Cheat or carb cycle?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #41

Thanks. I look forward to checking them out.

(Luke) #42

That’s great. Everyone is different. I find if I’m in keto just for 80-90 percent of the time it’s very effective and if everyone is eating cake , you don’t feel like your missing out although sometimes I pass it up no worries. The drinking is getting old the older I get , I’ll give you that one. But long story short i allow for a cheat and keto is still very effective. Hence is it a cheat or simply carb cycling as some people do it on purpose to fuel work outs ect.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #43

I don’t, in any case, because cake is way too sweet, anymore. Now, fresh-baked yeast bread, on the other hand . . . :scream:

I haven’t had a drink in thirty years and don’t miss it at all. I’m hoping that someday that will be true of bread, as well . . . (sigh)


oh yes, if one can handle it one should do what works best for them.

but luckily I don’t ever feel like I miss out anymore. I say anymore cause when I started my eating lifestyle change, that was a biggie for me. Felt like I was missing out and I tell ya those are hard emotions to handle. I had to fight thru that change in me. Now I dropped that and it is so freeing for me personally to not have to want what others have. I think as I changed physically I had alot of emotional dieting type baggage to handle too :slight_smile:


Oh yes :slight_smile:
It’s not anywhere near perfect for me yet but not very many carby food can tempt me at this point.
Even several years ago I could meet with the choir in a cake shop and drink water only. Those overly sugary, carby, borderline inedible things couldn’t tempt me. (I was worse with free homemade stuff I admit… Now I don’t know as I don’t meet such things anymore. But as I can have all the lovely desserts I want and they are much more pleasant to me, it wouldn’t be hedonistic to desire the subpar sugary ones.)

This “missing out” isn’t something we all feel (or all the time. I definitely can relate sometimes. not every time people eat carby around me, that would be horrible, I live with a high-carber and I make carby food, today I bake another lovely bread, I got pretty good at it during the decades and the breads evolved as our taste and attitude changed. we want very different breads, I bake some for both of us today. mine are pure eggs but great for the “soft bun” role).
It’s a bit strange for me when most people acts like it would be missing out and not the lack of feeling worse… It’s NOT a good deal for me to jump carbs. (I don’t eat one slice of cake or bread, more like 10, probably that matters :slight_smile: But my body is resilient while others might have problems after 1 slice.)
And I see this everywhere. On keto forums, telling people that they SHOULD enjoy the carby treats on holiday as it would be so miserable and wrong not to… I saw the same said to hobby bodybuilders… And indeed, many people (probably mostly newbies but not only) feel they are missing out. I have nothing against eating 1 slice of cake or 10 if it works for them (and the type of cake matters too. I ate tons of cake on my original keto in order to keep my carbs “low”. I didn’t know I can get bored of something edible just because I overdo it but it happened to cake :smiley: Years passed and I still don’t like cakes but carnivore is partially to blame as it took away my desire towards most other sweets too).

But I keep straying away. So, it’s individual. If it’s such a great anguish not to eat some treat occasionally and it is little enough and doesn’t cause problems, fine, it’s up to everyone to decide these things anyway. But don’t forget that it’s not anguish or big self control not to eat the stuff for many others. Or maybe it is but with a very good reason. When people talk about not missing out all the treats on a holiday including very sugary stuff, I always think about how bad a holiday it would be if one spent it in pain due to wrong eating. My body is pretty resilient but after a few high-carb days I wouldn’t feel so great… And even if I don’t go that far, my body feels the difference pretty early. And I like to feel my best. Especially on holiday. (Good that I could handle a tiny off eating but not eating whatever. Hey, I wouldn’t even like that, I prefer my normal food most of the time.)

It’s not against what @LPT wrote, that just reminded me of the way stronger opinions about “everyone should have carby days on holidays and birthdays” I met too many times. And I wanted to talk about the complete lack of “missing out” feeling in luckier specimens as well :slight_smile: We can change wonderfully much. Even me. It just takes too many years in my case. But partial changes may happen way quicker. When I went low-carb, I immediately stopped looking at the carbiest items and seeing them as food, it was liberating! All the food I don’t need :smiley: (It got a bit worse later at some point though regarding a few specific items.) And carnivore took away my very old and strong love towards chocolate and ice cream (both very low-carb, of course, I don’t know why anyone wants sugary ones when the keto ones are better but I chalk it up to different tastes and maybe not making their own). I don’t even follow carnivore the vast majority of the time but it still had such a huge impact…

I am sure an important part of it is my hedonist self rewriting something in me in order to be happy with what is good for me… I just hate compromises, at least when it’s about my contentment with my diet. It’s not hedonistic not to eat whatever I want but it’s not hedonistic to do it and feel worse either.

So, we are so very different in multiple areas and “eating cake sometimes so I don’t feel missing out” just isn’t what we all have, for various reasons.

(Pete A) #46

I don’t “cheat” much and don’t feel deprived either. I don’t feel left out, I choose to not participate!

(Allie) #47

Likewise, I choose to feel good by eating what works for me.