All Animal April


(Karen) #41

Last night I just fancied some more bacon and put some in oven to eat crispy. They were nearly crispy when I got them out and they did the trick and satisfied the desire.

Usual sleep… up a few times but back to sleep each time. Think it may be because it’s colder again but I did have a bit of a time with covers on covers off and stripped off my t shirt to cool down a tad bit. Up at 8.45am and stair running then off round my daughters house to feed pusscat and have some play and cuddle time before my daughter and her hubby arrived back from the wedding.

@Shinita we had a blizzard Friday morning but it didn’t lay thankfully. Your snow looks pretty but I can live without snow! I would have been the same about my plants … very much so !!! Lol. It is dropping to -1 and -2 through the night at the moment and I am glad I got the 2 mini greenhouses erected in time.

Btunch when I got home from my daughter was fried cooked chicken. Fried in the bacon/steak/lamb whatever leftover fat and it was very tasty with just enough taste of the salt from the bacon yesterday.


little blurb from an interview with Amber O’Hearn…of course she is ‘eat meat, mostly fat’ :slight_smile:

SHELLEY – Why do you eat mostly fat? Why not eat just lean meat?

There are two reasons I eat mostly fat, at least. One is that there’s only so much protein your body needs. Protein isn’t’ really a fuel. It’s used to repair your body. Once you’ve eaten enough protein to take care of the maintenance of your cells, what you really want is fuel, and fuel is provided by fat. I eat the protein I need that’s adequate for my nutritional needs, and I get my energy from fat.

I’m guessing that you’ve experimented with eating a lot more meat and less fat.

Two things happened when I tried a lower fat, and thereby high protein diet. One is that I still felt hungry, and the other is that it just didn’t keep my mood as stable.

If we were to estimate the amount of calories you eat on your meat only diet n terms of protein, carbohydrate and fat, would you say that ratio is.

By calorie, when I have measured it, I tend to eat somewhere between 65% to 80% of calories as fat. And I eat about 2,000 to 3,000 calories a day.

65% to 80% of your calories are fat. . . so is the rest 20 to 35% protein?

Yes, 65% to 85% fat, and all the rest is protein. So it could go has high as 35% or as low as 20%

Excess protein gets turned into sugars. The nitrogen gets cleaved off and what’s left is burned as sugar.

It can be. I have a bit of a different take on that because I think once your’e on a ketogenic diet, your liver is providing your glucose. It’s really a demand driven process. Not a supply process. So your body calls for sugar, just enough for the cells that need it, some in your brain and some in your blood cells. And just adding more material to make more sugar doesn’t necessarily make your blood sugar rise. But I think what happens is that if you eat a lot of protein, there’s a hormonal response to that and the hormonal response includes raising insulin. And if your insulin goes up, your ability to burn fat goes down. And if your ability to burn fat goes down, your body wants more energy from something, and it calls for more sugar. The end result is that eating too much protein will cause you to burn more sugar, even if it’s not just that the protein turns immediately into sugar.

*****now for me…what I like about this part she says is it is not GNG that is respond at all, it is demand driven, but ANY extra food in our bodies is going to give us a hormonal response and that always includes some of an insulin response ya know…so we don’t 'blame protein turns to sugar thru GNG for this) we blame the fact we are ingesting food and food does what food does in our bodies :slight_smile: So it is more clear to me the way she explains it vs. how others say, omg MEAT turns into sugar in your body etc…and it doesn’t, it is food that triggers hormones to respond and all that extra jazz LOL ok it is confusing but I know I understand it and I know you guys do too :slight_smile:

-------------so this was May 2017 interview

just throwing out some Amber info for all to read. upping fat is never a bad thing :slight_smile:


My case isn’t so simple… It’s a bit special I feel :frowning:
I can handle anything edible, it seems as far as I like the taste. I liked most food before and my tastebuds work similarly, there are some exceptions but it’s usually about my lack of joy and interest that keeps me from wanting certain things. I mentioned it a few times before, it’s odd, I feel it’s TASTY but it’s still meh to me, doesn’t give me joy. It’s just a cold sterile perception.
Of course I can’t handle certain things galore… Or alone.
But the problem is that carbs mess with my satiation and give me wrong desires… I can’t handle the wrongness for long. But it’s about amounts too so my lil extras are fine.
But… While carni food should work for me, I get super bored in no time or just lose a big part of joy, eventually. I don’t know why. It’s usually perfect for some days and then problems emerge.

Now I do this weird ketovore where I eat full carnivore for the first meal (well, with spices and coffee so not total but most people consider it carnivore) and then I add a little something out of necessity because I am bored of eggs and meat. Right on the first or second day!!! I didn’t have this before :frowning:
I need quark, that’s my “something else” in this situation. We have almost no dairy now. And little meat too but I am fine for 1-2 more days and then we buy something.

Yesterday I broke records. 14 eggs I think and not very much else :smiley: I ate all day. Starting at 13:30 so not that bad but quite early for me. But weekends are often like that. I had one scotch egg and for my non-carni dish, pancakes. Very carni pancakes with not carni filling because I was hungry and couldn’t imagine eating something normal and I had tempting items great for pancakes… I do my absolute best to avoid it today. But it showed why OMAD is quite important for my carnivore. Or OMAD with a tiny meal later. Or something different from my normal food. But if I am hungry early, I eat early. The problem is I wasn’t hungry but I was that a little before and Alvaro had lunch… I need to be more careful. But that’s tiresome. Oh well, I still ate almost only animal stuff (mostly eggs) :smiley: I always can do it better on workdays. So I had a hungry day with many meals and now I am perfectly satiated but it’s barely past noon.

