12 Days of Christmas

(Misty Torrey) #1

I am a teacher in a small elementary school. I started keto Jan 5, 2018. Shortly thereafter the school librarian joined me. Now there are at least 9 of us out of the maybe 30 or so staff doing keto.

Each year the 12 days before Christmas break groups of 3-4 teachers host lunch/goodies in a pot luck style. Each groups signs up for a day and brings a pile of food. 12 days of it! We have everything from cookies and cakes to breakfast for lunch (fresh waffles, sausage and coffee cake) to pulled pork, chili and mac and cheese. There might be a token green salad.

Some of my keto partners have already announced that they plan to cheat. I am thinking that maybe, if I can plan and cook ahead, and if I can afford it bringing in a keto option everyday. At the very least I would like to do a few days. I want to show how easy it is to stay keto, to cook keto and to be keto.

Do you have any freezeable, make ahead, inexpensive recipes that can feed a crowd? Needs to be able to be served cold or can stay in a crockpot all day. I will do a cookie, and maybe a pulled pork, veggies, cheese and pepperoni should be easy, maybe keto chili, broccoli cheese soup? Any ideas welcome!


(Ellen) #2

Maybe a stew or soup?

(Adriana) #3

Egg muffins, meatballs, brownies, quiche, bacon and brussel sprouts casserole, tuna egg salad (not freezable but can be make ahead and fast), berries and cream, tuna patties, cauliflower mac & cheese, sttufed pork loin, meatloaf, fathead pizza bites, cauliflower mash, roasted chickenā€¦

(Sophie) #4

You could always make a [spoiler]big ass[/spoiler] Turkey! :smile::+1: Charcuterie is always nice too and you could make some Country Cole Slaw to go with your pulled porkā€¦

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #5

There are also several good keto cheesecake recipes on the Food forum. Make it a few days ahead and keep in the fridge; itā€™ll be fine.

Other dishes: sausage & peppers, pork picnic (shoulder jointā€”delicious and self-basting), glazed carrots made with stevia instead of brown sugar; frittata with bacon, onion, and Bell peppers (heavy on the bacon, of course!), fully-loaded cauliflower, etc.

(Wendy) #6

Deviled eggs. One of my favorite keto treats!

(Laurie) #7

If you use konjac (shirataki) noodles or ā€œmiracle rice,ā€ you can make a noodle dish, rice dish (cabbage rolls?), or rice pudding.

Apparently these noodles donā€™t freeze well, so it might not meet your requirementsā€“unless you can make it the day before and refrigerate.

(Misty Torrey) #8

Excellent ideas! I am going to sort through and make a list, then see what it will cost me.

I took pumpkin cream cheese muffins in yesterday just because and they were a hit. I think keto goodies will be well received. Plus, two new converts!! Soon half my little school will be keto!

I appreciate all the wonderful ideas. Thanks!