Whatever works for you. I find it an extremely stupid idea that we all need the same percentages. Of course we don’t. I shouldn’t go over 65% fat personally. Lowish energy need, high protein need, a higher percentage just would make me overeat and I better stay below, like, 1800 kcal (that’s already little food, I can’t stand too lean items and fat is dense. it’s good the right carnivore items can be pretty satiating despite the small volume - I am no volume eater - but other items aren’t so satiating, they may be your allies…?).
Most carnivore don’t track as far as I know. It’s not even possible with my fatty meats though I try I am not always very off and that’s enough. My tracking is just checking if I do it right, I know how I should eat (but I had to track to figure it out).
You shouldn’t starve yourself, that isn’t healthy. The occasional low-cal day is fine but regular starvation… That’s bad. Try out different items, different timing, eat many meals if you must, eat without hunger if it’s what helps… And if you already eat lowish calories, you need to have a much higher protein percentage. 80% fat would give me at least 3000 kcal as I need my protein… Your protein need may be much lower than mine but still, eating 1700 let alone 845 kcal with a very high fat percentage, that’s little protein. So it’s very good you don’t even reach 75% often when eating that very little food.
Definitely not. You need nutrients. Not just energy from fat. Get your protein! And enough food, whatever that means. I dislike forcefulness so I would try out things. Different items, timing, eating a dense tempting bite without hunger… Maybe more sugar, that is not satiating to me. It’s cream or something for me but even zerocarb cheese satiates me poorly while I love snacking on cheese. Many of us have not particularly satiating meat options. It’s chicken for me, pork for some others… Experiment!
By the way, while I easily overeat on any diet, an extremely fatty one is a great way to drastically drop my calories. Fat without much protein can be super satiating (that’s why I like fat fast days. my only chance for a decent, even big deficit without any hunger). And of course, not anyone can stomach such meals. If the added fat is serious, I would rather starve (I mean with strong hunger and everything) and I LOVE fat with a passion, always did. So don’t eat too fatty for multiple reasons. Though who knows, maybe it would work occasionally for you? One can never know. But don’t do it for long, you need your protein and various nutrients.
Butter is nice, I totally would use it as a delicious tool in my toolbox. Liquid and soft stuff would be another. I could drink way more than your occasional 845 kcal in a single drink in minutes if I wanted I am pretty sure… You probably don’t but it’s easier with liquid calories for many of us. I like very soft-boiled eggs, they probably aren’t so bad either but it depends how satiating eggs are for you. Decently satiating to me (not as good as red meat) but still, it’s easier to drink them than eating them, day after day. And I love eggs in most form. Most of my dairy items are liquid or soft too and not satiating. I couldn’t add much butter to my coffee (I don’t like that so I usually don’t add any) but cream? Mmm, that’s nice.
Maybe you don’t want even that amount of sugar though, I don’t know.
Good luck!