2 weeks in and feeling different every week


I need 1 teaspoon of salt a day, a big part of it is salt I add to my food (unless I overdo already quite salty food like sausage or cheese). But many people (most ketoers, it seems…?) need way more. And some never salt their food. It’s somewhat individual. We all need some salt, obviously and it’s hard to imagine someone not needing any added salt without a big amount of food as natural sodium content is quite small, I only get 1-2g a day that way and I don’t eat little but many people eat much more.

Number and size of meals are individual too (just like when we start to eat. of course that may vary wildly even for the same individual. I don’t get hungry at the same time, I have a typical time but there are exceptional days and it’s fine). I need my nutrients (just like others) so on the days when I only can have small meals (quick satiation, not fun but sometimes happens), I eat many of them and when I have bigger meals, I less. If I don’t get enough nutrients, I end up getting hungry later so it’s hard for me not to get enough food, accidentally or not. But no matter if you feel hunger, you need your nutrients.
2 meals (if properly sized, with the proper food nutrient wise) are quite fine, you don’t necessarily need 3. For some of us 1 meal may be more than enough, at least sometimes but that’s far from typical. Do what works for you best. Of course you may not know it yet, you did a drastic change and even with a subtler one, it often takes time to find our sweet spot. But try to listen to your body, don’t eat too little if possible, don’t try to follow other people’s rules if they don’t work for you.
IF is perfectly fine if it comes to you naturally AND you eat enough that way. I am against basically all force unless one needs it for health or something, even then a slight push and some training sounds better than just going against our own body.
Your IF isn’t new so not doing it may be an extra stress like it would be for me (if it feels okay for you) but it depends on the changes of carnivore. If your food intake drops too low on carnivore IF then don’t do it. Not doing IF when there is a drastic woe change is more like for people who didn’t do IF before (2 drastic change may be too tough. probably works for some though) but many people automatically eat much less on keto/carnivore and IF may be a problem there as well. Or it may be great. Or in-between.

(Stephan ) #23

Yeah I can absolutely understand that point regarding meals. Sometimes my hunger is not as high as on other days. Two days ago I only had one big meal because I just wasn’t hungry at all and still had good energy.

It’s definitely a journey for everyone and for everyone different. I just rather ask, especially in the beginning to not “harm” my body since I don’t know what is normal and what might be self inflicted.
Regarding the amount I really might need to calculate how much kcal I eat now per day compared to what my body had before and what is reasonable. I guess I might be at 1,2 or 1,4k per day but well I am mostly I had and my body isn’t really stressed.


Not bad you could have a big meal despite no hunger… I never needed hunger or appetite to eat, even to overeat but it seems most people aren’t like that.
One big meal doesn’t sound bad (even if it’s small in my world. probably). Way better than my tiny ones, one every hour when I have a stupid way too easy satiation… Sometimes happens on carnivore, never otherwise.

And if we have the odd low-cal day, that’s fine too. Regular undereating is a problem, of course.

And asking is great, it may help (or confuse if we say many different things. it happens as we are different). Just because no one can tell us what exactly works in our individual case, it can be quite useful. Or interesting, people still can surprise me with their differences.

Whenever I changed my woe, I tracked at least for a little while as it was new and I had no idea what happens. I consider it quite useful. Tracking all the time is another matter, I do it (with breaks) but I am very curious and even needed every info so I handle the burden. It’s good that so many people never need tracking, it doesn’t feel natural even after several years and I need to weigh my food items zillion times. Even on carnivore. I fear I can’t do simple yet, I just long for it.
But for a short time, it may be enlightening and worth the hassle. If it is a hassle, probably not for everyone.

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #25

A couple of recent studies showed that people were at their healthiest when they got 4-6 g/day of sodium (which translates to 10-15 g/day of sodium chloride, or 2-3 U.S. teaspoons). Two tablespoons is 6 teaspoons. If your stools are unpleasantly loose, then you may be getting too much salt, instead of not enough.

P.S.—If the salt is tasting rough and hugely unpleasant, then back off on the quantity. If you need it, it will taste good, so if it tastes bad, then you don’t need any more.

(Stephan ) #26

Thanks Paul. Okay that’s a good hint. I guess my Sodium supply is reasonable good atm due to the electrolytes I am taking additionally.

(Stephan ) #27

hey there guys!

just wanted to give you a little update after 2 1/2 weeks.
It’s kinda odd at the moment. I felt really great in the first 1 1/2 weeks but than I suddenly had different symptoms again like anxiety and weakness in my legs+fatigue.

I still keep going even if it’s caught me a little of guard.
Can things like that still happen?
I guess so right? Since I was mostly SAD for around 15 years?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #28

The fatigue and weakness might be the result of not getting enough sodium. Elelvated insulin puts the brakes on salt excretion, which returns to the normal higher rate when we go keto. Try putting a bit more salt on your food.

The other possibility is lack of magnesium, but magnesium stays under control better when we get enough salt. So try more salt first, and if that doesn’t help, take a magnesium supplement or soak in some Epsom salts (the magnesium in them can enter the body through your skin).

Fatigue can also be the result of not getting enough protein, but usually people are already eating enough protein when they start a keto diet and don’t need to worry about it.

If you are keeping carbohydrate intake low, making protein your priority, and eating enough fat to satisfy your hunger, you should be fine.

(Stephan ) #29

well I guess I already salt pretty well and additionally take supplements with very high sodium and potassium.

My meat is always a mix, sometimes fattier sometimes leaner and two times a week beef liver, just for the amazing taste and cook everything in lard.

maybe I should try out some magnesium or eptsom salts.
Could it be that I am just not using my body enough. I study from home and sit like…12 hours a day just at my desk :sweat_smile:

these are my supplements