Chocolate addiction

(Mike W.) #6

As you get further along your journey your sweet tooth will change. I find even 90% Lindt chocolate to be “sweet” now. I really like the nuances of 99%.

(Michael ) #7

I enjoy apple cider vinegar with salt and lemon juice now. Crazy how much I used to eat chocolate. I’d probably go into a coma from a snickers now


Oh no… “I” am the world’s biggest chocoholic! I avoided this way of eating for years because I could not, would not, give up chocolate. But it’s been 6 weeks now and I haven’t even had a morsel. Easy? Hell no, but the bad cravings only lasted less than a week. There are lots of great recipes here that are keto-safe and will take care of the urge, and eventually there will be days (really there will!) that you don’t even miss it.

Try it - make some keto fudge for those cravings.

(Michael ) #9

It’s funny. I actually haven’t been doing any sweets or chocolate but these threads are making me want to try. I saw this video on YouTube and looked great, i think i might give them a try tomorrow. Apparently beef gelatin can make chewy cookies:

(Consensus is Politics) #10

I made some unsweetened cocoa powder chocolate today. It was an experiment, I felt like having something chocolate. I figured I try to make something mousse like. It didn’t work out so well.

I first heated up about 1/2 cup of coconut oil and about 3 tblsp of Kerrygold butter. (Never heard of it before this forum. Thank you for praising it so much. I love it. Tastes like butter should. Not like Land o’ lakes, that I though t was good butter. Not anymore.)

Heated it up to about 140 to 150 degrees. I wanted the cocoa to melt into it (by the way, I have no idea what I was doing. So please tell me where I went wrong, lol) I stirred it in for a while and kept adding cocoa powder until it seemed right. Probably about 1/2 cup, or little more. Also about a 1/2 cup of Splenda. The spends going in was strange. I think it doesn’t mix well with oil. It took a lot of coaxing to get it blended in.

So it was heating up pretty good. I didn’t want it to get real hot so I kept the temp low. I decided to add in some HWC, because, you know, why not? About 1/4 to 1/2 cup. Things seemed to be going well, so I pushed my luck a little further.

I put about 1/4 cup of coconut flour in to help thicken it up. That’s when things went sideways. I began to thicken a little for sure. But as it thickened it was pushing out the oil. Oil was separating from the cocoa powder. It looked more like sand in a pot of clear oil. It continued to separate. The oil level was rising high above the layer of the cocoa powder. I thought I had one chance left. I knew the oil would solidify when it got cool enough. So I put it in the freezer for about 15 minutes. It was noticeably cooler, but not solid. I kept checking it every 10 minutes. I kept stirring it back together, and it would separate slower and slower each time. But it still looked like a bowl of brown sand. Felt like it too as I stirred it.

Eventually it quit separating and I gave it a taste. Was sorta fudge like. Very rich too. The butter gave it a nice flavor. But it was more stressful than it was worth. The end product has much to be desired.

Maybe I should stick to electronics.

(Bunny) #11

I make keto fat bombs instead! I use these after I eat also not just for fasting! Weight was really fluctuating but I got it down now! They really look disgusting until you get them frozen but they work pretty good for losing weight and keto fat requirements!

The baby wheat grass turns them kind of green but who cares the health benefits out weigh the taste, I also add a little cayenne pepper (really good for you). I do not eat these for the pleasure of the palate or taste! I know it sounds like a mess but the vitamins in them all work together! Making mud pies is my specialty!

Seriously all joking aside I don’t eat these things everyday but when I do, I drop a pound or two and my clothes are literally falling off of me in the middle of the night when I get up to go tinkle as of recent!

They look like this! Not too tasty looking but they are super nutritious!

(Karen Parrott) #12

Yes, I understand, totally. I am a 40 year food addict who has almost 6.6 years being food sober. (not including a few lapses, but no relapses, yet)

I was able to abstain from chocolate for a long time. Also from grains and nuts and fruit (on another plan). I would abstain for 30+ days, then do a trial.

I identified 3-4 foods that I cannot have. I can have small amounts of 70% or higher (usually 85% or higher)

I need to abstain for life from

  1. All grains
  2. All nuts
  3. All emulsifiers (guar gum and xantham gum)

It was tough to figure it out, but very worth it. I’m maintaining a 70+ pound weight loss for 5.75 years. Many people abstain from certain foods (some are the same, some are foods like chocolate), or from alcohol, or from nicotine. It’s a very common thing, yet because much of the support is anonymous and the practice of abstaining is not talked about in the open.

I’m not in the anonymous groups. I talk about it. People hate me, hate abstaining. But you know who made it popular to talk about? Gretchen Rubin (The Happiness Project and Happier Than Before) Robb Wolf, Folks here on Keto forums, those who won’t ever pick up a whole grain again.