Oh my tray for my first meal yesterday. I didn’t eat this all but I ate soup. I am not the one plate meal type but some of my meals don’t even fit my tray… :smiley:

Later I added my scotch egg though didn’t finish… The 6-egg scrambled eggs weren’t finished either but that’s fine and expected, I just don’t want to make too small ones as sometimes I want a bigger one.

My eggiest day ever. Obviously including my egg fast day, that couldn’t have many eggs due to the rules about eating every egg with a ton of fat.

I don’t think I ever read a book about diets… But PSMF itself is insane if you ask me :smiley:
Of course, each to their own, I just dislike undereating days. I rather fast.
I just like to have “PSMF options” sometimes. Tricky for me but needed if I want to try a leaner approach (like 60% fat, it wouldn’t do good to me to go lower). And I LOVE whipped egg whites. Well not all alone but it’s a nice base. 4 of the sponge cake muffins in the picture above only contain whites, no yolks.

Wow, you are a veteran! I am only been doing LC for 11 years (probably. sometimes I increment the number, I should learn the year when I began…)! That’s full time except very rare off days, I only started my on/off after keto and fat adaptation. Low-carb never seemed restrictive to me, I sacrificed nothing and didn’t remember hardships, it just wasn’t enough, sadly. Or not sadly. I am glad I tried out keto and even extreme low-carb. It’s just hard to find my sweet spot where I can just stay put.

Alvaro said scientists said that statistically (? IDK how they figured it out) the first human who will reach 150 years already was born… I definitely go for 120+ myself.

And I feel so young here, I am only 45 :smiley: Not like I care so much about age. I care about health, physical and mental!

Meanwhile the snow is melting and it’s super slippery. I had my second worst fall on food and now my ankle is aching. No big deal but I can’t move much so I do things on my computer (not like I don’t do that a lot anyway but I go up and down a lot. We have very steep stairs, Alvaro slipped on them today a bit but didn’t fall…)
I started to get a tad hungry at 1pm but my body lost interest after the fall.

I keep forgetting weighing me but it’s probably 75kg as always. 6kg above my weight when I went keto but I was close to it for many years but then my stress 5 kg came. I may have a tiiiiny bit of more muscles now as I am stronger and lift bigger weights but it’s not visible so surely minimal. And even I have no idea what my glycogen stores do. I went down to 62kg after I quit keto the first time though… I want that back and then we will see. (Even if I gain “much” muscles until that point, I probably will need to lose more. I had a very fatty belly at 62kg.)

I need to use a different approach - well, it depends. I never consider it a waste as a bigger meal lasts longer and even if I eat a ton one day and don’t have modest days just normal days afterward, I still feel I ate much and handle longer fasting better… But I actually can eat a bit too much every day so I shouldn’t be too relaxed.
I often need the opposite on carnivore: stuffing myself as much as I can, if I can’t eat more, wait a bit and eat more… It’s just for the times when I get satiated with a few bites, of course. I get hungry again in no time anyway… Eating a big enough meal was my very obvious skill but it has problems on carnivore.
But sometimes I need to stop when hungry and wait for satiation to kick in.
So I almost feel I should eat vaguely according to macros and not my feelings, the latters may be off but if I have the right macros, it’s typically fine. Maybe it gets better eventually.

Well yeah I saw keto snacks absolutely full with carbs but at least that wasn’t (added) sugar (and little natural from berries)… And I find them stupid too.

Oh. My. Well @KetoKoala talks about meat prices (I am always very much up to date about $AU… it was nice when $1 was 200HUF, now it’s 250. our money has huge experience at getting worse from anything but this war made it more impressive than usual), she didn’t mention ribeyes though. But you have expensive TP too. And very expensive eggs compared to us, even if the prices doubles, it will be less.
But we are a poorer country even though Australia has some crazy things more fitting a 3rd world country… And IDK how common that is but @KetoKoala doesn’t get proper medical help unless she is actually dying. It’s horrible, she needs it badly. Yeah, we have our problems regarding doctors too but they still act and often help… I worry about her a lot and with reason :frowning:

THANKS. Yes it’s better. I did 12-10-8 with 52 lbs before I raised it to 54. I am not a beginner, though though I feel like one… My muscles look like before.

I will try 1RM today! :smiley: I am mildly curious. But I know that adding just 1-2 kg makes lifting way harder so I don’t expect much.

I will check it out. But I think I just need to do it :smiley: That’s the hard thing, bringing myself to it AFTER Alvaro came home. So my belly may be full. I am bad with not well-fasted intense activity. I try to get Alvaro to help me before eating (I mean, before he eats and he is hungry at that point, not having any food in the previous 9 hours) and I am at the end of my workout anyway but there is a tiny window for it (microwaving his food) so I usually plan to do this before my dinner OMAD. But I have lunch sometimes. Or forget. This problem is moderately new as I used 2 dumbbells until not very long ago but they were a burden to put down without breaking the floor (doormats have their limits) and anyway, using a single bar has benefits. I just didn’t solve this helping/timing problem and poor exercise gets omitted sometimes. (At least I do them, some women don’t. I ignore leg exercises but I have my reasons.)

