2KD podcast 101 Glycine?

(CharleyD) #21

Over this past week of 1 tsp in water per day I haven’t had any world-changing performance impact. I’m trying to heal up from possibly broken ribs, eating ribs, cartilage, pho, bone broth, ribeye, porkchops… still can’t do a situp. grumbles

Should I take more? Hmm :thinking:

(What The Fast?!) #22

Just bought some in pill form, 500g each. I’ll start with 2 a day.

(KCKO, KCFO) #23

Andrea, did you mean 500 mg or 500 g? The selfhack site says no more than 10 grams per day?

(What The Fast?!) #24

Oops mg :slight_smile:

(Sean White) #25

Curious how the glycine supplements have worked out for you.

(What The Fast?!) #26

I’ve been taking it daily. I haven’t noticed a difference but still taking it.