What did you take a photo of on your walk today? PART 2!

(Susan) #343

That is beautiful scenery=).

(Susan) #344

Yes indeed, Allie. He is a lovely dog, and he looks very happy always. He is well loved and very photogenic too!

(Randy) #345

CHUNK! ! ! ! !:star_struck::heart::star_struck:

(Allie) #346

This little lady is Elsa and we met today when I saved her from drowning while I was at the biggest local lake on a swan visit. Her owner wasn’t watching her as they were buying donuts from the van and she fell into a part of the lake with a vertical bank and couldn’t get out. I managed to grab her just as she sank into the water and hauled her out. Her owner came running as I stood soaking wet on the bank shouting to find out whose dog she was… offered me her donuts for saving pups life, obviously I declined and went back to finish with the swans before driving home for a hot bath and change of clothes as I was soaked through and freezing cold.

(Susan) #347

Wow, that is wonderful that you were at the right place at the right time, Allie and that you were able to save little Elsa’s life! Thank goodness you were there. Aren’t they meant to have dogs on a lead there for safety and so things like that don’t happen? It is the law here. I am sure that they must have been very happy that you rescued her though.

(Allie) #348

Sadly no laws to make dogs be on leads in this area, but I wish there were. Poor little Elsa would have had no chance as no one else had noticed her at all, I’m so glad I was there when she needed help. It would be lovely if I saw her again and she remembered me, that would be the best thank you imaginable :heart:

(Susan) #349

That would be great. Maybe you will if they live in your area. I hope that they will be keeping better track of her from now on as well!

(Randy) #350

My hero!!! :heart:

(Ellen) #351

CHUNK! :heart:

(Ellen) #352

Christ, so glad you were there to save her Allie, you’re inspirational.

(Randy) #353

Great minds think alike. :laughing:

(Doug) #354


(Jane) #355

Moon through the fog this morning back home. Wish I were there.

(Doug) #356

Sunlight, having traveled to our planet in a little over 8 minutes, falls upon the Arizona desert.

(Randy) #357

I live in Western, NY. What is this “sun” you speak of? Sounds interesting. :smile:

(Doug) #358

Randy, having worked a lot in NY the past few years, I hear you… :neutral_face:

(Troy) #359

Beautiful SoCal Day

(Allie) #360

Very nice Troy


A walk around Lake Bled :slight_smile:

(Allie) #362

We have just been running around a frozen flooded field. When I say we, I mean he… :joy: