Advice for my 70 year old parents?

(Marilyn Cox) #1

Hi guys!

So my parents who are in their early seventies are interested in the Keto Diet for the health benefits. Mom has high blood pressure just recently, as well as sore joints and is 40 lbs overweight. Dad is on high cholesterol meds and is also 40 lbs overweight. Both have dementia or Alzheimer’s in their family history (typical high carb eating family). They have both done the Atkins 10 years back and then the Whole30 a few years ago so they are used to following a specific diet plan.

I’m looking for documentaries they can watch on YouTube, Netflix Canada or CraveTV to introduce them to Keto!

  1. So what documentaries do you recommend they watch to understand how a carb based diet makes people sick?

I’ve sent them a YouTube link for Carb Loaded which I think is a good one to start.

  1. A documentary for them to watch on the history of how doctors and people in general have been manipulated into thinking a fat based diet is bad. Big Sugar?

  2. A documentary that helps beginners understand and start a Keto diet. I need one that is simple and easy to understand and doable with some science in it but basically easy to follow guidelines. They can learn more latter as they get into it.

I’ve asked for documentaries or videos because this is how they like to learn info.

Thanks for your recommendations!


“The Magic Pill” is excellent, not on YouTube anymore but is on both Netflix and Amazon Prime Video, I believe. It specifically addresses the health issues you mentioned as well as going through the history of how the current nutritional guidelines were impacted by bad science.

(Maha) #3

The website is an excellent starting point. They have a ‘getting started’ series of videos and the information is easily digestible yet comprehensive. The complete series might be members only. The first month is free, and $9/month thereafter. Becoming a member allows one to watch all their videos, including many excellent movies. Plus they have meal plans, including a getting started meal plan for two weeks, and loads of recipes.

(Cathy) #4

Youtube has endless information on low carb from scientific to recipes to any number of other things of interest revolving around low carb/keto.


The Magic Pill. I know it’s on Netflix in Canada because I watch it often :joy:


Marilyn, pop over to your parents house, entice then into the kitchen for a low carb chat, while you cook them a couple of huge steaks and one for yourself of course. Then go sit in front of the TV, and have a TV meal so to speak, while you all watch this
Have a lovely evening.
If you can only send them links to You Tube etc, maybe this /


On they can subscribe to Dr. Jason Fung’s channel. Here is the first of a 6 part series on obesity and the problems we get from it and how to fix it.
Dr. Ken Berry also has a channel that is easy to understand

Dr. Ken Berry also has a channel that is easy to understand

Dr. Jeff Gerber has a lot of good info this one is about cardio health

If they are not so science oriented, you might try Butter Bob videos.
But first the song:

For his channel:


I echo the documentaries mentioned here. Also, “that sugar film” on Amazon prime was good. He ate “healthy” items, full of sugar. Not just standard junk. That part alone is eye opening. Dr. Berg. Dr. Fung, And scour 2keto dudes for answers to their questions!

Just my own experience with my mom, here…

My mom was a pharmacist for 41 years, and she successfully did Atkins and kept the weight off for a long time (until she dated someone who would butter bread and put it on her plate and she couldn’t say no). She is excited about my results and wants to start–but after spending a few days with her at the beach, it hit me that she really needs more help in the day to day what to actually eat/make/whats ok to do/breaking habits side of things than science. Things like not making her hot dog chili with full blown ketchup! ("but it’s meat! and it’s just ketchup!"um…) So be on the lookout for those things and as they are gaining knowledge and understanding and excitement, be building a recipe resource to share, or help them meal plan, cook for them, etc. Also, I have found that often keto subs can really turn some people off, esp the older generation. My mom will not do “fake” bread, or soend time making zoodles. And no certianly almond flour anything for her! haha. She will grill zucchini, etc. And no way is she counting anything but net carbs, certainly not macros. But she sure did love my sugar free Russel Stover candies. :slight_smile: Maybe you could do a personalized “keto krate” sort of support kit for them once they actually get going?

Always be thinking of their personalities and possible weaknesses so you can head them off at the pass! And be prepared for every ailment to be “because of this diet we are doing” :joy::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Good luck!! I hope you can convince them to try it, and give it the full effort!

(Troy) #9

Lots of great info and advice!

I would continue to lead
I’m all for a KETO “ all inclusive “ Cooking Together Experience

perhaps each of choose a recipe …Ur favorite KETO Protein, side dish, and FatBomb or dessert

Research, plan, cook, socialize and eat😄


(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #10

“Cereal Killers” is supposed to be good, and here are the two videos that got me started:

(karen) #11

I thought Cereal Killers covered keto better than any doc I’ve seen, including Magic Pill. It was free for about ten seconds on youtube, now I think it’s paid only, but it might be worth it.