I have searched for this here, and there are some references to oil pulling, but there’s no real discussion of oil pulling, only a few posts buried in other threads.
I am one of those folks who for some reason produce a lot of plaque. It went away largely for a while, and I was using non-fluoridated toothpaste at the time. I believe I started the (what is probably a bad) habit of having chocolate chips with yogurt or possibly fake pudding (with fake sugar, where I’m using allulose now). I can’t find chocolate chips I like with fake sugar: either they taste bad or the fake sugar they use affects me.
I switched drugs and I started using this toothpaste:
The Nano Hydroxyapatite supposedly helps your teeth to remineralize without the possible side effects of fluoride.
My dentist started complaining about the deposits on my teeth. Plaque is bad. Could be the drugs, the chocolate, the toothpaste, some combination. I am trying to quit my chocolate chip habit, but it’s my only vice now: a small amount of chips on yogurt or a pudding with fake sugar (allulose).
So, I decided I’d try oil pulling with coconut oil.
What I’m doing now: swishing coconut oil in my mouth for as long as I can stand it (10-15 minutes), then spitting it out, and swishing some water around and spitting it out. I’m not brushing, though am flossing.
I’m testing whether the toothpaste could actually be causing or at least not helping. I do have non-fluoride and non-Hydroxyapatite I could use, though. (The same stuff I used before I went to the Hydroxyapatite toothpaste.)
I see tons of different ways of doing oil pulling. If you’re doing oil pulling, how are you doing it? Are you still brushing? If so, when (before or after oil pulling)?