Boyfriend that is not interested in Keto lifestyle

(Banting & Yudkin & Atkins & Eadeses & Cordain & Taubes & Volek & Naiman & Bikman ) #21

So, among many other problems with that girl, after I lost 30 lbs, and got otaku about low carb, she said, “I liked you better when you were fat.”

Yeah, and I stayed with her for another year.

(Troy) #22

Awesome of you to help and cook. In addition, to compromise
Sharing the main course, and making different sides too😄
I can tell, you care for him a lot!
Who knows he may want to change his WOE at some point

Now…the other side :grimacing:
If he works late, doesn’t like it…or what you are making well…he can make his meals the night b4 or carby side dishes
Not trying to be harsh

Good luck!

(A ham loving ham! - VA6KD) #23

A Dan Savage fan? My 2nd favourite podcaster.

(Sommer Strickland) #24

I have to say that my husband and son do not do keto, but I will make a keto main and then a side and then for them sometimes I just cook them some rice or pasta. I am trying to wean them slowly to none of that, but they also like sweets and stuff like that.

(Jay AM) #25

Sounds like you’re off to a great start and that chicken sounds super tasty. I find the best result from listening to my body. Truly, I think about tribal life (either ancient or current examples of decently healthy populations.) They don’t sit around with calculators and macros trying to decide whether to eat that extra chunk of leg or not. And, I personally refuse to do anything that is like a traditional yo yo diet. If I’m going to do it for life, I plan on treating it like that.

The basic “rules” I go by and many others can agree with especially for beginners are

*20g net carbs max (you might tolerate more but, starting out, 20g net carbs or less will get you into ketosis.)

*Moderate protein (1g-1.5g per kg of lean mass is a good goal based on the 2 Dudes recommendations.)

*Fat to satiety (add fat to every meal and, if you are hungry, eat more fat.)

*Do not restrict calories

*Drink plenty of water

*Get plenty of sodium and other electrolytes

(Sheri Knauer) #26

Fortunately its really easy to add additional fat to your meal. Just make a separate side for him. As for breakfast, I would wait to do intermittent fasting until you are fat adapted, then your appetite will normally decrease and you can easily skip breakfast. Forcing it right away when you start eating keto can feel like a deprivation diet. Have stuff ready to go, like hard boiled eggs, cut up cheese, leftovers from dinner the night before, something you can just grab from the fridge and go. You do what you feel is right for you and maybe down the road, when your bf sees how good you are feeling and your amazing results, his interest in trying keto may be piqued.

(Craig Pengelly) #27

Marta, is the book Simply Keto written by Suzanne Ryan?


We order our groceries online.
So we each add what we want to the order (I do the keto/zero carb stuff, he does the extras he wants, the carbage and so on).
Then when I cook I do the meat and the low carb veg, he adds in any extra carbs he wants.

Seems to work quite well, although every carb he adds is either processed and doesn’t need cooking (bread, etc.) or microwaveable.

He knows how to do keto, and does it to control his weight, in bursts, so he ‘gets it’ and realises that I need it.

When I recently went zero carb, I kind of lost interest in doing his veg, and felt quite bad about it, but we settled on a new form of compromise, which works well.

He managed not to starve before he met me, so it isn’t like I have responsibility for feeding him every mouthful.


Yeah we worry about this as well haha


Sounds like you’re on the right track! You’ll figure it out as you go, good luck!

(Samantha Drewry) #31

So tonight I’m going to try and make homemade pizza. When I looked up the fathead pizza dough recipe, I’ve seen a mix of almond flour and cocnut flour. Does anyone have a reccomendatiom on which to use? How does this compare to a cauliflower crust?

What about mushrooms stuffed with pizza toppings?

When buying processed meats like pepperoni is there anything I need to watch out for?

As usual, I appreciate any advice. Thanks!