I better stop now. I need to do things anyway, I mean extra things, I need a new system on my computer since long. It got some problems but it was years… Alvaro installs it but there are things to do, things to save…

(Linda ) #44

its triggered as soon as it hits your mouth…for me fat first I actually go into ketosis but too much protein and it kicks me out which is a good reason for me never ever to eat fruit or veges and def not ever on their own the sugar from that first bite puts everything from that bite til you can enter ketosis in our fat cells.


yea agreed. any food in mouth starts hormonal reactions to deal with it and meat is no different. I just hate when everyone yells GNG IS the bad guy and it ain’t LOL

our meat/fat ratio to suit us ‘as we need it in this journey’ is very important but very individual to each of us. Someone needing way more healing and repair work in the body might need a heck of alot more actual meat proteins in their day, for reasons stated, repair and heal…but once we DO get more healed with time on our plans and at our own timeline, having a tendency to eat more fat is the way to go for alot of us.

for me now being longer on plan I have days I inhale tons of fat and days I want to eat lean…I truly am in more tune with ‘me and what I need’ on what day so…it can be, again, super personal on how we do change on carnivore for each of us individually.

so yea our meat/fat ratio is important, not a doubt about that

(Robin) #46

Thanks! I love being able to envision where forum folks live. We are a diverse group!

(Judy Thompson) #47

Oh wow! Today’s conversation is covering the gamut!
I love the science, love reading it and going wow, really, that’s cool. Love that it’s in the mouth with the first bite that your body decides how your food will be utilized. That should make it easy for us!
@Shinita you’re rockin the scotch eggs! Glad Alvaro likes them and the yolks are coming out runny for you. Also, love your snow pics! Don’t worry, it will soon be gone and summer will be in full swing!

All those years on keto and I didn’t lose appreciable amounts of weight without starving myself. Defeats the purpose of keto if you ask me.

@Karen18 love your pics. You’re right about the hot pink flower looking perfect on your desk! And it can’t be difficult duty watching such an adorable kitty :heart_eyes_cat:

We got to the VA house lastnight, looked in the fridge at salad dressings and other unnecessary accouterments that will be thrown out now, since we were last here in Oct and I started Carni almost 3 months later. And thought, life is so much simpler now!

@Azi since starting carni and cleaning out the fridge it’s suddenly easy for me to throw out leftovers. I pay about half for groceries what I was paying on keto - possibly due to the lack of ridiculous variety of things I was stocking in my kitchen. I’m buying the best grass fed I can find in the store and still…
Part of it is because the OMAD we’ve followed since Jan 2019 is still marginally going on, although I really like a small meal mid morning.

On the road yesterday I munched on mozzarella sticks and at our late lunch stop had meat loaf, pork tenderloin, and a slice of cheese from the cooler, which I heated and carried in the lava lunch box.

My daughter (35) joined us for dinner lastnight and lord, she smelled to high heaven of garlic :exploding_head:. I really have to get used to that smell… She’s phenomenal, lost about 200 lbs a couple years ago and has gotten out of her wheelchair permanently with aggressive physical therapy (drs say her backbone is too damaged for surgery.) Her husband left last fall and she quickly engineered her own divorce for free and is seeing a wonderful man now, and having a great time.

I was bummed they had no wings at this restaurant. We’ve eaten there for years and years but there is now so little for me there. It was between a hamburger patty and a pork chop as all the steaks were over $40. So I had the pork chop. Of course, the ones I make are better, but it was OK.

My goal this month is really just to stay the course. No problem here at home but any social occasion will take planning and communication, most likely. A number of people will want lunch dates. Wish they could all be breakfast places!

Pork chop

My daughter Jamie

(Heather) #48

I’m really enjoying reading everyone’s goals, updates and ways of doing n=1, as we all truly know that is how carnivore works. What works for one person, doesn’t necessarily work for another.

I have been carnivore since January 1, 2020 and keto for about 15 months prior to that. I was very dirty carnivore (lots of cheats) for the first 7months and then really buckled down on July 16, 2020. Since then, I haven’t had any cheat days, but my strictness has wavered periodically. I have found that I do best on mostly beef and eggs, no salt and no processed foods.

My personal goals are to work continue to tone and strengthen my body. I do strength training exercises every other day for about 30 minutes. I tried alternating that with cardio, but it was too much, so I rest on my off days. I plan to continue to track my foods. I found that I need to eat higher fat/more food on my off days, in preparation for the following day’s workout. On workout days, I can eat a little leaner and am not as hungry. The scale has inched down a bit, but I’m not expecting much more weightloss due to building muscle.

Carninvore has become effortless for me and now I am working on tweaking a bit here and there to try to lean out a bit more. If it happens, great, if it doesn’t, I’d like to think I’m okay with that as well.


I slowly sign in into everywhere again, I am so thankful for gmail simplicity…

I think I forgot to mention Alvaro made all the snow pics :slight_smile: I just told him to shot poor pansies too :wink:

The snow basically all melted during the day, we had sun, we had wind…

I had a tiny OMAD(?) meal today, after 5:30pm. What. I don’t do such things normally!
(Still didn’t track my last 2 days but it’s not super hard to guess if it was modest or normal or way too much when one mostly eats eggs. It wasn’t even my goal today but I only managed to eat a little meat. Needed a long time to finish my single rasher of bacon. How anyone eats much of it :smiley: I know we are different but it’s so far from me.)

The planned meat part of my meal. I didn’t touch the scotch egg and now I have THREE left and even another bacon+pork thigh… It’s not impossible I won’t need to buy meat until the weekend (I don’t mean those will be enough, not even with my passionate egg consumption but a little fish and sausage here and there may be enough. probably not though)… I ate a little dry sausage though.
Today was a bit relaxed, we had whipped cream day! But I was modest, I didn’t even need an effort, eating cream in small amounts is normal now.
I still LOVE scrambled eggs to bits and I had some sponge cake too (that’s why the dry sausage happened, they are a bit meh alone without enough yolks in them).

