Dealing With Loss


I don’t really get it as all my life, whenever I thought about some feast, probably according to literature and cooking magazins and whatnots, it was around some delicious big roast… And I was usually a vegetarian, oh well :slight_smile: I had almost ALL the other stuff, barely missed anything. Though meat is a very very nice part of the human diet… Useful too.

If you say a feast contains other things too, I can relate, we have braided kalach (it looks like challah) as a must for Easter but Easter is pretty easy as it’s about smoked ham and eggs… It can be pretty feasty without plants or even spices. I had/have air fried (I just got my first air fryer on Saturday! it’s fun and exciting this far) pork with salt and it was anything but boring.

Yesterday I had the off part of my Easter, I don’t feel I got much out of it except calming down my rebellious and holiday-compulsive selves. But the food was mostly nice. But it will be even nicer today, this is carni day #1 now and I really want to reach #15 this time, that will be my personal record. Comparisons are unfair though as I had little meat yesterday due to various reasons. But today’s main meat is lean so it won’t be a very feasty one either, that is when I jump a plate of fried pork chuck. I just can’t imagine anything better than that. I never had a feast where I could just eat a pound of pork chuck before. My childhood was seriously lacking pork despite it was my fav. I don’t know why… I loved everything else so I didn’t complain but I remember how happy I was with the yearly one fried pork ribs.

But we all have different tastes and preferences so of course a feast means different to different people. It’s overeating to me so I don’t feast if possible.

I don’t travel much since I am on low-carb, I wonder what will happen when I do. This far I could just have mildly off days. I still can’t go far, I don’t want to feel subpar and enjoy my food less on a holiday but I surely couldn’t keep my curiosity in check… I suppose I would eat many tiny bites from my SO’s plate! But there is so much food I truly lost interest in. It would be a bad idea to eat those. So I mostly would choose some nice normal food for me. That’s easily still something new. I got octopus in a memorable Greek restaurant visit and I can’t have that here (without paying some insane amount of money. it wasn’t expensive there). We cooked some of our food there, that still had exciting parts as we bought tinned things we can’t here. That was plant though but still keto and my body could handle that just fine. I just wouldn’t be interested beyond a taste.
So I am sure I would make it work but I primarily travel for NATURE. Maybe mummies or bones if it’s that kind of a place. When we visited Kutna Hora and other skull-rich places, I already did keto I think. We packed something simple (I remember ghee mixed with walnuts as emergency dense food) and bought whatever seemed good in supermarkets and focused on Nature and skulls. And I can look at food, that still feels food joy to me. Maybe I am weird but I don’t feel an outsider if I don’t taste the local cuisine or just a tiny part of it.


Oh they are just hopeless. One stranger attacked me online when I ate meat about 3 times a year AND didn’t eat grains :smiley: They just can’t handle that together. We commented below a vegetarian paleo trial of someone else so I don’t know what they expected… :smiley: I did paleo-ish low-carb at that time, almost always without any meat, I felt relevant :smiley:
It helps that I couldn’t care less what people think when it’s a stupid thing and it’s on them, if they can’t accept me, I don’t feel it my problem. I may be a bit lonely (not because of my diet though) but I wouldn’t want people who only like me when I eat “normal”. Our diet is so very personal and individual, it’s our own business, I don’t understand why it matters for anyone else how I do it…? Apart from some craziness maybe but I eat way more right than most people and I don’t force it on a kid or cat or whatever (my cats probably would LOVE a carnivore diet though. with the occasional grass eating but even I have my extras. they get whatever I can afford and whatever they hunt here on these fields nearby, I don’t think they eat super bad, all look healthy and pretty too. they enjoy their food more since I eat meat every day and not a few times a year :wink: ).

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #22

I can understand that, if it’s real bread. However, the wafers we use in my parish are such tasteless things that, as one bishop famously remarked, “It takes more faith to believe it’s bread than to believe it’s the Body of Christ.” I figure a wafer and a tiny sip of wine once a week is an exception I can safely make. The “bread” is certainly not going to trigger any cravings, lol!

(KM) #23
