Carnivore guy turned orange

(Richard M) #1

Once again an article gets published and they do not do any further investigation. So, if someone was planning on trying this WOE they might change their mind.

(Brian) #2

Yeah, I’ve been seeing some variations of that article floating around in some other places.

One of the phrases not used in the article posted here but in the other less abbreviated article was something on the order of “9 pound of cheese a day”. Um, no. I gotta call BS. Somethin’ seems real fishy to me, almost like it ought to be a Babylon Bee kind of article. (?)


It’s not extreme, he didn’t only eat beef…
(Sometimes I wonder how differently I look at these things after years flirting with carnivore.)
It would be extreme to me though as there are no eggs, among others.

I just started to read the longer stuff.
The photo looked so fake but apparently xanthelasma does that. Wow. Never heard about it… HOW can people end up with that just because of cholesterol, their body is surely messed up, I am pretty sure I wouldn’t get it if I ate pig brain for lunch… Though I am not sure it would be so great, it has some insane numbers and I don’t know if the human body can handle it day after day. We have our limits, after all. I only live on eggs, dairy and pork (on my good days. some plants are too tempting), I am healthy too with a huge trust in my body so I won’t fear cholesterol ever.
I am tentatively, 99.9999% sure that no one can eat 6-9 pounds of cheese and lots of other things for several months… And losing fat? Ouch, something must have gone very wrong with the body if it happily threw out all that energy. Or maybe some people work like that when not slim yet, it is actually nice I guess…

Anyway… We know choosing a not super fixed diet and doing it in an insane horrible way isn’t healthy. What’s new? I wouldn’t do it that way. I couldn’t afford a fragment of that cheese to begin with but it’s not the reason.

A healthy diet … consists of 2.5 cups of vegetables every day, 2 cups of fruit, 6 cups of grains, 3 cups of dairy, 5 grams of oil and only 5.5 ounces of meat per day.

I just can’t comprehend how ANYONE can believe this. Yeah, exactly that for absolutely everyone and it doesn’t matter what kind (well for the dairy, low-fat was mentioned in the previous line and I can’t express how much I abhor that. low-fat dairy is a horrible tasting abomination if you ask me). It’s so crazy. We all have our individual nutrient and energy needs and even individual sensitivities.
6 cups of grains oh my good…
3 cups of dairy… It may matter if it’s skimmed milk or super fatty cheese I suppose… What idiotic measurements are these? And what about our wonderful freedom to choose as omnivores? We can skip ANY food groups altogether without problems (unless we have some special reasons). I don’t even have a food group that I always consumed and I was healthy on all my diets (though it probably wouldn’t have been so great after 8 more decades… high-carb is really not for me).
I really, really love fruits but it’s quite annoying that this sweet more or less natural candy is touted as some vital health food. It isn’t. It’s not needed at all. Nothing is strictly needed but fruits have an extremely bad match with my nutritional needs. And it even has much fructose… Why to push people to eat it galore I don’t know.
Makes me much happier than chocolate though (as the latter doesn’t, at all. is it me? or is it normal? it’s just some tasty fat with some other macronutrients, nothing really special).

5g oil is the only thing I can get behind (for myself only). And what about eggs? They are always forgotten! And I personally don’t consider starchy but non-grain plants vegs so they are missing too. And what about nuts? The majority of my low-carb food is missing…

The meat isn’t super low though if I think about meat consumption data… That’s 56kg per year. One can’t afford much more if they eat their 10.5 cups carbs every year… How stupid, really.

It would do really good to my mental health if I ignored dietary guidelines.

(KM) #4

Actually, they don’t. Going to the link to the guidelines, it’s 6 oz, not six cups. This article in the New York Post is so poorly written, tripping over itself in its enthusiasm to excoriate carnivores like a small dog piddlling on a carpet, it’s laughable. The miniscule amount of actual data is mostly incorrect.

Not to say that this whole thing isn’t absurd. JAMA Cardiology is taking serious heat over publishing it.


Oh my point stands even then. N cups of this, M oz of that… Homo sapiens in general doesn’t have such weird fixed ideal diet! A normal healthy person even can choose from very different diets and all may work just fine. Glucose and fat are both good energy sources for many (well glucose is needed for everyone but I meant eaten glucose in bigger amounts). Vegs aren’t needed for all. Most fruits are too sugary and non-satiating for many of us (I still love them).
But guidelines have this fixation with giving ONE specific style of eating to everyone. Even timing.How on earth could the same number of meals work for everyone? I can’t eat twice and expect fat-loss, it’s too much food - unless I am very careful but then my grain, veg and fruit consumption must be pretty close to zero, among other, much harder conditions (well maybe not harder than not eating fruits when I am surrounded with some super good ones but it took years to be able to minimize my fatty favs, that was even harder until recently). The guidelines would make me extremely unhappy, unwell and obese. And I know I am not the only one. Of course, why would I even think about following someone’s guideline who doesn’t even know me while my body screams bloody murder if I dare to take 2 steps into that direction? I am not a masochist…