Corona Severity and Diet

(Ian) #9

Further evidence that other countries are starting to look into the link between diet and COVID-19 and hopefully this will lead newspapers and politicians down the rabbit whole of endemic ill health associated with highly processed fake foods…not that I will be holding my breath…

Urgent probe into obesity link to Covid-19 deaths: Matt Hancock orders health officials to find why certain groups including the overweight, men and ethnic minorities are more likely to die.

Mr. Hancock is the UK Secretary of State for Health and Social Care

(Ken) #10

I wonder, but somehow doubt, that there is such a thing as a Fatty Acid/Ketone IV drip.

(Keto Koala 🐨) #11

I just got the good news, I’m no longer infected!!! I got through Corona and now I’m allowed out!! I’m so excited.:partying_face:. It was a close call in early April, and I was stubborn and refused to go to hospital as i hate them. It all worked out though.:smiley:

(Troy) #12

A big Amen😄

(Peter) #13

There’s a surprisingly large amount of evidence emerging that people with disregulated blood sugars (let’s call it, maybe, “metabolic disease” as shorthand) are disproportionately affected by COVID.

That’s just one example - if people can find a search engine that doesn’t scare them too much to use, many more will appear. It’s the reason that it’s not only “old people” who are in the vulnerable category, and why so many younger people are being killed by strokes caused by it, having massive heart issues, and so on. It’s a disease that works via the blood as well as other vectors, that much is becoming obvious, and which therefore has the potential to become an even more horrendous problem due to most people being so chronically metabolically unhealthy.

(Ian) #14

You are right. Unfortunately people like the folks on this forum, who are willing and, to be honest, are capable of doing this type of research and critical thinking are a relatively small percentage of the population. It needs the big news outlets to dumb down the technical information into digestible bit sized chunks, backed up by the likes of Bonnie Henry, to do any actual good and shift the entrenched paradigm.

(charlie3) #15

If the Whitehouse task force recommended something like we would like to see a reporter would ask the president or any of the task force members if they would be following the recommendation. It’s a lot to promise. Before the virus I thought if i had time with the president to say my peace I would recommend he exercise leadership by fixing diet and exercise and encourage all us baby boomers to do the same as an act of patriotism–the only way to fix the health care system. All this is hugely difficult to discuss because the addiction to carbs is so pervasive.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #16

Not gonna happen on planet Earth. It would require too many people to admit they were wrong about nutrition. We’re 50 years into the biggest nutritional disaster ever - no one’s gonna take responsibility for it.

(Doug) #17

Michael, true that they’re not going to really admit they were wrong, but the pressure has to be mounting - it’s such a clear-cut difference with the severity of the virus infections. Anyway - it’s a good fact to have in one’s back pocket for future arguments with those in the “I have to have my carbs” camp. :smile:

(Bunny) #18

Was watching the NBC News about 57 children in New York that are on respirators getting an inflammatory condition from the Covid -19 virus where the limbs get really red and swollen (they were showing actual ICU footage) from babies to toddlers (most likely pre-existing compromised immune systems?) and I bet they are feeding them glucose (IV’s) rather than a high fat diet? Every one of those children were swollen up like balloons!


image link

”…The team found the ketogenic diet, or keto for short, triggered the release immune system cells that produce mucus in the cell linings of the lung and trapped the virus before it became worse . The two trainees are, Ryan Molony who found that immune system activators called inflammasomes can cause harmful immune system responses in their host, and Emily Goldberg who worked in Dixit’s lab, which had shown that the ketogenic diet blocked formation of inflammasomes . Co-senior author Akiko Iwasaki, the Waldemar Von Zedtwitz Professor of Immunobiology and Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology, and an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute said the findings were ‘totally unexpected’. During the study, the team showed that mice infected with the flu virus that were fed the keto diet had a higher survival rate than mice on a high-carb normal diet . …” …More

Posted here:

…And here:

(Windmill Tilter) #19

Definitely not. You’re more at risk if you are 44 years old, obese, with T2 diabetes and high blood pressure than you are if you are 70 with no underlying conditions. Take a look at this data from NYC. It’s pretty stunning. This thing targets fat, unhealthy people.

It’s batshit crazy that the CDC and NIH are not shouting this from the rooftops. People think it just kills old people. Not true. Since 70% of us are probably going to get this virus over the next 2-3 years, this would be a very good time to fix your blood sugar and blood pressure. It’s damn easy to fix (keto/fasting for HBA1C and weightlifting for blood pressure).

('Jackie P') #20

I’m behind in my reading, but just saw this, I am absolutely delighted! :hugs:

(Keto Koala 🐨) #21

@CrackerJax Awwwww thanks Jax, yeah I survived.:wink:

(Bunny) #22

…Not only that, the virus is seemingly mutating so that it has a second route to attach to a different receptor on host cells if the first attempt fails, it’s a clever little life form.

This makes it even worse meaning that it has improved its longevity outside a host cell almost reaching airborne like endurance.

What’s floating around now is not the same as the original.


[1] Association of Airborne Virus Infectivity and Survivability with its Carrier Particle Size

(Windmill Tilter) #23

Exactly! A vaccine is pipe dream. We’ve been trying to create a vaccine for a coronavirus for 20 years (H1N1). It’s not that’s it’s impossible to do for one variation, but the virus is not stable enough that whatever vaccine we create today will be effective in 12 months.

From what I’ve read, our options are: herd immunity and hope for the best, or nothing…

I hope to contradicted on that…

(Todd Allen) #24

The chart might be telling us that there are practically no seniors without underlying conditions. Why else would the death rate peak for no underlying conditions in the 45-64 age bracket and then go down with increasing age?


Electrolyte drip is what I have requested my surgeon orders if necessary when I have surgery

Nestle is supplying a lot of the products that are fed by tube to obese people who are too sick to eat and they are complete sugar filled garbage.

(Ellenor Bjornsdottir) #26

Don’t be so quick to be so certain about something that could be so totally wrong.

H1N1 isn’t a coronavirus. It’s an influenza virus. The two are different entities. If coronaviruses mutate at 50m.p.h., flu viruses mutate at 200m.p.h..

(Bacon for the Win) #27

yessir. first ingredient is usually corn syrup. Then there is sugar disguised fifteen different ways. I have never been able to convince people that they won’t die if they don’t eat for a few days, that their condition will get them long before not eating will. The first instruction on my Advance Directive is NO ARTIFICIAL NUTRITION. Woe to the person who violates that!

closed #28