Checking In with Update

("Don't call it calories, call it food") #1

Hi all,

I posted at the end of July with some questions about pancreatic health and some comments about my history (post: here). I am on day 13 of Keto and I am feeling great! I am avoiding most dairy (no milk, yogurt, cream) and am trying to focus on lean meats and coconut oil/MCT oil as much as I can. I am down 7 pounds (which is more than I expected, as I am not obese and don’t have much to lose). I am feeling well, and I have only had twinges of pancreatic pain when I have consumed heavy cream or done crunches/strenuous abdominal exercises.

I will probably check in a couple more times as things progress. So far, so good… I have loved reading all of the stories, questions and informative posts on here.

In hindsight, I am probably eating better for my pancreas now than I did before Keto because I am focusing on healthy fats…
