What do you miss?

(Diane) #21

Which size cupcake or muffin molds are you using? Regular? Jumbo? Inquiring minds want to know.


(Diane) #22

A really good tamale is a thing of beauty!



fluffernutter sandwiches (w/ huge glass of milk afterwards)

Reese’s peanut butter cups

I don’t do well with replacements, so I stay away from the keto-ified foods.

I’m learning to change my thinking from “I can’t have X” to “I don’t have X.”

I’m further working on my mindset as follows: I am trying to treat those old bad foods as inanimate, inedible objects. For example, I look at a pencil and don’t debate whether I should eat the pencil. It’s just not an option for me to engage in any dialogue around when it’d be OK to eat the pencil…or just the eraser…or just on Fridays…or if I’ve been really good.

Everyone I know who has successfully made a major food/life shift this way has been fairly rigid in their thinking like this. (I hang out with crossfit/paleo folks.) Those, like me, who try and keep their options open and don’t blacklist foods don’t do so well, in my experience. :man_shrugging: I’m still trying though. KCKO.

(Diane) #24

Carrie Brown’s Ice Cream recipes and instructions are really wonderful. You just need to use the exact brands of ingredients she uses (guar gum especially) to get consistent results. And you must use xylitol for her recipes, so you have to be very careful if you’ve got dogs.

(Diane) #25

Carrie Brown has a Keto beverages cookbook with lots of options (maybe 50?). I haven’t tried any of the recipes for beverages yet, but I’ve had very good success with every recipe of hers I have tried. She’s one of the few recipes developers that I really trust.

(Diane) #26

I miss a really good, chewy bagel; In ‘n Out Burger’s animal fries; crusty, whole wheat bread fresh from the oven; fish ‘n chips; a fresh eclair from Carol’s Cakes here in SLC. Maybe a fresh, homemade cinnamon roll.

I don’t think I’ve had any of these since before Christmas last year. Not super tempted by any of them, but neither have I found any satisfactory keto substitutions either. I’ll probably keep trying though.


Cake with thick frosting, such as carrot cake or grocery store sheet cake. Even if I could make a keto imitation, I wouldn’t because I’d just end up overeating it. I’d rather be thin than eat cake I guess. I tell myself when I’m 80, I’ll go off keto and eat all the cake I want.


Thanks Diane, I will definitely check that out. :slight_smile: … I do enjoy water itself, but sometimes you just need something else to break up the monotony. I actually had a hot tea today and even adding a half tsp. of Truvia just to try it. (Since I have it, but haven’t used it yet) I haven’t added any sweeteners to anything since going Keto, and don’t miss it. But just though it might be nice for a hot cup of Tea. Actually wasn’t bad, was indeed different. :slight_smile:

Thanks again.

(Diane) #29

I bought the electronic version of all her cook books (it was a bundle deal on her website). Loaded them onto my kindle and the formatting is terrible. I think I’ll be buying physical copies of her books in the future. Still, they are some of my most precious Keto possessions.

Here is a copy of the index page at the front of the book, it gives you an idea of the types of recipes included.


Cool, thanks. … I was just checking out one webpage, when I looked her up after reading the post. I don’t drink, meaning alcoholic drinks, but will be most interested in anything that’s Keto Friendly and tasty. :slight_smile:

(Dana) #31

I wish you could have heard the sound I made reading this


I have that book too, the only issue I have is the guar gum. I eat eggs (which maybe she doesn’t?), and I’ve found I don’t like the effect of the guar gum, as even if I get it mixed in thoroughly, I feel like there’s almost a gummy feel that builds in my mouth as I eat the finished ice cream. And if I don’t get it mixed in thoroughly, even the tiniest clumps are like bits of chewing gum in your ice cream. Do you get this, or is it just me? I’m still using the book a lot, just adapting the recipes with the help of my Ben and Jerry’s recipe book. I made the Sassy Goat ice cream recently and it was very good (except for the guar gum thing), planning to make it again with egg instead.

I’m using knowledge of her techniques a lot though, which is super helpful. With the Ben and Jerry’s book, I find in a lot of the recipes I can just swap out the sugar with xylitol and it’s all good.

(Laurie) #33


I don’t miss anything now, except maybe bready stuff. I used to make a lot of fake cheesecake, ice cream, “breading” for meats, etc., but I don’t any more. Of course it’s less work this way, but I have fewer cravings too because I spend less time messing around with recipes and food.


Good craft beer. :beer:

(Diane) #35

No, I haven’t had that issue so far. I read a lot of reviews before I made my first batch and people using the Bob’s Red Mill brand of guar gum seemed to have better results. I couldn’t find this locally and had to order it off Amazon.

Carrie Brown indicates that a lot of people struggle with custards so she tried to make the ice cream custards easier by developing egg free ice cream bases. But I grew up with my mom making REAL ice cream custards and haven’t ever had a problem before. Do you swap out the sugar for xylitol 1:1 for the Ben & Jerry’s recipes? I may need to buy the book to try this out!

I am working my way up to Carrie’s Rocky Road recipe. It’s one of my favorite flavors. I think her sugar free ‘mix ins’ for the ice creams might be worth the price of the book.

(Mike W.) #36

Check out Rebel Creamery. They make low carb high fat ice cream.

(Running from stupidity) #37

I remember them from when I lived in Canada…

So awesome. Then, for a few months, we could get fluff down here, then no more.

(Chris) #38

I miss indigestion, heartburn, hyperglycemia, and rock-hard shits the most.

(Doug) #39

I miss the feeling that I could eat anything without consequences; that I was immortal.

(Running from stupidity) #40

Seed bread, today. 28 hours into a fast and walking through a supermarket, that’s probably why :slight_smile: