Appetite & Meal Times or Eat When Hungry

(Daun) #1

Ok, so I’ve been eating keto 11 days now. Been in ketosis for about 7. I’m wondering if I should be concerned about when and how much I eat. I really have very little appetite which I know is an effect of this WOE. Emotionally, I’m doing GREAT! For the first few days after ketosis, I made sure to get my full macros and calories (im doing 1200-1300) in for each day. In the last several days though, I’ve allowed myself to just keep my macros in proportion and only eat when I’m hungry. Since I’m obese, I’m thinking that my mind is really more concerned with eating “on schedule (bfast, lunch, dinner)” than my body. I’ve chosen to listen to my body and simply eat when I feel I need nourishment than to adhere to the Western meal times. I don’t want to eat too few calories but I also want to listen to my body which is saying you don’t need to eat so much. Maybe this will change as I go forward and my body continues to heal. As for exercise, I’m not doing any lifting or cardio other than my 2x weekly yoga class and walking 30min for the third day.
Guess, I’m looking for thoughts and input from long timers.

(Daun) #2

I should also mention that I don’t weigh but once every 6 weeks when I’m changing my WOE. Too addicted to the number on the scale to do that. At the 6 week mark, I weigh and then adjust my diet. I was thinking that I would add in a bit more carbs and maybe more calories then and up exercise for the next six week session.


You’re early in the process - so keep it simple. Focus on limiting carbs and listening to your body. Eat when you are hungry, then eat to satiety - and no snacking. Do not focus on calories because that is what is making you question yourself. You will likely eat more than what you are used to on CICO diet - it takes a while to kick the calorie monitoring habit. Exercise when/if you feel like it.
Watch this video as it has a great explanation of what’s going on in your body. Right now its all about controlling the insulin (well actually - its always about controlling the insulin :grin:)