3 weeks of Keto, 2 weeks of IF and 0 weight loss.... :(



Hello all,

I’m a 5’4, 145 pound, 20 year old female, 27% body fat who works out (kickboxing) for about 1 to 1.5 hours a day. I’ve been on Dairy free Keto and doing 16:8 IF for about 3 weeks now and have gained 3 pounds. I was 142 when I started Keto. The macros I follow are 1207 calories, 90 g of Protein, 20 g of carbs and then usually around 80ish g of fat until I feel full. I meal prep ahead of time on Sundays so all my meals are planned and I don’t cheat. With lots of water, exercise, taking a multivitamin/B Complex/Green Tea Extract, dairy free (so no cheese or anything), or artificial sweeteners, I don’t know why I’m not losing any weight on Keto. I’ve seen this work for so many people and have been doing extensive research as to why it won’t work for me. I’ve tried recalculating my macros and gotten these 2 results:

  1. upping my calories to 1324 calories and 80 g of protein with 20 net carbs, 103 g of fat
  2. lowering my calories to 1177 and doing 103 g of protein, 20 net carbs and 73 g of fat.

These two seem completely different macros and I don’t know which one to follow since what I do right now is in the middle of both.

An example of lunch and dinner I have during IF are like 8 oz of ground turkey, 2 eggs and 1/2 an avocado for lunch and a tuna salad with spinach, flax seed, MCT oil and 1 egg for dinner. With TONS of water- I fill up my hydroflask (32 oz) around 5 times a day.

I’m just saddened that I haven’t lost ANY weight on Keto when it seems to work for everyone else. I’ve gotten blood tests done as well and my hormones are fine. My goal weight is 120 so I do have a significant amount of pounds to go and would appreciate any advice from you! I have even stopped all nuts and nut butters because I read that those could be an impediment to weight loss. I’m considering doing an egg fast in a few days for 3 days to see if that brings about any change.

If it helps, I never got the keto flu (maybe because I was around 40-50 g of carbs to begin with), I’ve been tested and found 0 hormonal or thyroid issues, I TRACK EVERYTHING, my ketostix say that I am in ketosis and don’t know what else to do at this point.

Thank you so much for your time- your journey is SO incredibly inspiring and I would hope to some success on Keto. Open to ANY advice at all! Please help!

My instagram ketokween1996 has a lot of my meals and their macros, calories and such! I made this to be more accountable of myself!

(Brad) #2

Consider this

(Sonia A.) #3

I have some things that come to mind after reading your post.

First, being in ketosis doesn’t mean being fat adapted. It takes time, 3 weeks is a short time. Your body needs to adapt to your new lifestyle. And I really mean lifestyle, you shouldn’t consider ketosis as a diet but a new way of life.

Second, I think your protein intake is too high. You should eat 1 to 1,5 g of protein per kg of lean bodyweight. I don’t think that your lean mass is 90 kg :blush:. Decreasing your protein intake means increasing your fat intake.

Third, you seem to be in the diet mentality like a lot of us women. You shouldn’t count calories. During your keto adaptation, your only concern should be to eat under 20g of carbs, moderate protein and fat to satiety.

Finally, you should take your body measurements (chest, waist, hips, thighs and arms) to track your progress.

I hope it helps. And keep calm and keto on.

(Siobhan) #4

The thing that people may not immediately tell you is it can sometimes take two or three months to become adapted and start losing weight.
You may lose inches, look leaner, etc but the scale wont move for a while - took my dad 3 months to start losing weight even though everyone commented he was looking thinner

I would not worry about calories or slight weight gain, Ive seen quite a few people gain before they lose. Just eat until not hungry, no fat gram or calorie counting and give it one or two more months and measure by: inches, how you feel, hunger, nonscale victories like shinier hair or glowing skin until then


Out of option 1, 2 or what I currently do, do you recommend? My lean body mass is 105.2 lbs so 47 kg. I thought it was .6 to 1 g of protein per lb of lean body mass so I put myself between the ranges of 63 g of protein a day if using .6 to 105 g of protein a day if using 1 g per lb of lean mass. Not sure what number to use though.

I have been measuring and have not seen a change nor do my clothes fit any better.

(Sonia A.) #6

I’m sorry to say : none of the above (for recommendations). I’d go for 47g of protein for a while and see how it goes. I’d stay under 20g of carbs (you already do). And I’d eat fat until I’m not hungry anymore (you have to get rid of your fear of fat). When I was eating too much protein, I kept getting in and out of ketosis and I didn’t lose weight.

After doing this for a while, you can reassess your situation. If you still don’t lose weight, there are other tweaks to consider like stopping artificial sweeteners.


Ah ok! I will try. Can I ask what keto calculator you use for that? I’m using Ruled Me and LeanGains to get those numbers but going to try your way to see if that works for me! Ruled Me says if I assume the .6 conversion, I should have 63 g of protein.

Also, is there a good article on how protein affects ketosis that you recommend? Thank you!

(Sonia A.) #8

You’ll find this interesting :

(Deb) #9

I am going to throw in my 2 cents worth, which is usually quite different from what others have said. But this is based on the metabolic deficit formula written by 2 Keto Dudes and it helped me immensely, and I am (again, after vacation, and a few tweaks) only 7 lbs from my original goal.

Using your stats, your BMR that I found is 1414. Your stored body fat of 27% (39 lbs.) can provide 1228 of your BMR. So you only have to eat 186 calories worth of fat, which you can translate into kgs. of whatever food you choose to eat. The rest ( what I do) is eat leafy green veggies, other low carb veggies, and what one lady on here calls MVP “minimum viable protein”, which for me is usually around .5 kg per lb of LBM when I’m not working out. The mistake I originally made was fasting too often in addition to this, and not making sure I was actually getting the calories right. I started with a low thyroid and although I felt great, my tsh got worse. So now I measure everything! And I will do a refeed every couple of weeks.

Also, just a note about the workouts. I love it but it will kill your weight loss. I only do aerobics twice a week at most and do it fasted. Weights I do 3 times…a quick all body 20 minute routine. Anything more will overdo the water weight. This is just enough to keep the fires burning fat.

(Richard Morris) #10

Probably mean 0.5 gram not per kilogram. 0.5g/lb works out to be roughly 1.1g/kg which is right in the zone.

I like that phrase minimal viable protein (MVP). That takes in the amount to maintain your body, the 20g/day or so the average ketogenic person needs to make glucose, and any excess substrate you need if you’re building lean mass.

(Deb) #11

Thanks for the correction! I think she got that mvp thing from Dr. Fung (my hero!). Wherever it came from, it sure made the difference for me, along with the the metabolic deficit knowledge.

(Whitney ) #12

What should my Fat gram intake be?? I’ve never done the conversion and I haven’t lost a single pound nor inch in almost a month of SUPER strict, by the book Keto.
Height: 5"5’
Weight 161 Goal- 130 lbs
Body Fat %- 29