About 20g sour cream left… I have some whipped cream though… No one can keep me from eating 2g butter whenever I fancy it… But all the tiny cheese is for Alvaro who appreciates it while I am fine without the good old slightly boring Gouda. I buy quark before the dangerous and scary dairy-free times could happen. I am very modest with my dairy since long, they are good, not dangerous allies at this point. At least something is clear about my elusive sweet spot.

Except for me, of course. I can go really overboard with fat even when I try to minimize it. But maybe it would work for longer term carnivore, who knows? I am not there yet.
I consider the best to have the modest amount of fat I need with my high protein. I need higher-fat if I need more energy. But I definitely experiment with various fat intake but it’s going leaner now. I finally have lean-ish items I like (and I had enough of pork shoulders and barely have any fatty dairy).

Still didn’t track my yesterday but today’s guesstimation is 1255 kcal and 60% protein (I eat much whipped egg white fluff now). Even with 48g cream in several coffees. So pretty low protein from me but enough. I just cycled to vote today. Tomorrow is workout day after this low-cal one, surely will have high protein again (I always mean grams when talk about high protein as it’s compared to my needs, whatever they actually are, I will never now, just have a guess).

And I am very satiated now. It was a great day, having joy in my food though I had to eat pretty much after reaching satiation (but I don’t stop eating after, like, 500 kcal, it wouldn’t be good, it was already past 6).

I really should present my little data in fewer lines :frowning:


Sorry I stop after this.

Oh that would be so perfect for me :smiley: (Including needing as many calories.)
That’s actually my distant goal for later when I will be slim enough and more muscular and active… I can pull off more protein in percentage because I have lower-cal days. My protein intake is always in a good range for me, I don’t even need to focus on it.
(And I have a significant percentage of carbs too especially on lower-cal days.)

Oh what an interview, with the usual somewhat silly questions/statements and perfect correcting answers :smiley:

Did I say I feel pretty good? :slight_smile: It was a nice day. OMAD suits me best unless I happen to need more food than I can do, I don’t care, I just hate my many tiny meals as I hate being hungry and busy with eating “all day” (well starting at early afternoon, I still have a long time until bedtime) while being bored of my food as that happens when I have multiple meals.
But today was good (but non sustanaible, of course). And we will see what tomorrow brings.

I just don’t understand my awake state today. I don’t feel tired and sleepy and zombie at all. And I had less than usual sleep since 2 days. Yesterday morning I was properly tiredsleepy (my word for that state, not really sleepy, I can’t sleep more, it’s a bad state but nothing tragic… but affects my will to do things, I planned cycling and couldn’t bring myself to do it) so it would make sense to need a longer than usual sleep last night. But nope, I had a tiny bit short one. And I felt great. What.
I don’t complain though :wink: I am aware I theoretically may have a need for a bit less sleep now but my body just never works that way! I need my 7+ hours in average and if I had only 6, I need 8 next time… So it’s unusual!
My mood was a bit bad sometimes when my ankle tried to go into the way of my mobility but I didn’t let it and it wasn’t a huge pain. I had some zombie walking (a bit pulling a stiff leg) and the movement actually seemed to helped. Or the passing of time. I hope I will be pretty okay tomorrow. Just because I can sit in front of the computer forever I like to move whenever I feel the need! Even visiting the loo or the all-important kitchen means climbing stairs…
And there is spring outside, I need to see it every day! The time is here when I simply visit almost all of my trees and other important plants to check out their changes since the previous day…

But we have frost. So we can have snow then, that’s really pretty… It’s not very much nowadays.
I didn’t worry about my plants much as it isn’t too cold, it definitely didn’t suit the snow.

I just think we people are different. I very much need my high protein. A ton of fat just raise my calories, I still need my proper meat or eggs or whatever but I get very little protein from other things, no matter if I have an off day or not.
Not like I ever tried truly eating fat first. But I had fat fast and egg fast and it tricked my satiation so there is something almost magical. But I didn’t like the idea of barely eating protein, even for a little time. I like sustainable, protein rich days.

But my body can’t be that defective. It counts the protein (maybe not but my body seems to be good at counting macros :D) and if it’s the right amount, it uses as it should! I still don’t get this fat first and not protein first things but I eat my fatty protein first, second and last anyway so it’s not so important for me. Though I have some leaner stuff now, I should try to eat lean first and see what happens. Maybe 2 days with the exact same food just in different order? (But when I am that very disciplined?)
But I never really believed in this fat storing modes much anyway. Okay, temporarily it may be so but in the end it’s all about the macros of the day, isn’t it? It seems to be that for me. Order may do things to us that changes our satiation, though so it does matter. May matter. I don’t think it’s so important for everyone. The body gets what it wants and it arranges it properly, I easily imagine that.

(Edith) #51

Your daughter looks like a 20 something. She is so cute!

(Daisy) #52

Headed to bed but almost forgot to post today’s food!


I am learning this lesson big time. It has taken me 3 days to recover from the Friday night processed, packaged, keto snack food indiscretion. I had abdominal pains, and now have abdominal soreness, like muscle soreness after doing way too many sit-ups.

I discovered that the areas of my abdomen that became sore were interesting. There is that base/middle zone that corresponds with where the ilium/small intestine joins the large intestine. It was a bit more central than an appendicitis, above the bladder, and too far forward to be the descending colon. there was a sharp “stitch”-like (stitch from running too much) under my lateral right ribs. I had a similar pain, non diagnosed, for months after having a kidney stone removed from my right kidney. the doctors said it was post-op bruising, but it came back in flare-ups. The other thing that is in that area is the gall bladder and bile duct. Then there was a see-saw balance sharp pain on the left side, I know that was in the region of my pancreas. I have had kidney pain in both kidneys before and that was further back than where these side pains are located. My experience with kidney stone pain gave me a good idea of the location and track of the ureter. Abdominal pain sure helps one learn their internal anatomy.

