What did you take a photo of on your walk today? PART 2!

(KCKO, KCFO) #606

Was that barn used for curing tobacco? Looks like the ones in KY used for that purpose.

(Jane) #607

Vacation photos:

Mt Ranier National Park

Grove of the Patriarchs - ancient trees

Grand Tetons

Wind River range in Wyoming

Yellowstone park

(KCKO, KCFO) #608

Wow, beautiful, nice trip.

(Jane) #609

Thanks! I planned it last year before COVID was a known factor and it worked out well since was mostly outdoors and also domestic and not a cruise!

(Susan) #610

Those pictures are gorgeous, I am glad that you had such a lovely holiday!!

(Doug) #611

Primarily just for hay, Collaroygal, with animals downstairs. Tobacco (as far as I know) isn’t grown in those parts - northeastern Ohio.

(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #612

In the clouds on Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver.


It’s this time of the year… I like autumn, my favorite season and one reason for it these colors.
The sloths are called Spee and Dee and it’s their “Speedy adventures”. These guys (or girls) will go to places! When we go to somewhere especially if a hilltop is involved (it’s the normal case, we love hilltops with a nice view), they come too and photos happen. It’s not easy to put both the view and them into focus, we learn things at this point, even my SO who is the bigger hobby photographer or he was in the past. We will figure this out but this pic has no such problems, the colors are important, blurriness is perfectly fine, even better!
(Not like I am particularly happy with my little photos, I feel rusty again. And I am always more comfortable with closeups.)

I plan to make shots in my garden too but it didn’t happen yet. I have roses and other flowers though… Maybe tomorrow!


(Michael - When reality fails to meet expectations, the problem is not reality.) #615

Still in the clouds on Grouse Mountain, North Vancouver.

Into the void:

From the upper gondola station, deep in the void:

From the portico between the gondola station and chalet the view of the summer patio and winter skating rink:

The Grandmother Tree:

The Feasthouse:

The lower bear pond:

The upper bear pond:

(Bacon for the Win) #616

this was actually a few days ago but was unable to post the pictures. and…sideways. Whyyyyy?

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(Allie) #617


This was a walk within my house as he’s not yet able to walk outside…

(Butter Withaspoon) #618

I love fungi, how beautiful and lush!

I borrowed a dog then messed around with the photos afterwards. Dogs are such good walk and run company. And that is a very cute puppy!
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(Doug) #619

The cat chair - so placed to allow the cat to watch the world outside.

Late season - California Poppies don’t want to quit.

Dianthus or ‘Sweet William,’

(UsedToBeT2D) #620

Nice. Can I come for a walk?

(Robin) #621

Where is this? Gorgeous place, gorgeous dogs, lucky person!


Scotland a bit South of Aberdeen :slight_smile:

(Jane) #623

Any time!

(UsedToBeT2D) #624

Dang. I am stuck in Oklahoma.

(Robin) #625

I should have trusted my instincts and guessed that. Been once. And once is not enough.