Bad Calcium Score. How to reduce it

(Danny Evatt) #21

Hi Zee - I take

  • 1000mg of vit C (C-Salts® GMO FREE Buffered Vitamin C Powder (1000mg - 4000mg) | 140+ Servings, 1.6 lbs (26oz)
  • 5000mg L-Arganine (Nutricost L-Arginine (250 Grams) - Pure L-Arginine Powder - 5000mg Per Serving)
  • 3000mg L-Citrulline (Nutricost L-Citrulline Malate (2:1) Powder (300 Grams)

(I buy all on Amazon)

NOTE: Vitamin C is one of the few vitamins humans cannot make on our own. Most modern Americans don’t eat enough citrus or get enough vitamin C. 1000mg is quite a lot. One needs to build up to that amount.

These are all powders. I mix them together w/ 16oz filtered water in the morning after I get up from sleep.

At breakfast, I take a vitamin K tablet (Life Extension Super K with Advanced K2 Complex 90 softgels) and a Curcumin tablet (Life Extension Super Bio-Curcumin, 400mg, 60 Vegetarian Capsules)

Before bed, I take 1 to 2 Magnesium tablets. (Elemental Magnesium Amino Acid Chelate 300 mg 100 Caps)

That’s it!

I do recommend a fairly large breakfast (I have 2 eggs, an apple and a meat of some kind). For lunch, I have a large salad with a homemade olive oil and vinegar dressing.

Snacks are walnuts, and misc seeds.

For supper/evening meal, a simple meat with a veggie. But I recommend eating BEFORE 6PM. No food after 6PM. What this does (indirectly) is a mini-fasting everyday of 14-15 hours as I don’t eat breakfast until 8-9AM.

Drink at least 3-5 16 oz. of water per day.

I do drink 2-3 cups of strong black coffee/day (drip - not instant)

Try to stay away from sugars & processed carbs. Trust me - eating this way keeps you on the outside of the grocery aisles and shopping is much easier!

Get plenty of sunshine (I don’t recommend sunscreen - humanity lived without it for thousands of years and only recently have we had skin cancer. Hmmm)

I fastwalk 2-3 miles every 2 days and keep my stress level way down. I need to start an upper body exercise program (sigh).

Lastly, a human body loves predictability. Try and go to sleep, eat, etc. at generally the same time(s) every day. Shift workers have lots of health problems

Hope that helps others! :slight_smile:

(karen) #22

Ok, now don’t have a heart attack. … ok, maybe that wasn’t funny, sorry. But according to Livestrong:

Understand the meaning of your Agatston score. The lower the score, the lower your risk of coronary heart disease. There are four categories of scores; less than 10, meaning minimal to no calcium was found, and those with scores of 11 to 99 who have a moderate amount of calcification. A score between 100 and 399 is classified as increased calcification and any score over 400 signifies extensive calcium deposits. According to the American Heart Association, if your Agatston score is over 1,000, you have a 20 percent chance of having a serious or fatal cardiac episode within one year of testing.

So your level is elevated and yes, a cause for some concern, but it’s not crazy high, it’s barely out of the “moderate” category. Not saying you shouldn’t be aiming to lower it, just that this score isn’t a reason to go into full blown panic. You have time, as long as you make the modifications now.

ETA: you might find this interesting:
The Track Your Plaque Program, by William Davis MD

He answers almost all of the questions you pose, from what other blood markers to observe to what supplements can help.

There’s also this, an updated blog from the same guy without quite so much heavy science in it:

(zee) #23

What is the reason for

  • Vitamin C
  • L-Arganine
  • L-Citrulline
    Also does any of them can be taken in pill?

(Ron) #24

How are your vitamin K levels?

(Rick Port) #25

I tend to disagree Devatt. I read many studies from and other medical journals that DOES prove that calcium score can be eliminated or reverse and not just stop it. To name a few,1.A patient after taking high dose vitamin c and lysine/proline for only a year, 1 year later the CT Calcium Heart Scan indicates absence of calcified coronary arteries( published in Journal of Applied Nutrition by Aleksandra Niedzwiecki Ph.D. And Mathias Rath M.D.)2. Retinal artery observations by Dr Sydney Bush support the Linus Pauling Protocol that shows documented reversal of atherosclerosis plaque by using modern non invasive equipment that indicates plaque was gone after megadose vitamin c supplementation.

(Drew Baxter) #26

Thanks for posting this. I wish there was a multivitamin product out there that had this same formulation.