Not sure what to tell you Sue. I suspect you may have cholesterolemia. Some people just absorb more cholesterol than others from their foods too. It’s a genetic thing which is nay impossible to change. However, that poses the risk of introducing oxidized cholesterol into the body. I have been doing borderline keto for several weeks, and my recent testing showed Triglycerides at 198 with ketones at only 1. However, my cholesterol was quite normal. The only thing I can think of is I am liberating more fat to burn. My LDL is quite normal too. At 87LDL/44HDL my ratio of 2 is below average risk for heart disease. I guess I just have a lot of VLDL to carry all those triglycerides in. That puts me at low risk vs the small LDL.
I know many will disagree with my advice, but I feel you should return to what you were doing on keto. Your numbers concern me.