Blood keto reading

(Lisa Greenwood) #1

Why would my blood keto reading be 2.9 at 7am and then read low at 4:00 pm. This keeps happening. I’m confused.

(Jean Taylor) #2

That is unusual. From what I’ve read it’s usually higher later in the day. How low is low? What time do you get up and what are you eating in the morning? What are you eating between the 1st reading and the 2nd? And are you working out?

My 1st though was maybe youre drinking keto coffee in the morning before the 1st test, then eating more carbs between the readings? 2nd though maybe you’re working out and burning the ketones your making shortly before the 2nd test? I honestly have no idea im just trying to think of why that might happen based on thing I’ve read. I don’t watch mine that close…

(Lisa Greenwood) #3

The first reading is before any food or drink in the morning around 7 am.

(Lisa Greenwood) #4

This is what I eat every day. Except the chicken breast comes after 5 pm. No exercise. I work as a school nurse. 3 week in and no weight loss yet. I am getting frustrated.

(Jean Taylor) #5

A lot of people don’t lose much until after they’re fat adapted which can take around 3 months depending on how screwed up your metabolism is.

Generally the advice people give here is eat 20g or less carbs eat protein appropriate for your lean body mass and eat fat to satiety. Don’t under eat and don’t be afraid to add fat if you’re hungry. A lot of people start at a deficit which just keeps your metabolism from recovering. The 1st bit of keto is healing.

I’m not sure why your ketones are doing that. Hopefully someone else has an idea.

(Lisa Greenwood) #6

Thank you so much. I am thinking it might be a defect in the Keto Mojo meter or defective strips.

(Candy Lind) #7

I have to ask a few ?s to know what to advise - height, weight, age? Are those net carbs showing up next to the calories? (Is that My Fitness Pal?) Are you eating to a set of macros based on a large deficit? At any time of the day, are you hungry?

(Lisa Greenwood) #8

I am 66 inches tall and weight 217. Age 51. Yes, they are net carbs. I am aiming for 20 net carbs, 101 g fat, 82 g protein. This is according to the carb manager app. Yes, I am hungry at 4:00.

(Lisa Greenwood) #9

I am 5’ 7 inches tall

(Candy Lind) #10

You’re not eating enough. Especially in the early going, you MUST eat enough (especially fat) to reach satiety and get over the “insulin wall” your body has built to hold in those fat stores. I was doing this at first and losing almost nothing. I decided to toss CICO to the curb, “trust the process,” and eat fat to satiety. When I added an additional 200 calories of fat to my macros, the scale started going down. When it stalled a month later, I did it again & it started going down again. At the same time, I was actually starting to get those satiety signals I hadn’t heard from in 40 or so years! I am currently on a plateau that is a true plateau. I feel a lot of changes still going on in my body, so I’m continuing to KCKO. I IF (intermittent fast) usually 16:8 or 22:2 and I think it’s about time for me to start adding an extended fast of 2 or 3 days on a regular basis to shake things up. The scale will eventually become my best buddy again when my body is ready to cooperate.

I personally think that 82g protein might be a bit high. The recommendation is .8-1 gram per kilogram of lean body mass. If you have 150 pounds/68kg of lean body mass, that would mean you should eat 55-68 g of protein per day. Eating 82 grams may or may not hurt you; some say you can eat less than .8/kg; some say you should eat more for satiety’s sake. I think you should eat more fat instead. Put a tablespoon of butter in your coffee along with that cream (trust me, it is BEYOND heavenly! put it in a tall container and hit it with an immersion blender and it’s heaven in a mug.). Make sure all the protein you eat is accompanied by fat. I love lean cuts like chicken and pork chops baked with a layer of mayo and then a layer of cheese on top of whatever herbs/spices I add. If the olive oil is going on your lettuce, increase it to 3 tablespoons. If your eggs aren’t cooked in fat, add mayo or butter or some dressing to dip them in. Eat 4 pieces of bacon, not 2. Eat enough fat that you aren’t hungry at 4. If you overdo and then you aren’t hungry at “supper time,” GREAT! You got a signal from your body! Think about not eating supper at the “normal” time and eat something later if you need to. The point is: low carb, moderate protein, FAT TO SATIETY. If it’s easier for you to use fat bombs, find a recipe you like and make some, and add them to your lunch and/or supper. But don’t be the slightest bit hungry at the end of a meal. Listen to your body, KCKO, and you WILL start losing.

(Lisa Greenwood) #11

This is great news! I can do that. I started out that way and the scale went up 2 lbs and I got scared. Sounds like I didn’t give it enough time. Thank you so much I really do appreciate your time. Good luck on your journey!

(Candy Lind) #12

Thanks - you, too! See you around the forums. :wink: