Worried about electrolyte and kidney on keto

(Bacon is a many-splendoured thing) #21

Yes, Dr. Phinney recommends a brand called Slo-Mag. But a magnesium atom comes for free with each molecule of chlorophyll we eat, which makes my inner Scotsman very happy—to say nothing of what leaches into the bone broth as it cooks. I tend to believe that supplementing should be unnecessary in most circumstances, else we should change our diet. Our ancestors couldn’t just pop down to the local GNC for magnesium tablets when the supply of mammoth bones ran out, after all. :grin:


I am therefore not supplementing anything now, otherwise I will need to go very technical with diet have to take very comprehensive test for everything.
I am 100% sure my kidneys are perfect because I have been told by nephrologist. I went to him because I had edema in legs and I am bit hypochondriac I thought I had kidney failure. The reason was being overweight and now it is gone.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #23

@JohnH Thanks, I did think you were talking to me! And I agree.

@PaulL I don’t particularly care where one gets nutrients as long as one gets what’s needed in sufficient quantity and ratios (where that’s significant) without having to ingest unnecessary and/or toxic stuff doing so. I also get lots of free magnesium every day, but apparently not enough. :frowning_face:

I do prefer minimal processing (cutting/chopping/mixing) to more severe processing (canning/cooking/boiling). Nonetheless I am not fanatic about it. I eat canned herring and/or canned Vienna sausage pretty much daily and consume a liter of ‘keto coffee’ every day, although my usual is cold brew. I AM fanatic that coffee should NEVER be exposed to boiling water! :scream: