4 month carnivore, why high triglycerides?

(B Creighton) #25

Not sure what to tell you Sue. I suspect you may have cholesterolemia. Some people just absorb more cholesterol than others from their foods too. It’s a genetic thing which is nay impossible to change. However, that poses the risk of introducing oxidized cholesterol into the body. I have been doing borderline keto for several weeks, and my recent testing showed Triglycerides at 198 with ketones at only 1. However, my cholesterol was quite normal. The only thing I can think of is I am liberating more fat to burn. My LDL is quite normal too. At 87LDL/44HDL my ratio of 2 is below average risk for heart disease. I guess I just have a lot of VLDL to carry all those triglycerides in. That puts me at low risk vs the small LDL.

I know many will disagree with my advice, but I feel you should return to what you were doing on keto. Your numbers concern me.

(B Creighton) #26

It is best to avoid all SAD ie standard American Dairy, yes. You may be able to safely consume things like the grass fed A2 yogurt my Costco carries. Or do Trader Joes goat milk yogurt. I make my own goat yogurt from a small raw goat milk provider nearby. Here that is legal when sold by the producer. Do not feel bad doing Keto. I love it, and do great on it. I will not do carnivore. I definitely feel it is not for those with cholesterolemia.

(Alec) #27

Something is not right. I would recommend that you go back to what you were eating on keto, stay there for 6 months, see if these symptoms clear up and do some more testing.

I am obviously guessing, but I suspect that you have some kind of health problem going on. I would go see a doctor and see what they advise. It’s better to be on keto than carnivore when you see standard doctors… tell them you are on a Mediterranean diet, they will be happy with that.


There’s no reason to force fat in for the sake of doing so, not everybody can handle tons of fat. Especially when there’s only fat and protein coming in. If you’ve been eating carnivore that long you’re 100% burning fat as a fuel, you can tell this because you’re conscious and not dead :+1: Don’t overthink it.

(KM) #29

Have you looked into hypothyroid issues? This is a list of the many symptoms, it looks like quite a few of the things you have an issue with are on here. Maybe it’s not keto v carnivore v Western diet, but something else that developed over time.

(Edith) #30

I did not do well on carnivore. I did a seven month trial. I dumped oxalates the whole time, which could be something you are doing as well. That is something you may want to look into, especially if you were previously a vegetarian. I also had diarrhea the whole time. Adding in a bit of fruit and low carb veggies stopped the diarrhea.

My histamine intolerance got way worse on carnivore. It got to the point where there was barely anything I could eat, even beef. Once I added some vitamin C containing foods back into my diet the histamine intolerance improved fairly quickly.

While I do feel all the oxalate dumping was a good thing, it is possible to clear oxalate from you system without going completely carnivore (if it turns out the might be an issue for you.)

Also, you should not feel like a loser if carnivore is not working for you. On social media, you really only hear about the success stories. For those for which it didn’t work, they just stopped doing the diet and remain silent. It does not work for everyone.


That is a really high amount of fat. Reduce the fat. Ribeye amount of fat is more than enough.