9 Months on Keto Lipid Panel


(Jay Lederman) #1

Hi, I have here a set of blood lipid panel results from when I was on Keto for only three months compared to now being ketogenic for a total of nine months. I was diagnosed with early signs of heart disease in July of 2016 after listening to a 2 Keto Dudes podcast about cardiac calcium scanning. I was prescribed 10mg of a statin and high-grade B vitamins. I also take a good amount of magnesium, and fish oil daily. Through the power of a low carbohydrate diet and weekly intermittent fasting cycles, I have gone from 268 lbs to 212 lbs in 9 months, reversed my risk for type 2 diabetes and have slowed the progression of heart disease. Please find the blood results below.

Thank you,

(Julie) #2


(Jason Webb) #3

Looks great!

(Steve Stephenson) #4

Eating saturated fat drives the HDL up and the Triglycerides down.

(Jay Lederman) #5

I hope what you are saying about the particle size is true!

(Steve Stephenson) #6

From Cholesterol Clarity by Jimmy Moore and Dr Eric Westman:

““A total cholesterol level is useless. Cholesterol is the payload and in and of itself is not the problem. It’s merely the vehicle that determines if there is a problem. When it’s in HDL, it’s good. When it’s in large, buoyant LDL particles, it’s neutral. When it’s in VLDL, it’s bad. And when it’s in small, dense, LDL particles, it’s disastrous.” –Dr. Robert Lustig”

(Carlos) #7

I didn’t see the numbers before you started with Keto.
Do you mind sharing those with us?