Cooking beef


I also love oxtail. I sell mine for $4 lb. Tongue I never sell it’s my daughter’s favourite.

(Michael) #42

Wish I lived near you I have been trying without success to buy beef spleen, pancreas, thyroid gland, adrenal gland, longs, stomach, intestines, penis or testicles, eyeballs or lungs. Nothing in while now, seems almost impossible to get some of the organs now.
At least I do get tongue, heart and some cheeks and thymus.


Tongue is wonderful. It’s way easier to get pork than beef in this country (Hungary) but it’s probably not too hard to get beef tongue in a city, I found the only one I ever ate in a simple though bigger supermarket.
It was good. I still prefer pork tongue (lucky as it’s super easy to get in the city) but both were quite good. I LOVE tongue, one of my favorite meats, hands down. I have a little bit of a tip in my fridge right now :wink: I prefer the fattier other parts but it still will be appreciated.

Cheeks must be good, I can’t get that anywhere, be it pork or beef…

(Michael) #44

As @Farmgirl1 notes, they are indeed delicious. Softened collagen in the cheek lining is tasty.


I don’t know where you live but is there no farms there?

(Michael) #46

Canada, I buy all my stuff from farms. The issue is that all meats must pass inspection and offals require special training and manpower to pass inspection. Therefore most organs are sent into dogfood and none are willing to pay the fee for specialist to come in as it is not financially viable it seems. I have tried very hard for past year to find any pancreas at all. I can only get spleens from sheep, the beef spleen farm got in trouble for selling to me as above so they stopped.


I’m in Canada as well. I know the inspection issues. Our meat is inspected I just say the offals are for my own personal consumption which then makes it legal as long as you are “family”. Lol. Loop holes.

(Michael) #48

Want to adopt a 52 year old male?