1st month in, a little frustrated

(icky) #22

I’ve reported this as spam because you’re “advertising” this product in several threads but have only been a member of the forum 1 hour.


What about the Keto ketchup, it’s True Made, made with all vegetables, and it’s really good, better than regular ketchup. What can I put on my burger:roll_eyes:


do not see label, but the write up is nice


The ingredients list only vegetables and cane sugar and distilled vinegar. 2g of sugar, 3g of carbs, 10 calories. I know it’s like “empty carbs” because no fat, but it spices up my burger! And it’s only like once a week.


Also, if I really work to up my calories and fat, is it still okay to only eat twice a day? I work afternoon’s and evenings and I don’t really get a break, it’s near 10:00pm when I get home and I don’t like to eat that late.
Or should I try to sneak in a high fat snack?

(LeeAnn Brooks) #27

Cane sugar would be a no go for me. I opt for sugar free katsup. Or better yet, go for an avacado oil mayo. You get way more calories and fat.

Or, as I did the other day when I was at a restaurant and had no idea what they used in their sauces, opt for your burger medium or under, add cheese, avacado, bacon and other Keto friendly toppings like pickles and a single slice of tomato and onion. Tasted delicious even without mayo and katsup.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #28

Another trick is to mix in an egg to your raw burger. Also pick the highest fat content ground beef you can. This will make it super juicy and higher in fat and calories.
You can also mix in some seasonings before cooking.

(Ashley) #29

Eating twice is fine. Let me tell you this. I went from 1500 calories to around 2500 calories for a whole week! And lost 7lbs, why? Because high fat, it works. You may gain weight for a bit but then boom you’ll lose a lot more than you gain! Trust the process. Eating as low as you are your losing muscle not fat. Your body is eating your muscles!! It’s really detrimental to your health! You should be a decent chunk over 1200, probably 1400-1600 range!

(Chris Robertson) #30

Some people can’t lose weight through keto alone. Some people have to fast. Intermittent fasting is enough for some people while others only lose weight during extended fasts. If you have done a lot of calorie restricting dieting in the past then losing weight with keto alone becomes more difficult. Whatever you do, don’t restrict your calories. You need to eat a healthy amount for your size or fast. Caloric restriction on keto still slows your metabolism. Fasting actually speeds it up.

(icky) #31

Is that true? That fasting speeds up your metabolism?

(Michelle) #32

Fasting can help your metabolism only if you’re fat adapted. If you start long fasts before fat adaptation you can hurt your metabolism by making your body go into famine mode.

(icky) #33

I’m a big fan of fasting and have done EF for a long time.

But as far as I’m aware, fasting always slows your metabolism, whether fat-adapted or not.

It can help with weightloss, but it always slows your metabolism at least a bit, as far as I know.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #34

I have not heard this. In fact, many people come to Keto by way of fasting, and dr. Jason Fung was extolling the virtues of fasting before he ever picked up on Keto. That is to my knowledge at least.

(LeeAnn Brooks) #35

It’s certainly easier to do once fat adapted, but I believe everyone reaps the same benefits to EF whether fat adapted or not.


This is a link where Jason Fung explains the fasting metabolic process

(LeeAnn Brooks) #37

I don’t see a link.


Oops! Sorry



New here, sorry

(LeeAnn Brooks) #40

From the article.

“Lowering insulin will allow fat burning (lipolysis). This provides our body with lots of energy. If we have lots of energy coming in, the body has no reason to shut down its basal metabolism. The quickest, most efficient way to lower insulin? Fasting. Ketogenic diets will work, too. But remember that insulin has many inputs and is not simply carbohydrates.”

Reading this, it appears that Fung places fasting over even Keto in burning fat. So as I was saying, fat adaption (a process of Keto) is not necessary to doing EF and reaping the benefits of it. It’s just simply an easier way to approach it as hunger is lessened.

(icky) #41

I agree that fasting can be a component in healing metabolism overall.

But I think it still does lower/ suppress metabolism, rather than increase it (at least short-term).

Over the long-term, if it is part of a diet that does not calorie restrict, then I agree it can help heal metabolism in the long run.