But I have learnt that too step off plan in my risky inflammatory/immune state has dire consequences, much more-so than pre-COVID vaccination. I think fasting can play a role in quicker correction after an aberration.

Does this mean that the ZC carnivore plan has made me “fragile”. That I have poorer food tolerances from eating ‘cleaner’? Many podcast pundits, who come at low-carb from other directions than T2D, or Alzheimers prevention, are spouting and spruiking about people should be adaptable across many diets to be resilient to dietary changes. Those speech-makers create a feeling of inferiority within me because of my reactivity to other foods. I know that thinking is misplaced (it may be my medication), and that there always is the possibility of food reintroductions (local, seasonal, abundant foods, properly ripe etc) in the future to test the extents of my food tolerances after healing on a carnivore diet.


Definitely. I didn’t comment the pic but it was my thought too, so young and cute :smiley:

I just come here to cheer up, I am so down and my ankle is swollen and aching but it’s not among my biggest problems… It’s even too early to bake (well I theoretically could but last time I baked in the morn I ate too early).

IDK why you folks are so fragile. Maybe you aren’t very much. There are things my body could handle just fine if had to but it doesn’t want it to be a necessity and nudges me into some other direction.
But I never ever have any pain just because I eat carbs, not even if it’s much (not super much but high-carb). At least not in the first days. High-carb for a week probably would cause severe carb poisoning but I don’t do it and it’s pretty much impossible without extreme circumstances.
If I kept eating like that, I probably would feel just like on high-carb again but there would be some uncomfortable time so I only would force it if that would be my only option to eat and survive. And maybe then my body wouldn’t even complain as it would be useless. At least that is my hypothesis, it complains to me in hope I will change my mind and it’s often effective, I listen to my body. I may be wrong, of course but it’s an interesting though and may be true.

No idea if you are fragile, @FrankoBear but my opinion is that if you can do ZC and you feel right on it, it’s good enough. I don’t understand why being more or less okay on all diets is something desirable. Okay, I would like my body to handle whatever life throws at it, it’s good for survival but it’s good enough if I can eat as my body likes. It’s normal not to handle well very extreme situations (only somewhat carby food is available for longer term, that is extreme to me), we all have our limits.
I just want to be okay on my chosen, best woe and even my slightly off days - but if I would be more “fragile”, that would be a great deterrent and sticking to my woe would be easier.
I still like that my body can handle stuff but I am not fully sure it’s the best.
Not being able to giving up carby stuff, well that sounds fragile to me in some mental sense :smiley: I improved a ton there. But the very different people won’t understand each other. I had conversations with people who just couldn’t comprehend me. And I couldn’t comprehend their problem with my hedonistic eating. Joy is good. Health gives me joy and lack of suffering so health is hedonistic. So even my hedonistic ruling inner self doesn’t clearly put joy over health (they can go hand in hand just fine anyway) and I have other parts who has a say too. It’s so perfect. So WHY is it so bad I enjoy food? :smiley: (And it’s my core personality. I can’t ever change it.) People are so odd sometimes.
I definitely not go off to show I can do it or because I am afraid I close a door without it. It’s out of necessity or compulsion (oh they almost disappeared now, yay) or a mostly charmless choice… They go against my actual goal but I need to be patient and it’s good enough anyway now. Sticking to the best woe and just staying there is great, we don’t need to handle what is far from it. The body adapts to a woe that works for it and gets worse at other that it was used to but was subpar so problems get more apparent (I had that with carbs just subtly), it sounds normal to me. It’s unfortunate that some of you has problems with a tiny bit of off eating, though. But maybe you can avoid it moderately easily and all is well enough…?


I was watching Ken Berry talk about this the other night - and he likens it to alcoholism.

Previously, we could tolerate all manner of foods - but it’s just that; we were merely tolerating it (and not thriving on it) just because we’d built up a resilience over many years.

His argument is that now we’re eating optimally, any return to ‘less than excellent’ foods causes a reaction. He likens it to an alcoholic drinking a bottle of vodka each day - and then being given a shot of alcohol; they wouldn’t feel it or react to it because it’s miniscule by comparison.

Then, if the alcoholic goes through rehab and was no longer drinking a bottle of vodka a day, and a year later you give them a shot of alcohol, they would feel the shot of alcohol and react to it.

So his argument is that it’s not necessarily a bad thing to have the reaction. I suppose it would only become a problem if a) you ever wanted to stop eating carnivore or b) the world changes and eating carnivore is impossible.

I’m not saying he’s right - just that he has a different take to the metabolically flexible crowd.


It’s very true for me. I felt quite healthy and well on high-carb but when I went low-carb, I realized it wasn’t optional for me (well it wasn’t the best high-carb diet either… mine wasn’t the worst but I had way too much sugar and processed stuff with zillion ingredients. way less than the average person I suppose but still. and I know that it’s the carbs, not the quality of them now. well animals carbs are often fine but they are special especially the non-lactose kind. I still couldn’t figure out if very much lactose harms me but I don’t think it’s ideal. but much dairy causes other problems like possible overeating so I keep them in moderation and focus on quark as that isn’t so fatty but protein rich so satiation/calories must be superb… but I use it to avoid eating carbs anyway, it’s the “not egg, not meat but something very different” item of mine).
I had no idea that my high-carb state wasn’t a really good one as I couldn’t compare. I am very sure tons of people have that (and possibly worse than me). They just have NO IDEA.

