What did you take a photo of on your walk today? (feat. CHUNK)

(Hyperbole- best thing in the universe!) #79

The forced asymmetry of a non-square living place is strangely appealing. My 10 yr old self would have vehemently disagreed.

(Ashley) #80

I want one so badly! One day maybe! Its beautiful! I’d love to one day live in a yurt full term or a tiny house!!!

(Ashley) #81

So she is your cat then! :slight_smile: she chose you!

(Allie) #82

She lives with one of my neighbours who has five cats, and four of them want to live with me :joy: they’re friends with my Phoneix and sometimes he will sit by the window asking me to open it just so his friends can get in :joy:

(Ashley) #83

Awww he’s like come on Mom, my friends are here!!

(less is more, more or less) #84

From today’s half-marathon. I have difficulty leveling the camera when I’m pushing my effort level.

(less is more, more or less) #85

I loved NYC in the snow, it is so transformative and blankets all the grim and dirt.

(Jane) #86

They know a tender-hearted animal lover when they see one!!!

(Empress of the Unexpected) #87

Late November. Wow - the sunflowers apparently didn’t get the memo.

(Allie) #88

(Empress of the Unexpected) #89

This is magentaspreen, or tree spinach. The photo does not do justice to the magenta centers.

(Running from stupidity) #90

Maybe you should push for a little MORE effort then, and use that for the camera? Hmmm?


This IS my cat, she’s 16, normally stays home now and waits on the kerb for us . . . but sometimes she comes with.

(Allie) #92

(Allie) #93

(Cjl Lansing) #94

(Jane) #95

I name the large rocks on my property. This one is Sperm Whale Rock

This one is Brain Rock

(Allie) #96

Just now :heart:

(Candy Lind) #97

I used to have a cat that followed us on walks - but it was like, at the same time, he’d try not to be seen with us. He’d stay a house ahead or fall behind and then run to catch up again! I hadn’t thought about him in a while. :heart_eyes:

(Candy Lind) #98

Is it edible?