The fathead recipe I have seen, and used, is almond flour, not coconut.
here is the link to the original site and recipe

(I have always found it best to cook the crust on both sides, by flipping it over half way through cooking)

(Samantha Drewry) #33

I also found one that uses canned chicken, and egg and cheese? Oh the world of pinterest. Has anyone tried this?

(Allie) #34

We rarely eat together due to working opposite shifts, but when we do and I cook it (he doesn’t cook), he eats keto. My man is a real sugar / junk addict.

(John B) #35

With any diet change, it is easier to do it when you have someone either supporting you, or doing it with you. My wife has tried several diets, and while i did most of the cooking, I was not always eating the same way she did, and she would often eat the way I did, going off her diet. It wasn’t until both of us decided to do keto that we both saw weight loss.

That being said, since you do the cooking, and meal preparation, cook per your diet and see what he thinks. if he wants something else, I’m sure he knows how to microwave a pizza or something.


Yes on he weekend - worked well!


Do not, never, ever make pizza with cauliflower crust!!! It is disgusting! And nothing like pizza. Several recipes on here which are great; tried this recipe last weekend & it was amazing! Matthead Pizza. Dare I say it?
I’m a newbies & would give you the advice of getting prepared, looking up lots of recipes you’re interested in trying. First time I tried keto I was miserable, focusing on all the things I couldn’t eat, lasted less than 2 weeks. This time I’m only 4 weeks in, but feel totally different about it- I’ve found so many new things to try that it’ll keep me busy for a while, & as others have said, your tastes do change- walked past a KrispyKreme stand today without even a second look!

(Stephanie Sablich) #38

I am going to second the notion that cauliflower crusts are WAY more trouble than they are worth. I have recently purchased pre-made cauliflower crusts that are pretty yummy, but these owners are gods and have powers I do not have. For a while when I started down the low-carb road, I felt like this, a lot. I promise it doesn’t have to be SO cauliflower-based :slight_smile:

I’ve definitely made some yummy Fathead recipes- the one I use only calls for almond flour. Both almond flour and coconut flour are getting pretty easy to find at a grocery store, and I’ve had better luck consistency-wise with the blanched almond flour.

Watch the carbs in processed meat… sometimes the SUPER packaged stuff has weird additives. Just check the labels :slight_smile:


Im in a similar situation where my husband isnt interested in the Keto lifestyle, however he is going to do it with me partially. My only requests is that he doesnt bring home any temptations or unfriendly keto foods but he is free to eat what he wants outside of the home.

I went through our kitchen and bagged up all the carbs we had. Rice, bread, oats, beans, noodles, etc etc so that they never become temptations to you later. But if your bf relies on a lot of those sugary foods, you might have to discuss with him if he is willing to compromise to help you with your goal.

The cooking situation is also similar where I do 90% of the cooking at home because he gets home from work much later than I do. He tries to prepare meals Sunday night for the week that can supplement anything I do. Its definitely frustrating spending a lot of time cooking a keto friendly meal and having a non keto person want to eat it all which ends up making you have to cook every night instead of using left overs. Lucky for me, my husband is picky and doesnt always eat what I eat so I let him fend for himself because he is a big boy. Hahaha!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #40

My family is supportive of my way of eating, but my father and niece are not keto, so I cook supper much of the time, in order to make sure that the meal is keto. Everyone likes the food, and I don’t emphasize that it is all keto. My sister, who is pretty keto, will sometimes make a side of rice for my niece, or potatoes for the niece and Dad, and we will just avoid it. My niece often likes bacon and eggs for breakfast, so I will cook for both of us when my sister is traveling; on days she wants cereal, I put it out for her and ignore it. I picked up some crème fraîche the other week, sweetened it a bit with some Truvia and served it over blueberries for dessert. It was a big hit, and my niece has been clamoring for it ever since. And everyone seems to enjoy Fathead pizza whenever I make it. They don’t care that it’s keto—they just like the taste.

I’m glad your boyfriend is supportive, even though he loves sugar and carbs; there’s hope for him yet!