Some people are thriving on carbs though, IDK why…
I don’t even know why I tolerate lactose in bigger amounts (it may be not ideal but one liter of milk did nothing when I tried so I couldn’t be very sensitive. BUT normally I use a spoonful and I don’t feel to like it. cream is loads better anyway but we have milk sometimes now, for Alvaro and I rarely have cream for my coffee so I try and get disappointed) when I avoided lactose for years. Alvaro did the same and now he gets the D if he overuses it as it’s pretty normal for a human who didn’t keep up with lactose consumption. I am an odd one. But I still feel my body nudge me off from much dairy sometimes, it’s a very subtle feeling but it surely knows what it wants. Never had this problem with quark though but it’s possible I stop wanting it when it would be too much. I eat very little quark, it’s just my useful ally as I wrote.
But sometimes I feel the same thing with egg milk… Just because it’s liquid, it’s EGG and water, why I feel the same not bad but warning nudge as with much dairy?


@Azi - I thought you might be interested in this.

I eat to satiety, and I eat when hungry. I don’t fast or time restrict.

This generally works out to 2 meals in 7 hours, but it can be as much as 3 meals across 12 hours.

I recently moved to 2:1 fat:protein ratio. Didn’t notice any difference at first - maybe a slight burst of energy. Yesterday, I ate and it was like going back to the early days of carnivore; I was suddenly hit by extreme tiredness after eating and had to lie down.

But here’s the thing: 24 hours later, I am still completely satiated. This is the longest period I’ve had without eating since going carnivore.

I kept wondering how other people on carnivore were “fasting” (I’ve put that in quotations because the idea is not to deliberately fast, but to eat to satiety and then not eat again until hungry). I couldn’t seem to go longer than about 16 hours without food.

Maybe fat:protein is the key. I always felt that fat wasn’t satiating, but maybe I wasn’t eating enough previously. So maybe I was hitting 2:1 but without enough food and felt unsatisfied, and a change to 2:1 and feasting has been the key?

Who knows. One for me to watch.


Fully read back. Phew.

Fancy beef that I never buy is maybe $30/kg (on sale, at least) when changed the currency (USD even though I use kg now). Of course upper limits must be high but significantly more expensive meats are game, not domesticated ruminants or one needs to go to some special shop, maybe? Whatever, I rarely look at that.
All beef organ from the nearby beef farm is $2/kg, it’s so awesome as I love beef organs :smiley: Hey, chicken-kept-in-a-cage liver is usually way more expensive! Do people dislike organs? But it’s Hungary, we eat organs…
My beloved (though simple supermarket) pork is still $4/kg if I choose well very I buy it (but it’s on sale all the time anyway. not all cuts and not in all supermarkets but it’s good enough). And we still didn’t ask the pig farm again after our comment got lost… That must be pricier but tastier… One hypermarket has farm pork, allegedly, that’s a bit pricier but not much.
And turkey is below, I should buy a lot from the only supermarket chain that hates turkey and throw it at everyone for cheap so often :smiley: Once I bought turkey wings for $1/kg but that was an insane occurance. But they go well below $2 still I am sure. Even the village shop barely went higher with it and it tasted great and even satiated me so I want to eat more turkey now (I would have liked to do it before but turkey availability - especially in a meat counter so I don’t buy a TON of plastic for a little meat - isn’t so great. it’s common but not that common. well the usual supermarkets has no meat counter at all and it’s so tiring to visit 6 shops per city visit, I get exhausted. but I will buy a big amount of turkey wings next time!).
So, yep, I don’t fully get why poor people don’t eat mostly meat.
Prices SURELY will shoot up though. Our currency got way, way weaker in the last months. But I only noticed unusually big inflation of the veg prices this far. Alvaro mentioned grains too.

I try not to think about prices in the near future.

Apropos turkey, I keep pouring water on poor bones (and pork cubes) as I love my soup and the bones just keep providing :smiley: The chewy cat food parts became more tender and I got pretty much meat off the bones, I wouldn’t have think that, I carved them well enough before or so it seemed.
But this will be the last batch today. I am so happy about the turkey. I didn’t really like my chicken soups just like I find turkey delicious and chicken not good at all (the cheap badly raised kind but the good one is more expensive than my pork, no thanks, I don’t even like good chicken so much, once in a blue moon is enough).

I still eat some chocolate here and there, mostly for “something else” I suppose. I lost my real interest and joy in it in the beginning of my carnivore trials so I eat grams now. From my homemade unsweetened chocolate. Goes okay with my unsweetened coffee… But I probably will completely stop. I don’t try to speed it up as it’s insignificant and harmless.
I actually thought I switch from coffee to cocoa, anything to stop this coffee addiction, going off from cocoa should be nothing afterwards. Never tried it though. Cocoa is mostly for the times when I run out of coffee, that’s a few days per year. I can drink unsweetened cocoa now but it’s not that great. Not like coffee is that great (except now that I have cream but I only had one today due to feeling miserable with my sprained ankles and other problems. it’s only noon though and I usually drink coffee way later now. at least I stopped my morning coffee drinking, I never did that just somewhat recently when my coffee addiction went up… but I put up some fight since November and now I am even more serious so I very rarely drink coffee before noon. even drinking it after 1am is more frequent and I usually don’t do that either).

You have so crazy sales there! Here only beef leg goes on sale and it’s but a tiny reduction… For pork and chicken/turkey it’s more significant but still only like… 20%? And these are the big sales, supermarkets here sometimes do these insignificant sales with a few percents…
Then we have the -50% sales for the meat at its expiration date (maybe it has 1 day left)… It worked when I tried it… But it’s only for one hypermarket we don’t visit every month and I think it doesn’t even have it all the time or not for the meats I like.

