What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #304

That’s a good word.

(Running from stupidity) #305

Couldn’t agree more, indeed.



From last week in Alaska on the west coast. I travel to Alaska for several weeks every year for work and love it. 20 minute walk because it was so freaking cold but it is so beautiful. Panoramic view from top of peak.

I really enjoy this thread. Thanks for all your photos! Thanks, Juice for starting it!

(Candy Lind) #307

Not sure whether to :rofl: or :face_vomiting: !

(Running from stupidity) #308

At least you weren’t THERE!

(Joanna Parszyk ) #309

Went for a walk and a small food shopping.
There is a chance for us all after all…

(Running from stupidity) #310

“This box of eggs a day is OK!”


(The amazing autoimmune 🦄) #311


Communication is key.

(Karen) #313

Memen ridge behind the school

(Karen) #314

Have fresh eggs from my friends chickens, yay!


(Karen) #316

Nice Swaro cactus. Lovely sunset! Windy as all get out here


No walking, lawn to be mowed . . . the dog’s tennis balls are hiding (only from me).

(Troy) #318

I was just getting in to my vehicle
After a walk

(Allie) #319

I found this in my kitchen.

It’s not mine.

(Jane) #320

You are an animal magnet!!! :grinning:


He may have adopted you!

(Jane) #322

How did he get in? Do you have a pet door?

I had one in Houston for my cats but no way can I have one here in rural Arkansas!

(Allie) #323

He must have sneaked in when I got home from work as I found him happily snuggled after I’d been upstairs for a while. Little man lives with one of my neighbours.