Why isn't loss weight constant?

(mole person) #21

Would you consider tracking your macros and calories for a few days? I know it’s a bother but you wouldn’t have to do it for long to get an idea of your true intake. You may be eating more calories than you think and it wouldn’t worry people here so much if it was a few hundred calories higher than you’ve estimated.

Also, it’s just a good idea to have this sort of information.

(mole person) #22

I tried desalting some salted herring once and it was still inedibly salty to me. Maybe I didn’t do it right. None of the fish sellers could give me information on how to do it. They sell it for immigrants who already know what to do and take no interest in learning about the product they are selling. Can you tell that it annoys me? I really like trying new things but couldn’t make the salted fish work :frowning:.


Nope. The Minnesota Starvation experiments showed that calorie restriction in the context of multiple carb-based meals/day with inadequate nutrients is terrible for metabolism.


He bases this largely on Blue Zone research, all of which I believe has been seriously called into question in just this last month. It turns out that all those 100 year old folks were… not actually 100 :slight_smile:

Agree with @Ilana_Rose that Longo’s fasting research is really useful. His eating recommendations, however…

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #25

@Madeleine do you have a reference for what happened this month about Blue Zones? Thank you.

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #26

About herring, I do not know. About cod:

  1. You take out the salt around the fish with water (a few seconds suffices)
  2. You take a big recipient, and you put cold water in it.
  3. You put the cod pieces, with the skin upwards
  4. You put it into the fridge for about 48 hours
  5. You change water 2 or 3 times, during these 48 hours

If it is 48 hours, and if it is changing water 2 or 3 times, it is just by experience. My mom used not to change water at all. You may try two or three times, and you will find your exact timings.

I hope it helps!

(mole person) #27

That helps tremendously. I did everything wrong. Lol.

(Edith) #28

I’m sure you know 100g is nothing in the whole scheme of things. Really, even a half kilo to a whole kilo up or down is nothing. Maybe you took less salt one day so you excreted more water. That will make you lighter. Maybe you poop every morning, but, unless you are weighing it, you can’t know you are pooping the same amount every day. Also, if you are eating a food to which you have an unknown intolerance, that can give you some inflammation and retain water. Working out can make your muscles hold water while they repair. What matters is the trend over time, not the day to day fluctuations.


Sorry- I can’t find it right now, but it was something about record-keeping in many of the blue zones (not great, so we don’t actually have birth years for many folks) and anecdotes about - for instance - one woman using her mother’s identity to collect govt benefits. I saw it on a Sunday post on Mark’s Daily Apple and I think my husband heard something on NPR.

In any case, I think a lot of the benefit to lifestyle in those areas has so much to do with everything else they do (time outside, community, lower food intake in general, sun exposure…). Kind of like the most convincing findings about the Mediterranean diet being based on people who fasted over half the year, ate no processed foods, had incredibly strong community ties, ate wild greens and snails … but somehow that turned into “pasta and vegetables are good for your health.”

(Doing a Mediterranean Keto) #30




The observation of individuals attaining remarkable ages, and their concentration into geographic sub-regions or ‘blue zones’, has generated considerable scientific interest. Proposed drivers of remarkable longevity include high vegetable intake, strong social connections, and genetic markers. Here, we reveal new predictors of remarkable longevity and ‘supercentenarian’ status. In the United States, supercentenarian status is predicted by the absence of vital registration. The state-specific introduction of birth certificates is associated with a 69-82% fall in the number of supercentenarian records. In Italy, which has more uniform vital registration, remarkable longevity is instead predicted by low per capita incomes and a short life expectancy. Finally, the designated ‘blue zones’ of Sardinia, Okinawa, and Ikaria corresponded to regions with low incomes, low literacy, high crime rate and short life expectancy relative to their national average. As such, relative poverty and short lifespan constitute unexpected predictors of centenarian and supercentenarian status, and support a primary role of fraud and error in generating remarkable human age records.

Ha! yes, that’s the one. The “short life expectancy relative to the national average” should actually be rather alarming.
Does anyone know if Longo has commented on this? because I believe that all of his recommendations on foods and macros are based on the blue zones. (I don’t follow his written work but I’ve definitely heard him mention blue zones a bunch in interviews)

(Trish) #32

Yes it can re sweat. My hubby trains muay thai and ju jitsu and when he does a serious 2.5 hour workout he weighs up to 7 pounds less post workout than pre. A few hours later he’s gained most of it back with rehydration.

(KCKO, KCFO) #33

Short answer is: CICO is a myth. Read Dr. Jason Fung’s books for view his videos on youtube, he discusses all this in great details.


Just a friendly suggestion @Arbre - it might be worth putting something like ‘Doing a Protein Sparing Modified Fast’ in the name (as opposed to username) field in your preferences so you don’t need to keep explaining why you’re restricting calories.

(Jane) #35

What is your doctor’s success rate with his dietary program - both short term and long term?

I am interested to follow your progress because you are basically eating the same as bariatric weight loss patients in the early months and the weight tends to fall off w/o a slowdown in metabolism.

The challenge is transitioning to a permanent way of eating that doesn’t result in gaining the weight back - which many who have had the surgery do. Maybe not all of it but > 40 lbs in many cases.

(mole person) #36

Great tip. I had no idea how people did this!!!

(Jane) #37

The simple answer as to why weight loss isn’t constant with identical food intake and exercise is your metabolism is NOT constant and you have no way to measure it and little control over it.

(mole person) #38

As far as I can tell all of his recommendations for a highly plant based diet are made on the basis of the weakest of evidence.

Something else that has bothered me about Longo is that I’ve never seen him show biomarker results in the weeks after his FMD diet. We always get results for right after the fasts. This tells us nothing about whether there is any true benefit from this protocol.