2 months in- kicked out of ketosis?

(Cassandra Higdon) #1

According to the ketone strips- we were kicked out of ketosis. We decided to have a slice of pizza since we were already kicked out (why not - right? Ha!!!)
3 days later (yesterday) my ketone strips finally say I have a trace in my system.
Today - back to nothing. :"(
The day we got kicked out originally… the only thing we ate In common that day was spaghetti squash with a bit of low carb - no sugar marinara sauce that had a clove of garlic in it. Could this have done it??
Also – Idk if anybody remembers me but I’m the one working at a Chinese restaurant lol I am finding it very hard working here because there’s literally NOTHING flavorful to eat thats keto friendly. I walk around all day long burning calories - and barely eat anything. And now I’m kicked out of ketosis. I’m getting discouraged!!!
What can I do to gey back on track?!?!

(Stan Brooks) #2

Go back to “induction” i.e as much fat as you can eat.

Remember it can take some people up to a week.

Keep calm and keto on!

(Sarah ) #3

your body will either burn carbs or burn fat. if you arent eating any carbs (20-30 gms is negligible) you will start burning fat after about 24 hours (your body has some stored carbs that you have to use up). No matter what your urinse strips say, if you are not eating carbs, you have to start burning ketones (aka ketosis). So no matter what your test strips arent saying, just keep eating right and your body will do the rest.

(Richard Hanson) #4

Hi Cassandra,

Test strips don’t tell you if you are in a fat adapted state or not, only if you have ketones in your urine. After your body becomes fat adapted, that is after your body has learned to burn ketone bodies, then the levels of ketones in your urine and even in your blood can drop just as your triglycerides can drop, not because you are not producing ketones, but because you are burning them up for fuel.

I hope this helps and congratulations on 2 months of keto. Awesome!

Keto for Life!

Warmest Regards,

(Cassandra Higdon) #5

Thanks so much you guys!!!

I will def try to eat more fats (I haven’t been adding extra coconut oil here lately so maybe that’ll help??
And ill try to remember that the strips aren’t everything lol.

I’m still losing inches so there’s that too… :slight_smile:


Hi i work n a lab…im n keto 3 for 3wks now…water 64oz…my menu is blt with tons of mayo without bread…eggs…snack cucumbers n ranch or pork rinds. Olives…lunch salad lettuce chicken cheese tomatoes olives or a blt mayo…dinner shrimp with tons of butter or taco salad without shell or chicken breast n green beans…snack cheese stick…i make sure to eat 1200 calories…around 70 to 80 fat eat more fat then protein. N protein around 50…carbs less then 20

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #7

If you’re still losing inches, you’re doing it right. KCKO! :bacon:

(Sheri Knauer) #8

Definitely don’t go by what the urine strips say. They are only useful in the first week or 2 when starting keto. They detect the ketones that are spilled out in the urine. When you are fat adapted, the ketones are no longer spilled into the urine but utilized by the body for energy. Next time you have a hankering for pizza, try making fat head pizza. Its pretty easy to make and very good.

(Bunny) #9

I switch back and forth quite often, I don’t make Ketosis a burden, it is sense of awareness about being empowered with knowledge of what can happen if I choose to constantly burn glucose for energy!

"Carb Ups" -- What's the thinking behind them and what's your experience?
(Cassandra Higdon) #10

I have made fathead pizza- a lot actually lol. In the first couple of weeks it was a staple at my house :wink:
Now I’m all about “alfredo” sauce.
Last night I had steamed broccoli with shredded chicken and my cream sauce (cream cheese, HWC, coconut oil and butter) all over it. Very yum.
If that is somehow not keto I’m going to scream :laughing::laughing:

(Richard Hanson) #11

Mrs. Hanson makes a range of things in the oven “vegetables” which are all just an excuse to use cheese, heavy cream, bacon bits, more cheese, more heavy cream … the vegetable varies, broccoli, baby Brussels spouts, cauliflower, asparagus spears … all “Very yum”.

All Keto but please don’t let that inhibit you from screaming; a victorious, primal, keto scream of pure joy! :sunny:

Keto for Life!

Warmest Regards,

(Lynne Hurley Perry) #12

Urine strips are not a good measure of ketosis in the long-run. As time goes on your body gets better at using ketones for fuel and less will spill out into your urine. You could have still been in ketosis. Better measurements are blood and breath but are pricier to measure. Try to notice how your body feels while in ketosis-the clarity of mind, the high energy levels, the even mood. etc.

(Anahise Rodriguez) #13

Hello guys,
I’ve been on keto for a month now. And have not cheated, actually lost 12 pounds. But the keto strips are not indicating that I am in Ketosis.My macro intake has been set at 5% carbs, 20% proteins & 75% fat. I update my weight every time in the app. Should I be concerned? Or better yet unmotivated?

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #14

Don’t be concerned; the urine strips stop showing ketones after a while, for a lot of people. It’s generally expected. The reason appears to be that the kidneys get better at recovering ketones and putting them back into the bloodstream. If you are keeping your carbohydrate intake under 20 g/day and still breathing in and out, you are pretty much guaranteed to be making ketones.

(Dror Kis) #15

I in the same condition after 2 month , i measure blod glucose and ketones 1-2 a day i eat once a day and that meams that i fast 20 hours every day the first 7 weeks i ussually had glucuse around 70 and keton 1.5 with peaks of 3.5 and even 7.7 after a 5 hour bicycle ride , the last week i am 07.–0.8 and today 0.4 idont eat more then 20-30 grams of carbs per day , what shoul i do ? I l
in 8 weeks i lost 25 pounds

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #16

You are at the point where your muscles are now using fatty acids in preference to ketone bodies, so your liver is scaling back production. As long as your carbohydrate is under 20 g/day and you are walking around and breathing in and out, your liver is producing ketone bodies. You are fine.

P.S.—Fat loss slows for everyone as their body composition normalises. Everyone finds that the last ten pounds of fat take longer to lose than the first one hundred.