Chris Masterjohn, PhD breaks down the Chris Kresser & Joel Kahn MD discussion from Joe Rogan 10/4/2018

(Karen Parrott) #1

Two comments about Chris Masterjohn’s Podcast.

  1. I couldn’t listen to the Chris Kresser and Joel Kahn podcast (Joe Rogen Because it was too stressful and hard to follow-and back and forth.

  2. So I was super happy to listen to the breakdown by Chris Masterjohn. As luck would have it around 31-32 minutes, I was eating a plate of 3 eggs and some kale and Dr. Kahn was talking about “Chronic Egg Eating”. I got a good laugh out of that. Here’s the link to Dr. Masterjohn’s podcast

I hope you’ll all join me in Chronic Cholesterol Egg eating… LOL.


(Karen) #2

Thank you for sharing this.


(Running from stupidity) #3

Yeah, Kahn made it that way, quite deliberately.


From one chronic egg eater to another…

Thanks for the reference. I heard about the debate but did not want to listen to the whole debate because I can take only so much of Dr Kahn.

Dr Masterjohn’s analysis of the debate was very well done. Well worth the listen. Thanks again, Karen!

(Bunny) #5

I’ll stick with eggies & my delicious high fat and protein diet, chronic bread and candy eaters die much much faster!

Eat more carbohydrates with sugar and spike insulin like there is no tomorrow if you want to trap dietary cholesterol and endogenous LDL cholesterol so it can saturate your blood stream?


  1. HMG-CoA reductase research papers
  1. Biosynthesis and Regulation of Cholesterol (with Animation)

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During the discussion on whether dietary cholesterol or sugar is really the problem, Dr Kahn makes a nonsensical argument at 26 minutes, by saying, “I have never scooped out sugar from blocked arteries. I have scooped out cholesterol from blocked arteries.” This is from a medical doctor, who as a cardiologist, as Dr Masterjohn points out, is fully aware of and understands these mechanisms in the body.

Dietary cholesterol does not block arteries. Also, the “sugar” in our food does not end up floating around in our blood stream so would never clog our arteries. Sugar is converted to glucose so that the body can process it. It is the oxidization of cholesterol and our body’s immune response to it that is the problem. The mechanism of blockage of arteries is very complex which Dr Masterjohn does a very good job explaining. What is maddening is knowing that Dr Kahn knows all this and still makes his asinine statement about “never scooping sugar out of arteries” to support his position that cholesterol, and not sugar, is the problem. Embarrassing!

This is why Dr Kahn, and all his other vegan doctor cohorts, have no credibility with me. If vegans get health benefits from eating just rabbit food and have peace of mind because they think they are saving the planet and the animal kingdom, then more power to them. But I think it is beneath the medical profession when a Medical Doctor tries to degrade my WOE by spouting a bunch of nonsense. If you want to debate the merits of your WOE, then use actual science to support your arguments!

I think Chris Kresser came across much better than Dr. Kahn and I loved Dr Masterjohn’s analysis.

I’m with you @atomicspacebunny! I, too, will stick with my WOE healthy fats and avoiding carbs. It makes much more sense to me.

(Running from stupidity) #7

Yeah, what an idiot. I was hoping Kessler would SMASH him for that, but Kahn had made it all so buddy-buddy by then that it would have been really jarring (a fairly obvious technique). Rogan knows enough that he should have jumped in as host and pointed out how stupid it was.

(Bob M) #8

I’m not sure this is true. This is one factor, but I don’t think the primary one.

Have you notice how the diet-heart hypothesis or cholesterol hypothesis, or whatever this is, keeps changing? It’s never the same. You can’t ever attack it. Is it high TC, high LDL, high LDL-p, high Lp(a), oxidized cholesterol, low HDL, etc.? What is really the issue?

Malcolm Kendrick argues this in his excellent book, The Great Cholesterol Con. And he’s right. If one never defines the problem, one can never attack that.


And now we have this on TMAO possibly being beneficial - will have to keep an eye out for Kahn’s take…