I’ve learned to ignore what others think, do what I need to remain food sober, and life is way, way better. Good luck and tell nobody what you are doing unless you know they will support you. Knowing what my trigger foods are/were is key for me.

(Ron D. Garrett) #13

You’ve heard of the Cookie Monster but I’m the chocolate monster and never thought I could give it up yet now I’m week 6 I’m surrounded by it at work and it doesn’t tempt me.

Trust the process and you will be fine. The very fact that you feel that you can’t give it up is a sign that you should. If you stick with it you will find the relief that people that struggle with giving up smoking feel once they give it up. YOU will be in control and he damage that that stuff is doing to you won’t be winning anymore…YOU WILL!!!

Trust in YOU because i do and from one chocoholic to another YOU CAN DO THIS!!!

Hang in there and lean on us your Keto Family because we are here for you and are in this together.

Be blessed!!

(Kat Lewis) #14

Thanks for being so upbuilding! I know I need to quit it. Ive even recently discovered im allergic to it as my face only breaks out if I have it. Its so hard. But,Im starting today of only being zero to 5 gross carbs a day for a month to get a good start into all of this and reprogram myself. I actually quit ciggs cold turkey years ago . That was very difficult and actually painful. I was so sick. Coughing up stuff ,the anxiety and the mood swings. So,you’re right…if I can do that …then surely…I must be able to do this. Because it’s chocolate,it’s potatoes,it’s breads,it’s sweetness…I grab for it so quickly and without thinking alot of the time. And then I feel nauseated from having them. I dont know why I torture myself…

(Michael ) #15

You’re probably not allergic to chocolate. All the sugar causes inflammation and so can the milk if it’s milk chocolate. End result is poor complexion. I had a lilys almond chocolate bar today and never would have guessed it didn’t have real sugar

(Ron D. Garrett) #16

We torture ourselves because that sadly is sometimes a lot easier than facing the demon head on. You will get there .

(Consensus is Politics) #17

When I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I tried to stick with the “approved “ diet. Which is basically still the SAD with slightly lower carbs. 45~60 grams per meal! I laughed in the nutrition class. Per meal?? That’s so easy!

Guess what. It didn’t work, I was in the downward spiral. After just six weeks and med increase, I wasn’t getting better. So I decided to fix it myself. Since sugar was my enemy, I said goodbye to sugar. I went cold turkey. Zero carb. Within a few days my blood sugars were normal range. And I felt a lot better. Lost 40 pounds in 14 days. Oh yeah baby. Feeling good.

It’s been about three months now. In a couple of weeks a get my HBa1c checked again. I’m thinking it’s going to be back to normal. But I’m still insulin resistant. I can tell when I’ve eaten sugar. I get a bad feeling, and sure enough got a glucose spike. Jump on the bike for an hour and things are normal again. That stationary bike is becoming my new best friend. I’m thinking I’m gonna have to name her. I’m thinking… Vera. Yeah, Vera sounds pretty good. Seeing as she is my very favorite bike. (Yes, there’s a Firefly reference there).

(Kat Lewis) #18

Youre cracking me up!!

(Kat Lewis) #19

Im gonna try it but,maybe after I break my addiction…

(Kat Lewis) #20

But seriously? You lost how much?! Is it truly because of zero carbs?? Because,Its what Im attempting but,I dont know how much Id lose personally…besides…yknow…my mind? LoL

(Consensus is Politics) #21

Somebody finally gets my humor.
[takes note of date and time]

(Kat Lewis) #22

LoL !! Youre funny.

(Consensus is Politics) #23

Yes. I did it before a few years ago when I first found Keto. Back around 2013 or 14. Within about one month I lost 30 pounds. I was about 225 pounds then. Dropped to 195 and gained 5 back pretty quick. I gave up on it because I wasn’t motivated. No pressing issues .

Now, I have some pressing issues being diagnosed as diabetetic. I want to keep my feet and vision.

I weighed 245 pounds when I was diagnosed. 6 weeks later still about the same, it goes up and down everyday by a pound or two. Then I started Keto. Two weeks later I was 205 pounds. It seems to have stabilized there. So I’ll begin fasting to try to break through that barrier. It’s been very easy thus far.

(Consensus is Politics) #24

It’s important to note, the problem with losing weight is usually because of insulin. If you have insulin working, it’s blocking fat. And continues to block the fat from burning for a few hours after the insulin is gone. The standard diet has us eating 3 times a day or more and that’s keeping our bodies in that insulin window, of ain’t no way fat is gonna burn. So just eat one big meal, over a couple hour period. And nothing else.

And on that note, I’m about to fall asleep at the keyboard. So I’m going to bed. Thanks for laughing, made my day.

Just remember… Keep calm and… we’ll, you know the rest.

(Kat Lewis) #25

True enough.