe some eggs or cheese.

That reminds me. I ate the most satisfying breakfast ever last Tuesday in the cottage in the deep forest. It was a 5-egg omelette with Swiss cheese melted into it and cooked in ghee. Alongside it was a double cream 200g camembert wheel also cooked in the same pan and ghee. The omelette was arranged on top of the cheese wheel which melted and collapsed underneath. That breakfast kept me going through a bushfire evacuation, a cockatoo stalk in the Australian Bush, a few hours of paddock mowing, a leap over a very venomous tigersnake, and a 4-hour road trip.

Sun on my skin. Here are two Christmas summer postcards from my place. The spiders are ‘Christmas Spiders’, our own little walking Christmas ornaments. They are not very venomous.


Beautiful pics!


Is that your chocolate cocker? Looks just like our Rosie :heart_eyes:


Great waves!

Never ever ate so much cheese at once! :smiley:
Sounds like a nice meal! I still would need some meat a few hours later, most probably, eggs and dairy just can’t do the trick. May work for lunch but dinner must follow not too far. It would be interesting to try though… I love some good, tasty Camembert… Not the mild ones, they are nice too but I can get a super tasty one so I buy that.

I have fried pork shoulder and head cheese now. The stomach of the pig is a bit chewy so I give some to the cats. Head cheese traditionally comes in the stomach, this one is like that despite I bought it in a supermarket. But as it can be expected, it’s not a great one. Nice variety, tastes okay, it was cheap enough so no regrets at all but a proper one from the farmer’s market is on a very, very different level… That is amazing and if I only buy a little from that expensive stuff, I can’t stop when I start eating! This one doesn’t even seem red enough. Too little paprika. For some reason, it’s a common problem in supermarket head cheese. Sausages are good though, they are more or less deep red, depending on the dryness :slight_smile:

(Alex) #31

Checking in before the new year :slight_smile: the christmas gathering was a carnivore success! I had a whole plate of turkey kebab which had a bit of onion and garlic and three salmon fillets baked in lemon juice. It was refreshing to have a genuine option, although I had to turn down a bean stew and rice. It was a sober evening too which was a difficult adjustment as I’m six weeks sober so it’s still weird for me to socialise, but I did manage to talk to people and I hope it’ll get easier with time.

That history of the pig farming and pork is fascinating. I love pork! Got some crackling on the go at the moment. Your love of pork gets me craving it all the time!

I did a strict carnivore experiment and it gave me the runs, so I added back in my little bit of veggies for fibre and now my gut is happy again. I know my bowels would adjust given time, but I like the flexibility of being able to eat dirty carnivore so I think that’s my happy place right now. Animals for food, plants for fibre and flavour. I eat maybe 50g veggies a day so negligible really but crazy how much difference it makes to my digestion! Oh and I cut out the dandelion root coffee and now my skin is much better. So some plants really don’t agree with me. I’ll stick with my short list of peeled cucumber, leeks, onion and garlic.

I started taking a mutlivitamin, vitamin D, magnesium and folate too. I measured low on those and vit B1 when they checked in hospital, and cronometer shows even with a lot of meat and eggs that i was low on dietary intake of folate and vit D, so I figure a good quality supplement with no fillers won’t hurt. I’ll see if they make any difference to energy, mood, immune system, or skin. Also lots of pork for B1.

About salt, now I’ve lowered my butter intake i’m craving a little bit on food, like one turn of the grinder, so I guess I’m making up for the salt i would have gotten in the butter.

I also had a failed OMAD experiment. It made me crazy obsessive about food so I’m back on 2MAD/16:8 and it’s much less neurotic for me. I’m on quite a high dose of olanzapine still so I’m always huuuungry. Hoping to reduce dosage a bit if I can lose some weight. It’s a vicious cycle with that med as it makes it harder to lose weight.

So if we’re doing carnivore january i’ll be checking in with my weight loss goals, 16:8 and supplement experiments, and med stablisation/reduction goals. Looking forward to a meat based 2025!

Happy new year all!


Whatever works for you. I eat animals for flavor (okay, plants can be tasty too but I rarely enjoy them now, my preferences drastically changed) and don’t need fiber myself :slight_smile: I do feel lucky. The amount of fiber doesn’t seem to matter to me. One less thing to worry about.

