10% loss + stall (female)

(I like to post memes!) #6

That’s the way to do it!!!


I also believe at certain points your body stalls a bit so your loose skin can adjust to your new frame. I know that’s what my journey has been like. It’s amazing what your body can do all on it’s own.


Bravo, @Ketoberry. Excellent advice and great show-and-tell! :clap:


You have done a terrific job on your weight loss. Give you body time to “re organize”. KCKO


Yes. I lost apx 40lb over the summer then stalled. I did a 4 day fast, lost 6lb, gained 10 within a week… 3 weeks later, still frozen. Hormones are everything. Hang in there.

(betsy.rome) #11

I seem to stall more than I lose. Doesn’t matter, in for the long haul. Sooner would be better though! Now 15 lbs to goal, so prob natural for it to slow down.

(Siobhan) #12

Yeah agree, 4 months is where I stabilized too. Now drop around 5 pounds per month. I wouldn’t stress about it, focus on how you feel, your blood sugar (if you are tracking it), etc
If you are fat adapted, you could try fasting, but at this point 4 weeks may be a little early (your body may just be readjusting itself in many ways, hormones, etc).
There is a lot going on underneath the hood, especially with women because our hormones are rebalanced, and all that good stuff.

EDIT: Another thing is it may be water retention. Fat cells temporarily fill with water when they’re emptied. Is your fat more squishy, dimply, and jello like in some areas? You could just be retaining water. You’ll be the same weight, and the fat cells will be full so your clothes will fit the same but the fat will feel different compared to normal.

(mary6aros) #13

Is the hair loss related to hormone levels? I’ve been wondering about that too. My hair is soo thin right now, and this is a hard thing to see, lol

(Arlene) #14

Hormones are highly suspect.


it’s common to lose a lot of hair when losing a significant amount of weight quickly


that’s putting it lightly :laughing:

(Michele Wilson) #17

The Exact same thing has happened with me! 4 months in, 10℅ body weight lost, 4 week stall.

I don’t have advice… But maybe it’s good to know you’re not alone?


Very good to know :smile: it’s been almost 4 weeks since I originally posted this and my stall is still in full force. That’s almost two months! I’ve been having some hormonal fluctuations the last two weeks which has me on a roller coaster. The only thing I have to say is being a woman and hormones are awesome :expressionless:

(mindhunter88) #19

You are not alone!!! I hope it helps to know I’m in a 3 month stall myself. Mind you, I’ve been keto for 4 months. Lost 11 lbs the first month, then nothing else. 49 years old, postmenopausal with HRT supplementation, no other medications. Fasting glucose is always under 80. I have 20-30 lbs I want to lose! I feel better and not giving up, but some days it’s frustrating. I weigh only once a week.

(John) #20

45 pounds in 4 months here, nothing in the 6 weeks since. I am down to 20% bf so not sure how much further I will go, but it was a sudden and a bit too long for my liking stall. I have no intention of stopping keto no matter the weight loss so it will eventually happen if it’s going to.

New Here, Doing something wrong?

UPDATE! my stall finally broke with a 3.4 lb. loss this week! didn’t change my routine at all, I just let it play out. This was a NINE WEEK stall :flushed: Feeling better than ever. I lost serious inches from the last time I checked, one month ago. .75" from my neck, 2" from my waist, and 2" from my hips. I’ve realized more than ever that hormones are everything, I blame them solely for this stall. My body just didn’t want to let go. I’ve been having a terrible time with lady things, shark week, estrogen, and the whole bit. I think the fat release has been reeking havoc.

KCKO! :muscle:

(Arlene) #22

Wow, nine weeks had to feel like forever. Yes, perhaps that’s a bit over-dramatic, but I’m impatient by nature. 2" off both your waist and hips is much more substantial than the 3.4 pounds, in my book. It usually takes quite a few pounds for me to see a 2" drop off my waist. Congratulations.


agreed. that’s why we can’t focus on the scale. 2" is massive.

(David) #24

I gained a notch on my belt a couple of weeks ago, but have gained weight for 3 Weeks. This week I feel like I have almost gained another hole.

I agree not to get too hung up about the scales.

(Omar Newsome) #25

I would keep an eye on the hair loss. That can also be contributed to under eating along with cold extremities and mood swings.

Great job staying the course, I’m glad it paid off for you!!!