Carbonated Water?

(Ron D. Garrett) #1

@carl Dr. Ken mentioned something about you telling him about the possibility of carbonated water maybe raising insulin in a study.

Just wanted info about it if you had any as I drink carbonated water ALL DAY :joy:

If I have to give it up I will but I hope I don’t :joy:

Appreciate anything that you and @richard could tell me about it whether it be preliminary or

(Rob) #2

This seems pretty supportive of your habit.

There was a bunch of scaremongering a while ago about fizzy drinks (primarily about soda) but it seemed to cast bubbles as one of the enemies. It seems to be bunk and was probably just the sugar or sweeteners creating a response.


Carl may have the study but nothing popped up in a quick search.

(carl) #3

It was a study that showed carbonated beverages increased ghrelin levels.

(Rob) #4

Thanks for this, but without revealing the materiality of the subjects’ response to hunger and the resulting weight gain, and all the confounding factors that are not controlled, it’s hard to be worried. The quality of the human part of the study is interesting but limited and doesn’t seem to account for the food habits of the participants as far as the impact of the ghrelin. To me, it’s worth bearing in mind, but if it were material, I would imagine it would be further out in the world… we shall see.

This is an even handed analysis of the study. It declares it interesting but confounded vs. trying to blame obesity on fizzy bubbles. I wonder if the fizz expanding your stomach triggers some ghrelin response?

Of course, as a well known weakling both physically and spiritually (:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::rofl::grimacing:), @Rgbigun should be very worried about the overwhelming power of the fizzy water :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

(Ron D. Garrett) #5


(Trish) #6

Aside from my morning coffee or tea, club soda is all I drink. I usually put a lemon wedge in it. I have not noticed any significant or sudden grehlin post drinking whether I drink a glass at once or sip over a period of time.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

Bear in mind that rats cannot burp (rat owners have to be aware of this) and therefore they have no easy way of releasing excess gas from their stomachs. If the researchers were having to cope with the rats’ passing lots of gas out the other way, I pity them! (Don’t ask how I know . . . ) :rat:

(Rob) #8

It just shows how blasé I am about the amazing things about keto that this seems like the coolest thing I learned today!! :exploding_head::exploding_head::exploding_head:

(Jean Taylor) #9

You guys are trying to kill me! You can’t take my bubbles!

(Trish) #10

I’m super curious now. Why can’t rats burp? I would think rodent anatomy is not that dissimilar from mammals stomach wise ???

(Ethan) #11

I don’t have access to view the whole article, but did they test carbonated water without flavorings?

(carl) #12

Your collective skepticism is justified. It’s a mouse study. But it does warrant further research.

You can do a simple test. Wait until you’re not hungry. Drink some pure seltzer water. Are you hungry after? If so, avoid it. If not, carry on.

(Ellen) #13

Oh man! Rats really can smell, good job they’re cute (not wild ones).

(Ellen) #14

Here you go…

(Trish) #15

Thanks :slight_smile:

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

Thanks @Elle79, you beat me to it! I love that site; it and the Rat Guide have the most reliable information available.

(Rob) #17

The link above to the “Can Fizzy water make you fat?” article is a review of this study and reveals much more of the methodology. They use flat water, fizzy water, flat soda and fizzy soda and it implies they use regular and diet but it’s not clear how.

(Ellen) #18

@PaulL That was just a google search as I couldn’t remember the reason they can’t, wish something like this had been available when I had my boy, but the internet was a fairly new thing back then!