Let’s not talk about my December but now I am burning with the desire to do carnivore in January! Well, surely it won’t be perfect but maybe close?
I have fried green ham and more processed meats than usual as we cooked a big smoked hock and my SO decided he ate very much meat lately and wanted his usual cheesy fluffs (whipped egg whites with cheese, almost no salt as cheese is salty and a tiny bit of nutmeg, I make 12 muffins at once. as I use a muffin mold and they are big, not flat disks so they are muffins to me. it’s not like I ever make “real” muffins) instead. He did eat some but it’s mostly mine… We will see, I don’t normally like to depend too much on processed meats. A small sausage or something is fine but the hock is a lot. But it’s very good though too salty.

I plan a nice meaty OMAD day tomorrow (but we will see) and maybe a fat fast day afterwards… And NO COFFEE already… I bought a new one, for emergencies. And for today. But I will stop.

I lost garlic very early (Hungarian recipes tend to use them in everything that have onion, IDK why. I almost never used them to begin with). Onion is needed for my rare stews, my other potential veg is tomato, it goes very well with meat and eggs alike. As time passed, they mostly disappeared and the amount was minimal to begin with. People change. But I never needed them for digestion or something. My body seems the happiest without any plant matter (or just very little, it’s the same feeling. not needed but not troublesome to have extras, that’s why I have them as they make my life simpler and nicer sometimes).

Interesting! OMAD is the most chill to me - or I just can’t do it. I spend too much time with food. I mean, eating, cooking, thinking about, even tracking sometimes… Well carnivore OMAD is tricky for me as I am too easily satiated there, I have lunch skipping now with as many dinners as I need (usually 2).

IDK what that is but my condolences!!! I hate being hungry (except a nice, not annoying baby hunger)! I often can’t even stand not being perfectly satiated, I eat then.

Me too! I am confident I can do it better than ever now, my training was successful, I can eat more and leaner meat than ever.

Happy New Year, everyone! (And good luck to me to do some nice needed changes in the leftover of the Year of the Dragon, it was supposed to be MY year… :wink: )

(Bean) #33

That, konjac, and a couple kinds of greens are the extent of what I can tolerate. Dairy is weird. Ice cream, yes. Yogurt, no. My eyelids swell to the point I have to take my contacts out. Eggs also weird. In Europe, yes. Grocery store eggs in the US? No.

I’m using the Balisa Intolerances app and it has been useful because it takes portion size into account. I’m treating non-meat food as a garnish at best. Tiny amounts of konjac flour has made dairy and egg free chaffles and chicken crusts possible. I want to try making chicken tortillas/ wraps. Having these has been a game-changer for staying away from carbage with an underweight college kid in the house.

Today’s chaffles. Cooked chicken thigh, konjac, baking powder and water.

Antihistamine withdrawal is more or less complete. I haven’t stepped on a scale or bought a ketone meter, so I’m not sure if it makes a difference in that regard, but I feel less fuzzy and more focused. I’m not straying from carnivore, but I’m not doing IF, either with family home who need to eat 2-3 times a day.

I do seem to weather minor allergens better than before. It’s like my body is still figuring out what to do, though. I’ve got some steroids around and I have needed it after some dairy mishaps.

I’ve officially changed jobs and am full-time faculty with an awesome boss. I’ve been offered a small stipend to act as a consultant to the director who is replacing me. So still some stress of doing two jobs.

This year’s resolutions are less food oriented than they’ve been for a long time. My goals tend to be semester-based since that’s my natural routine.

My food goals for Spring semester: stay carnivore/ dairy free. Remain free of daily histamines. Evaluate caffeine in May if I haven’t naturally stopped by then. I don’t need it as much when I’m off of antihistamines.

WooHoo!!! Well done. One day at a time. New year and new routines do make big changes easier.


I don’t eat grocery store eggs in Europe either but the egg lady and the greengrocer have nice ones :smiley: They are expensive now but eggs are worth it, we don’t eat many of them anymore… Eggs can’t be (fully) replaced.
I can imagine living without them but it would be a serious drop of life quality for me.

I go into that direction myself. My 2024 was unusually carby BUT at least I eat way less eggs and dairy now (well the dairy varies, I need more sometimes). And it’s automatic! I don’t need to focus, I just don’t desire many eggs or any sour cream when it isn’t really needed for my dish… (Scrambled eggs without sour cream? NOPE. Well, sometimes it works but usually not.)
I can use them in tiny amounts as long as I can eat enough meat. We will see what happens in January when I truly go for a really meaty style, I do tend to get bored of my meat eventually (or just for the actual meal while still being hungry), variety has ts limits.

I use konjac sometimes, maybe a few grams in the months when I do…? It isn’t good for many things for me. I only make puddings* on off days with it but they always contain egg and dairy because of course they have. Konjac has no taste and flavor is vital to me. In each and every ingredients if possible. Sometimes I put some fiber into something and it dilutes the flavor… I won’t buy fiber again.

