Bad Dream


(Susan) #1

I am having consistent bad dreams that seem to coincide with my ketogenic diet. The dreams seem to even have a theme. My stress has not changed and I can’t think of anything else. I do a “brain dump” journaling exercise and light “feel good” reading before turning out the light. I have always been a vivid dreamer and I am starting to dread going to sleep. Has anyone had experience with this?

(Dave Smith) #2

Yikes, I seem to only have bad dreams after I eat sugary stuff and have had too much alcohol throughout the day, like after a party. How do you actually feel during the day?


I also have bad dreams pretty much nightly on keto. If I wake during the bad dream I try to come up with a happy ending for the scenario…

Eating more carbs before bed helps somewhat.

(Dave Smith) #4

Have not heard much about this for sure. Heck if some carbs before bed help you with that, then I’d try to keep them confined to some macadamia nuts or a little bit of sweet potato perhaps. Or some blueberries (I keep frozen ones on hand cause the fresh ones tend to go bad before I can eat them).

(Andrew Anderson) #5

I’ve had that as well. It helps if I’m hydrated, take my magnesium, melatonin, and sometimes a Dramamine.


I’ve been having sex dreams. They are bad though because it’s not with my husband! The worst was the night after I saw my gynecologist at Sam’s club. Yuck!

(*Rusty* Instagram: @Rustyk61) #7

DITTO…and not with your husband either!!! Thank god.

(Susan) #8

Frankly, I wake up tired and I get very sleepy at about 5-6 in the late afternoon. I am really starting to dread going to sleep. Last night was no exception. It’s not like they are nightmares, just unpleasant and very vivid…and just the weirdest circumstances. Sometimes I can relate them to a conversation or something I saw in the media, but definitely not always. I’m baffled by the consistency and they really seem to coincide to the time I cut carbs to between 20 and 25 grams.

Susan Miller, SNS, NTP
Vital Kitchens

Food Without Labels. Essential Kitchen Skills. Vibrant Health.


I don’t know if you take a magnesium supplement, but many find that it helps aid a deep, refreshing sleep. Choose a mag malate or glycinate preferably (avoid oxide).


Oh man…I almost snorted that was so funny! :laughing:

(Empress of the Unexpected) #11

I’ve been lucky and had the opposite reaction to keto. I used to drink gallons of milk before bedtime, and had horrendous dreams. Since starting keto, I have not had any bad dreams.

(Alex Pearson) #12

I had a similar experience. You urgently need to cure this problem. Soon it can turn into insomnia!

(katrin oricci) #13

I have never thought that my bad dreams may appear because of sugary things! Wow! Recently I have consulted one expert in interpreting dreams how to cope with recurring nighmares I have. She explained to me everything and so that I dont overthink advised me to eat a small bar of chocolate before sleep. So, honestly, I think every advise is built individually. And if you want to turn to somebody who can give you exact interpretation of lucid dreams or any other (like mine - nightmares,haha), I advise you to get acquainted with Amanda.

(Kenneth) #14

ONE Possibility. You are finally getting into the deeper restorative stages of sleep and the brain is processing out all the deep emotional stuff that takes place during that time.

Sounds crazy, but check out this video. The nice part of Keto, is that it is knocking out inflammation and the ketones permeate the blood/brain barrier and helps clean out the junk in the synaptic pathways. So, as a result of this, there is better brain function. With the reduction in inflammation the body is able rest better.

So putting those principle together, plus the information from the video, I would “hypothesize” that your body is finally getting that deepest restorative sleep and as a result the body is processing all sorts of old emotional and life experience stuff while you sleep.

Just a thought.