…finally ordered some powder form, probably add to my coffee mixture in the a.m.
I listened to, and read some reviews, mixed as usual so decided on being my own guinea pig once again. Everyone is truly different so best way for me I’ve found.
I settled on the monohydrate type, and I did read many elderly are using the Creatine, not just weight-training etc. It’s said to have some cognitive benefits, plus I do at least keep working my leg muscles, but as I mentioned in my “weight-training” thread, I started a 10 minute dumbell, upper body. I need to get back into it but not too fast.
I have dropped most of my supplements, at least I don’t take them every day. I’ve had some suspicions about needing so many, not in large doses, but 9 vitamins a day just a bit much maybe. Also, I don’t like multi’s as I just feel they are always lacking the dosages I thought were best for me.
Anyway, I want to try the Creatine to see how my body handles it. I know about some side-effects I can expect, like the headaches from possible dehydration, and one gal in a video talked about ravenous hunger.
Hard to believe since my Keto nutrition, 2 meals a day and long fast from 5 pm until 11am brunch, then meat only (mostly red, or salmon) by 4:30 or 5 pm. I have a snack but not because of hunger , at about 1 or 1:30pm, nothing in the evenings before bed.
I’m not counting calories, just eating until satiated, works great, an feel so much better doing it this way.
Ok, wrote a darn book, just wanted to start the thread, and went over-board, guess I missed talking about health. Love to hear what other weight-trainers, or anyone that uses Creatine, thinks of it Thanks much, Denise
PS I’m starting very low, not even the 5g they recommend, more like 3 g or less to start out. Post workout for now.