*quick ones. for slow ones, if I don’t mind the different texture, there is gelatin. I only like my egg puddings savory, tried them as dessert but it wasn’t good enough.

It’s great to find things that work! :slight_smile: I finally have a very good bread replacement for keto, it surely will be useful when I just can’t resist… I still go off carnivore when I do it but if it’s this or jumping my SO’s bread that I don’t even really like… There were such cases in 2024.
On carnivore, I only have my sponge cake, great for sandwiches but not really bread-like. It lacks a crunchy crust (as normal bread usually do too. but I want the crunch). Freshly made sponge cakes are crispy though, it’s something! I have other carnivore options for crunch, not enough though… I will continue my baking experiments. Thankfully I have eggs and all kinds of dairy, it’s hard enough even with them when I want something really crunchy. And of course I do.

Amounts/ratios? Is it crunchy? I suppose even with a not so big flavor, I could add other, very rich things to it and actually, if I desire crunchy things, flavor loses a little from its importance…
And it must be tastier with pork… I rarely have chicken thigh. Sometimes I have as there are great sales and variety is nice and well fried chicken skin is crunchy…
It’s not like my keto bread is so very flavorful. It tastes okay but it’s just a base, the standards are a bit lower. Texture is more important sometimes.

I hope things (health and job wise) get better for you soon!

I am very full today but I ate a lot of fatty pork hock yesterday, among others… That is satiating stuff. I don’t plan to eat anything until sunset. It includes coffee.

I drank yesterday, pretty much compared to my usual minuscule amount. Alvaro got a bottle of champagne as a gift and we drank it. It did absolutely NOTHING :frowning: (Apart from the funny bubbles fizzing in my mouth, interesting, I never had that before, bubbles normally don’t do that this intensely.) Sigh. That’s why I only buy very delicious booze. At least I get nice flavors. Even when I only drink drops :smiley: Lasts long and it’s cheap per month if your total is 12ml or something :smiley: Not in pure alcohol, that would be more like 5… My drinking habits can’t stop amusing me.

(Bean) #35

Straight out of the waffle iron these are solid and dry. I toast them for more crunch.

Still working on the recipe a bit. I’ll do a “chicken dough” post with pictures when I have tried it in a couple other forms. So far pizza crust and waffles are a success. I want to try tortillas and mini muffins.

I’ve determined that to replace an egg, it is 1 teaspoon of konjac and 1.5 tablespoons water. From that base, fat and baking powder can be added depending what egg qualities need replaced.

This is a pizza with a raw version of the chicken crust. It took a lot longer in the oven than the cooked chicken dough crusts, but same ingredients/ ratio. The “cheese” is made from beef glacé and chicken fat.

(Bean) #36

So. Do we want to do a “Jump In Carnivore January”? Or “Jump into 2025 Fat-First”?

We’ve had a mission-drift away from month-long challenges and more towards a carnivore chat, which does have its place, but maybe doesn’t need to be bound to a month.

I’m something of a reluctant carnivore myself- my goals need to be more ketosis/ macros based, more “lipovore” than “carnivore”.

So talk to me- what to you all need going into 2025?

(Robin) #37

Yes! Get it going… good names!

(Alex) #38

I like the refocusing that happens with monthly challenges but also like the general chat, and admit i’m not doing strict carnivore so for me my goals are more stable keto focused. I like the fat-first name, but if the consensus is still carnivore focused then it might need to be a more specific name. That’s not a very helpful response I know, very noncommital! We could jump into 2025 fat first and then see how goals go and if we want a meat feast february or something?


@beannoise: Thanks! I may play with this… While I like eggs, they aren’t needed for everything and sometimes I need to spare them. And they tend to go against crunchiness, I noticed that already.

I will experiment with carnivore pizza too soon even if it’s not so important for me. I can live without pizza and it’s weird not to use tomato in it… I can just eat some filled pancakes then, that’s easier. But if I could make some mildly crunchy crust, that would be great.

I like this! Even if I do protein first myself :stuck_out_tongue: Fat is first in percentage though…

IDK about monthly threads (I do love those…) but I definitely need a place to talk about my carni food, it helps me to focus and to remind myself why I want to be somewhere close to carnivore… Community helps. And I would miss the others, I miss the ones not here anymore already. Monthly or not, that matters little to me as long as some carnivore thread exists.

(Alex) #40

@beanwee we might get better participation if the name makes it obvious it’s carnivore challenge thread as well as the pun? I agree I’m happy as long as there’s a meat based thread somewhere :slight_smile: this type of support thread is a big reason i came back to the forum years later!