I don’t plan to get old in any time soon but I doubt I ever will do handstand push-ups
Sigh. City visit today. I felt I was melting. It’s so so horrible, summer. I want it to end already. But I just appreciate my A/C (only downstairs) now.
But I made sure I won’t mess up my carnivore September due to boredom I have SO MANY different carni items now Unusually much quark too but it was a great sale and I skipped several weeks, I am looking forward to eat the stuff again!
Alvaro happily eats (my) pork now so I keep running out of it. He cooks chili (with beans, we can’t even imagine any other kind, at least it’s not vegetarian anymore) tomorrow and he uses up all the lean parts of my only (big and fatty) green ham slab. Well, our I suppose. I trimmed it, he was happy with that as he doesn’t need very much meat in his chili but it must be lean. I ended up with a nice amount of fatty pork and I fried it, I will eat it tomorrow. It probably will be a very normal carnivore-ish day, fried pork, sponge cake buns and cheese, sour cream and whatever I will fancy. I bought chicken liver, pork liver and 2 kinds of pâté as well… Cream cheese, cream, butter (it got more expensive again but it’s inflation for you. Alvaro’s Mom complained that vegs cost 2 times as much as last year. I looked at prices myself as Alvaro may eat less vegs but they still are quite important for him. indeed, they are expensive. I am so glad I don’t need those, all that money and work for something not particularly satiating… bad deal)… Various kinds of cheese, we are prone to that but now we have camembert and blue cheese too and we don’t always have those. I made sure I won’t run out in the next few weeks!
Our shopping tends to be heavily animal based. Of course Alvaro buys some plants but the bigger part is animal as we both love those items. We have enough grill sausages now too, they are pretty useful now and then.
Oh I saw vegan ice cream and looked at it as I had no idea what on earth that could be. Rice and sunflower oil, mostly. It’s near zero protein but it’s not among its several biggest flaws I am sure It sounds so crazy… If I had to make vegan ice cream, I would use coconut at least, it has a flavor and it is a fatty plant. Rice… It reminds me of the bacon replacement(!!!) made from rice paper. Or roast replacement made from watermelon but I think that was just a joke, they couldn’t think that seriously. I decided I will come home and make some carni ice cream in the near future. And add a little something for Alvaro as he pointed out he doesn’t eat carni ice cream. Just almost. As an ice cream really doesn’t need much else than cream and yolk.