We never grilled. But that’s not such a big thing here anyway. Well maybe now due to Western influences…? I do see lots of ads… But when I was a kid, we just cooked on open fire and roasted pork belly too, that was a basic thing to do, everyone did that activity often. (Probably not the vegetarians. Did we have vegetarians? Oh yes I was one after I turned 17… And I always found that stuff too fatty but it was company and fire and smoke and everything… I want to do it again but I will choose the meatiest slab I can find and even cut off some fat for other reasons.)

It’s pretty fun at the kitchen table sometimes… Alvaro is eating, a cat in his lap and the cat smells the meat and does her best to get on the table but of course she can’t because Alvaro can stop her with one hand… I can’t explain the sight but it’s quite fun.

The usual cat food we buy disappeared from the supermarket, we couldn’t find it since quite a few weeks (it’s good we hoard food as we go shopping rarely and it’s nice to be safe. but we almost run out of it now).
I expect it coming back with an 50% higher price, actually…
We bought a little from another brand but the cats disliked it. They are like me and my coffees, all may be kinda cheap but one I love and the other not. Today I use the bitter kind (super cheap, I couldn’t resist and it’s not a necessity, I do what I can to keep my consumption low now) as cream makes it okay. But I can’t drink it black, not even super weak as I drink coffee.

@Karen18: Wow, you did the transition quick! And seems to work for you so well too… Lucky girl :wink:
I spent years on low-carb before keto, years on/off keto before trying carnivore… I felt I needed the time. Only my high-carb -> low-carb change (when I stopped eating added sugar, grains, potatoes, dry legumes and lactose) was effortless, I only felt benefits, no problem. Well I needed many new recipes so there was that hardship but I enjoyed the changes.
Low-carb -> vegetarian keto was trickier, no benefits due to too much carbs I suppose, it was fine but still a bit restrictive (I missed my vegs)… That’s why I did the on/off thing, I felt lower-carb is good for me but I actually had no benefits when I was in ketosis, it just was harder to do.
And carnivore(-ish) has great prons and I never can do it for long due to food boredom so it’s still work in progress. I would be fine with some ketovore if that would work well but nope. Extreme low-carb as basic attitude seems to be best. But then I get bored. But if I add some carbier keto food all the time, it’s worse.
And I still have a bond with my sweet desserts though I don’t really desire them, just can eat them when I am bored of everything else (and rather they than some carby food that I don’t even enjoy or want but it’s “something else”). So it’s a chaotic struggle but I have enough good days so I don’t feel it too bad.

I envy your goal, my goals (whatever they are, I didn’t think about it much so I suppose the usual, sticking to something close to carni, losing fat, feeling good) are more challenging :smiley: Great goal by the way, I just think it has a quite high chance to happen so it’s easy :wink:

I can understand, it looks STUNNING! I never saw such a beauty in LIDL…
But I want primroses now anyway. I regretted not buying some when it was in front on me on a huge sale… By the way when my ankle gets better, I must check out the zillion yellow ones in the nearby forest!

It’s very dependent on the actual food choices (and how much one needs, to some extent)… Carnivore may be way cheaper or way more expensive, tastes matter a lot here. But in general, maybe you are right. Probably depends on the country too…
I couldn’t afford eating ruminants (not even the cheapest cuts except organs but one can’t live on organs, even getting enough would be hard) using the same money I can buy a pretty much overeating super delicious, no-boredom carbier woe with, even if that’s low-carb with pricey sweeteners galore. But pork and turkey and eggs? Cheap. (And my carbier woe would contain almost as much of them… Cutting out carbs is pure win.)

I fear I never will learn what these mean… It’s pretty complicated and we have nothing called like this (it’s possible they have a translation and it’s more possible we just cut the animals differently). I am glad if I get more knowledgeable about the Hungarian names, there are some tiny special things (well that’s pork but still) never sold separately but they are written on the chop package…

@KetoKoala said the same too, meat being more expensive than vegs (and looking at the Aussie prices, I can understand) - but they actually can’t be compared at all.
Protein sources are usually more expensive. And if I would eat more vegs, I would need more animal food too to balance out the extra hunger I got from them… So they are the most expensive for me, pure money waste.
Normal people like Alvaro (okay he is thriving on HCHF so maybe he isn’t normal, whatever) don’t have that but still, vegs are so very pricy here… Well it depends. Split pea is the cheapest protein source I think… Once I calculated it vs chicken frame but what should I look at, protein or calories…? But the low-carb vegs are super expensive per calories or protein. But probably precious for volume eaters and veggie lovers. So I just can’t compare them at all. Even when I ate lots of vegs, it wasn’t really food. Proper, satiating food. Never. Alvaro can’t use them like that either as they are too low-cal. They are just some extra? And joy?

It’s probably still below $2/kg here but less than a year ago it was below $1/kg on the best sales! Then it almost doubled at some point, it wasn’t recently…
I checked a supermarket chain. $1.72. That’s a great price now. Turkey is worth it zillion times more though.

I STILL need to rewrite something in my brain. I knew meat isn’t expensive but I still instinctively tried to eat as many eggs as possible and be careful with meat… Part of it is the availability, it was way easier to get eggs but now I know even the nearby shops are okay. (And I still need to focus on eggs first lest I get bored of meat. It’s so hard sometimes.)
Well the hens are better raised than the animals I eat… I try not to care about that as I am poor and must eat properly but it’s surely there somewhere. Burden on the planet is complicated but overeating due to the wrong diet is surely the most wasteful and my health has high priority…
I hope I can do it better in the future.

