About to start Keto. Looking for some tips

(Mike) #1

Hello all
I am about to start the Keto diet. Currently I weigh 205, 5 ft 8 and 31 years old.

Currently, I don’t diet, I dont work out (although I walk roughly 12000-15000 steps per day with 20 flights of stairs). I eat whatever I want. I eat candy, McDonalds, ramen noodles l, but also eat decent too sometimes.
I’m not fat, but I’m definitely over weight.

I want the benefits of the keto diet and I think I can do it, however I want to build muscle mass also, which I heard is hard on the keto diet.

I have not done a macro calculator yet.
I already known first week will be super rough. But my questions are:

Should I be taking any supplements? Will I be able to build muscle? Any tips for me?

I know there’s a search, but theres so much info that its overwhelming.

Thank you all for any help and tips

(Wendy) #2

If I had to do it agian. Pick up a scale. To weigh your foods. Pick up a Keto Mojo to ck your blood/sugar. And be open to everyone and their suggestions. This is the best forum, for help and suggestions. Everyone’s great on here! Welcome!!


Shouldn’t be a problem. There’s even an active Reddit group focused on it:


I would suggest reading the FAQ of this group, and the keto group on Reddit, as both have a lot of helpful information:


(Jill F.) #4

I would start out slow and cut out obvious sugars first like sodas and candy. Then cut out pasta, bread, crackers, etc. I ate like you did for many years, but was such a bad cycle. I got tired of feeling tired. I weighed 190 and am only 5 ft 4. I stopped eating carbs cold Turkey and felt like death for almost a week. It was rough having my body detox from carbs.
I understand that if you are very careful with replacing sodium and stay hydrated you avoid this keto flu feeling.
Get a scale, a food scale, a tape measure and take beginning pics and measure your body. I did this and was so glad to see my progress even when scale didnt move.
Keep it very simple. Stay under 20 carbs a day, eat when hungry, and dont restrict calories.
Meal and snack prep. Do not not plan ahead.
Come here often for advice and support. Use the search feature to look up topics as you think if them then if you still have questions post them.
Welcome, and we hope you stick around! Keto truly changed my life!

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

(Marianne) #6

Hello and welcome!

Your first week doesn’t have to be rough. Honestly, mine wasn’t whatsoever; I was completely happy and satisfied with no keto flu. The basics for me were:

  • eat three good sized, satisfying meals a day - don’t count calories! You should not be hungry or want to snack at all. (After a couple of weeks, you won’t want to eat that much or as often.) For me, this also removed the cravings for sweets and carbs.
  • Keep the carbs under 20 g/day and as low as you can comfortably.
  • Eat clean food (meat/veggies), not processed keto food.
  • put 1.5 tsp. salt in a dish and make sure you consume that every day, whether in/on your food, in your water or in bone broth
  • drink 80 oz. of water a day (yes, you can do this). I chug 32 oz. (2 glasses) in the morning before I go to work.

When I first started, I made a database or all the foods I commonly eat with their associated macros. The only one I would pay attention to is the fat macro. Make sure you are meeting or exceeding it every day.

That’s it. Good luck. Let us know how you are doing.