Chemistry debunks the biggest aspartame health myths

(Nathanael Schulte) #81

I heard a more recent interview with him after his book “The Keto Cure” came out in April. He hasn’t totally changed his opinion, but he did note that he personally tried cutting out Aspartame entirely, and the one really unexpected result after weeks and weeks off Aspartame (maybe 3-4 months) was that his blood ketones unexpectedly doubled. Interesting food for thought and worth starting some personal experimentation on.

(Nathanael Schulte) #82

If I recall, this was covered either in The Case Against Sugar or The Big Fat Surprise and the only way it got banned was by way overfeeding it to mice, much the same way they got special warning mandated on Saccharin for over 30 years - feeding it to mice on levels that were actually physically impossible for a human to consume, adjust for body size. Something like 60 cans of soda per day.

(Nathanael Schulte) #83

Did you happen to notice a difference between the Diet Pepsi vs. Diet Coke? It might not be the aspartame, but the acesulfame potassium that’s in Diet Pepsi, but not in Diet Coke.

(Omar) #84

I do not know about chemistry or the latest research in the aspartame area.

However I know about my body signals and feelings.

diet coke has sent me into deep depression. It is partially reversible. It is repeatable for me.

there is no 1% doubt in my mind that diet coke = depression even before I ever laid my eyes on any report associating diet coke with depression.

However I tend to believe that maybe people react differently. and not all people created equal.


All i can say is it dosent matter what “science” says… Aspartame gives me the raging headach from hades. Even in small doses. And thats enough for me to avoid it like the plauge… cause “i wanna a migraine” said no-one ever…

(Mike Glasbrener) #86

I gave up diet soft drinks so low BG ago… My preference at the time was and always had been Diet Coke. But I haven’t had a diet drink in??? a couple of years. I don’t miss them. Wine on the other hand…