Wow, @Fangs, those prices went up like crazy! I really don’t get why ours are that stable even now.
I don’t want to eat lobsters :slight_smile: I follow Leon on YT :smiley: He’s (okay, not sure about the gender but he doesn’t mind) a rescued lobster, guy bought him at the supermarket with bound claws, put him into an aquarium, later he got a bigger one… Experiments and everything were done and the videos are popular and very calm and enjoyable. Leon is a beauty! Lobsters tend to be.
I haven’t that “oh this is cute I don’t eat its species anymore” thing, I eat very smart and playful lovely pigs (one of my fav animals) but giving up the idea of ever eating lobsters is nothing to me. And I could buy so much perfect home-raised pork with that money :smiley: I like experience but we can’t experience everything.

And now the new post…

I just want to say I call not eating fasting even if it’s natural… I never ever forced it. I planned longer fasts a few times but if I get proper urges to eat, I eat. But normally I just know I won’t get hungry until 3-6pm anyway… But sometimes I do and then I eat when it’s more than a borderline passing hunger that doesn’t bother me. I know eating too early will ruin my day to some extent - but hunger is hunger so what can I do? I just don’t eat without a good reason when it’s early.

So, about fasting. I am sure there is the big personal factor. 16, sometimes 24 hours without food is what always came naturally to me (well after I wasn’t tiny anymore, at least), no matter my woe. I can’t go above 24 hours anymore and it took effort on keto/low-carb, only came naturally on high-carb. No wonder, I ate huge meals there.
So no matter the woe, some people just need (or can consume) big meals that last for a day.

But extreme low-carb often turns off my hunger anyway, not completely but very close. And when I am well-fasted, the mere lack of perfect satiation isn’t enough for me to eat (that’s my night problem).

I have this with my usual 65% fat. But works with my new 60% too. More fat actually makes me hungrier I think as my calories always go up then… But I should try it with OMAD. No wonder I eat too much if I have 2 not super close meals and very fatty meat.

I don’t have a high enough energy need for 2:1 yet. And I like my leaner approach now. But one day I will experiment. I like my more natural experiments when I use my actual style to figure out things, not trying to go for something not so convenient at the moment.
I am into whipped egg whites (usually with yolks but less than whites) and leaner pork now so I do leaner experiments :slight_smile:


No. You are not fragile. You are for the first time truly AWARE of what works and won’t work on ‘adding anything’ back. I know there are foods you could add back and be fine :slight_smile: A processed, what was it? Keto bar, ain’t the way to go HAHA Your body showed you real fast. I bet you add back some ‘real natural’ food back, only 1 thing, not an ingredient label listed item, and you might be ok adding back. or again, your body will make you aware this food doesn’t suit you.

I love what Septimius said…were you thriving before? actually feeling your body and being in true tune with your natural body and environment. We all can ‘fog thru’ life with alot of issues one won’t face, but when one knows what foods work and what ones don’t for us personally, ahhh, then we find truths in our eating and what our bodies will handle well and what they won’t.

Many carinivores can step back into extreme low carb a bit every now and then if they want and do wonderful. But they also know what foods they can have. Time lets you know who you are on this plan. Each day can be a learning day for us.

I know what foods I can have a bit of and do fine and I know what to avoid like the friggin’ plague! But I got years under my belt knowing this so…

love that your daughter is doing so well, is she vampire tho :clown_face:
I was a garlic hound but now, wow can’t go near the stuff :scream_cat: but back in the day I would be her for sure!! Nice pic!!

Ohhhh that is what gets me on eating steaks out. the price! I can have that 40 steak at home for like 10-15 so my wallet just screams don’t do it HAHA the chop looks good!

Glad you are home now with safe travels!

-------------remember too, when we ‘try our hand at controlled’ eating it can go wonky on alot of us very fast. I learned to watch trying to do this with me cause I did it too and it falls short for us carnivores most times.

Eat what you want, when ya want it…that is what ‘puts us and heals us’ to a natural eating intuition. I have fatty days or lean days I want, or combo days, but in the end, mostly I just eat as I feel I need. I used to go very very long without food, now I can’t do that cause I find I AM ME and the best me on 2 meals a day, about a 6 hr eating time frame and since this IS me, that is what I do for me :slight_smile:

So my kid got my ribeye yesterday. Yea she wanted steak…ugh…so I pony’d it up to her. Nice mom I am. My food was 2 chicken breasts sauteed in good ol’ butter, yum…then while I ate that I put 3 smaller very fatty chunky pork ribs into the oven and then I said, only can eat 1 later but I hounded down all 3…boom…food done for the day. But a while later while I made her steak for dinner and hubby cooking shrimp for his meal, I jumped on 1/2 lb. of peel/eat shrimp…such a great dessert for me. Very satisfied on my meals yesterday.

Today I have to run a few errands. Got 3 small fatty pork ribs defrosting for oven later but will see what I can find cheap at the grocery.

Right now NO FOOD is calling my name. Not a steak, roast, chicken…hmm, season change. I am wanting less cause I am outside more and living life in the warmer weather vs. being holed up in the house bored. Makes a huge diff. to how I do on food in my day. So I am letting my change just go with the seasons and just eating each day as I want and for today, those pork ribs are sounding great but I will see what meats I can hunt down at the store that might interest me. I am also going crab leg hunting :wink: I really would love some but the price! ugh! but I think it might be time for a zc treat for little ol’ me :sunny: off to find out what I come home with LOL

April feels very safe zc and secure for me. I am wanting April to ‘just be’ and follow me. Safest place I can be at all times!

(Michael) #60

Pigs feet are new to me. Not much meat on them, paired with heart as a snack yesterday

Nothing else new for me in the freezer, cooking up a cow tongue later today for breakfast - I am looking forward to first tongue in two weeks.