Why I’m Quitting Keto - A Post For Myself


It’s been a while since I’ve been to Torah study, but I seem to directly recall that G-d commanded humans to grow their own food after getting kicked out of Eden, that we’ve been modifying everything since then because we had to evolve to survive. And He definitely put dietary restrictions on His people (no pork or shellfish, no meat with dairy, etc), even tho those things are natrual. And, far from infallible, G-d regretted his creations enough to wipe 99.9% of them out once, then Sodom happened, and He came close to wiping out people multiple times in the scriptures you’re taking literally. So, like, what’s your point? Even by your own logic you’re not making sense.

(Running from stupidity) #63

As someone said to me yesterday, the Scarlett troll (mostly) goes away, the Newtok troll appears. Amazing coincidence of timing.

I wish the Discourse devs would remove their heads from their arses and let us mute posters.

(squirrel-kissing paper tamer) #64

@juice (because you’re famous) how do you mute a thread? (Sorry to the OP. I just can’t with this silliness)

(Running from stupidity) #65


At the bottom of the thread, there’s a button that’s either “watching/tracking/normal/muted.” Select “muted” and it’s hidden.

(Jennibc) #66

Yes, and Penny Marshall just died from complications for diabetes. She probably would have had another good 10 years left had she skipped starches, sugars, and grains in middle age.

(Sg) #67

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(Cindy) #68

I know I shouldn’t indulge…I think you’re intentionally trolling, but I can’t resist. If you’re so focused on eating what God created, then you should eat it AS God created it. Go out and harvest your own honey. See how much of it you eat then. LOL God also created poisonous mushrooms, hemlock, etc…so if it’s ok to say “Well, no, I don’t eat THAT particular mushroom because it’ll kill me” then how does the logic not follow to say the same thing for other foods?

(MavisArthur) #69

Penny Marshall had also had cancer for several years. She probably took the dietary guidance that she was given.


You know nothing about the etiology of diabetes.

(Gabe “No Dogma, Only Science Please!” ) #71

Keto isn’t for everyone! Personally I think low carb probably IS for everyone (no sugar, no starch), but by all accounts there is certainly a carbohydrate tolerant segment of the population who may do fine eating loads of bread and chocolate. Many LCHF experts have said as much, and Peter Attia has pointedly said that some of his patients simply don’t respond well to ketogenic diets. He’s particularly concerned about LDL-P hyperresponders.

(Sg) #72

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(Running from stupidity) #73

Five words too many.


Damn it :sweat_smile:

(Sg) #75

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(Edith) #76

Actually, dear, all I said was the fruit and grains of today were genetically modified by humans. I made no mention on whether or not people should or shouldn’t eat them. That is for each individual to decide based upon their own individual biology and health.

(Natasha) #77


(Cindy) #78

LOL, I had to go back and count…

(Sg) #80

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(Running from stupidity) #81

Yeah, troll confirmed. Nobody arrives in a new forum and is doing this sort of crap after a week.

