3rd day into fat fast and keto levels low

(Robert C) #15

FYI - when replying to someone - it is best to use the “Reply” link next to their post.
If you use the “Reply” link at the bottom of the list of replies - the person you are replying to does not get notified.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #16

Keto is obviously NOT a good option for you! :smirk: OTH what about bacon?

(Susan) #17

I don’t mind butter on things. I put it on my salmon last night when I made it, and some in a cup of coffee this morning (I didn’t like that though, I won’t do that again!). I have never really liked bacon.

(Robert C) #18

HA! - I tried adding bacon grease to coffee before (from non-hormone - non-antibiotic high-quality bacon).

It is probably best if I was the last person that ever tried those two together.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #19

@JenJen There are other ways to accomplish the same result. You can quote some portion of a comment and then use the bottom ‘Reply’ link successfully to notify the person you quoted. You can also use the @username to inform someone you’ve either quoted them or included them in a post.

The only issue I have with Rob’s suggestion is that your reply gets posted twice, once directly to the initial comment and again at the bottom. That’s not a big deal, since it’s just the way the forum software does things.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #20

You are seriously in deep poo poo! :innocent: My guess is you stirred a spoonful of butter into your coffee then drank the oil slick. AMIRITE? Make a big enough pot of coffee that you can use your counter top blender instead. Add some whipping cream and a little salt in addition to the butter. Add some whey protein powder if you want to make it ‘keto coffee’ rather than just a ‘fat bomb’. Read the label on the whey protein powder because most of them contain lots of carbs. ISO Gold and All Max are good choices.

(Susan) #21

I don’t like coffee -I only made a pot because my friend was over for lunch (I fed her Keto lunch, pic of it on my thread and food thread). I drank the coffee to add MCT and butter to try and up my fats, but I didn’t like it, just forced it down.

I don’t buy whipping cream (did one week, didn’t like it, dumped it). I am trying to do whole foods, not supplements, a big reason also is to keep doing Keto as cheap as I can we are on a very tight budget for groceries =).

(KCKO, KCFO) #22

Only fats on a fat fast. half and half is very different from HWC. Cashews are the higher carb nut.

Maybe try an egg fast? Just have them anyway you like them with butter and cream or just alone. That should do it.

Welcome back, hope you can slide into fat burning quickly.


I took everyone’s advice and started the water fast today. That way I can’t mess up. Thanks everyone. Also I got my other fad fast meal ideas from online which seemed like not very accurate. Can you guys please link me a page that would have keto meals and recipes that worked for you please? I am so new at this i still need everything written out for me :slight_smile:
Again thank you all

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #24

Check out the food section of this forum. If you want specific daily menu suggestions just start a topic asking for them.

(Cancer Fighting Ketovore :)) #25

Good luck. Make sure you keep up on water and salt, and stop the fast if you feel sick, yucky, etc!

You can also post here for encouragement during your fast :slightly_smiling_face:. That is this months fasting thread

(Full Metal KETO AF) #26

@RobC Red Eye Gravy BPEspresso


@JenJen @Momof5 @amwassil

Butter Eaters Unite!

Deeeelicious!!! :cowboy_hat_face:

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #27

I eat ghee because I don’t need to keep it in my wee Keto fridge.

(Susan) #28

I think you are awesome and amazing, David, but that just looks really ummm inedible to me… sorry but I would not enjoy that. hehe.

(Susan) #29

Aww, you have to keep all your Keto stuff in your own separate fridge? =(

(Full Metal KETO AF) #30

You could use one too, with a padlock!

(Susan) #31

Hehe, I did well on my cronometer today, just posted it =).

(KCKO, KCFO) #32

dietdoctor.com has a lot of freebie recipes, and a 2 week trial period so you can try out the meal plans. The site is a great one. I finally joined to view all the documentaries and interviews that are on there. Always the lastest news in the low carb news too. But there is a heap of good info for free there check it out.


Hi everyone. Seems like online are many many recipes tips and whatnot but they are not all right. So I think it is better to check here. Is this a good goal for weightloss?
5% 23% 71%

1459 cal
20g carbs
85 g protein
115 g fat

(Susan) #34

cronometer.com is a free app you can download -on any device you use the net on (phone, tablet, desktop even) and you type in your own stats, and it will tell you the break down for cals/carbs/proteins and fat.

There are some excellent recipes here on the forum -in our recipe section. So you can get a lot of free recipes, and people here have made them. Also, we have a thread What did you Keto today?" where people have posted what they have eaten, often with pics, and if you don’t know how to make it, you can always ask them how they made it too. People here are very friendly and helpful and we all want you to succeed in your Keto journey!!