Carnivore April 2018 Support?

(Jack Brien) #21

And it makes a very pleasant addition to the plate

(Tracy) #22

I hear you! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m not having much fun with it at all, but I think I’m feeling better.

(Jack Brien) #23

I’m only on my 3rd day, but really it’s not much different from what I was doing on keto. The biggest change is probably chocolate.

(Becky Searls) #24

Yeup! Speaking of that beast…I had a stressful day administering standardized tests to my middle schoolers. When I happened across some chocolate, I caved HARD. Oops. Back on the horse now!

(Jack Brien) #25

6 days in and right on track so far :grin: Damn I could use a beer though. And I have a crate of Marston’s low carb in the garage too :confused:

(Tracy) #26

How has your week been Becky? I had a pretty stressful end to my week, so I’m having some food cravings today, but not giving in. I stopped spices, except for salt, and have added butter to my meat and this has kept me going quite well. The more I read, the more I want to make this work for me.

(Becky Searls) #27

Hey! Pretty good! I was solid for 5 days then got a sore throat and hubby pushed homemade chicken soup on me. Unfortunately it had some veg in it and that upset my stomach quite a bit but whatever, good reinforcement that i want to stick carnivore! Back on it now. I HAVE found that I want to eat midday more often (usually I am OMAD for dinner) on carnivore? Anybody else?

(Tracy) #28

Oh yeah. I was accustomed to eating at noon and about 6:00 before, and now I’m finding that I’m hungry earlier in the day. I’ve been doing my two meals but with additional food earlier in the morning to make it through. I’ve also been feeling “snackier” between meals than normal, or at least my keto normal.

(Jack Brien) #29

I’ve been eating 3 meals a day, which I wasn’t before, more than 3000 calories most days. I did have a little boo-boo last couple of days, avocado yesterday and chocolate and dodgy sausages today.


I went a couple of months wanting to eat at 11am and 5pm (played merry hell with my work schedule!)

More recently it has been one bigger meal at 2-3pm, and a light snack mid evening.

No idea what will happen next…

(Chris) #31

Flirted with implementing some of the Vertical Diet principals into my diet. What a mistake. Adding in an orange (actually a little clementine) post workout would give me ravenous hunger. Eating a Daily carrot seemed to only cause constipation. I think the idea of working salmon in 2x a week is a good idea though.

A lot of Good-Better-Best going on with the vertical diet and its probably great for people currently on the gas training like a madman or just a SAD, but I tell ya, no need to get cute with the carnivore diet.

as I say that, I may try cutting my fat intake a couple days a week PSMF style to see if I can kick up my weight loss. Ive dropped ~80lbs so far… lbs are not falling of easy anymore

(Becky Searls) #32

Never heard of the vertical diet? And don’t recall what the protein sparing thing is for?


Phew! Yesterday was soooo difficult!
First day in 4 months carnivore that I have had a problem.
No idea what was going on.
Poss not enough fat, with too much protein???
Nothing else springs to mind.

Whatever caused it, it was like The Craving Hamster had decided to scrabble the inside of my ribs ALL DAY.

The weird thing was that I had no idea what the craving was for. None of the usual suspects appealed (carbs, choc, sweet… I wasn’t hungry, thirsty, low on electrolytes, had eaten anything different, fasted longer, nothing)

Fortunately, I couldn’t scratch the itch because I didn’t know what the craving was telling me to eat. Lol.

Then I woke up this morning back to normal.

(Becky Searls) #34

Whew! Great job persevering, I guess ?! Can’t wait til my cravings all subside! Might help when I stop sneaking halo top, lol!

(Jack Brien) #35

Hit the floor hard yesterday, with over 200g of carbs and most of that sugar. Just shows how one little biscuit can kick my self control straight out the window. So much easier when that stuff isn’t around. But bacon eggs and sausages for breakfast this morning, so looking on the bright side

(Becky Searls) #36

Great job getting right back to it! I continue to have chocolate here and there but have decided it is ok, lol. If that’s the ONLY carbs I have I’m cool with it. So it’s been about 2 weeks of just meat and chocolate for me :joy: I know I should wean off…we’ll see. I also made my first Sous vide ribeye last night!!! Yum!!!


I think there are enough of us ZCers-with-a-bit-of-chocolate on here that we deserve our own subgroup and name.

I just can’t think of a catchy enough title for us! :joy:

98%ZC2%choc doesn’t quite do it for me! :wink:

(Jack Brien) #38

Spinach, avocado, beer, broccoli, cauliflower and a bunch of Indian sweets. I dropping out for now

(Becky Searls) #39

Just had a definite victory - was at Kroger after 2 days truly solely carnivore and almost bought chocolate but resisted!!! Maybe if I can keep this steak alive the cravings (physical, then psychological) will subside!!!